- These tests should be run with someone who has access to the error reports database. Please
contact Keith Butler when you are going to run these tests.
- These tests should be run with someone who has access to the error reports database. Please contact Keith Butler when you are going to run these tests.
**Time required 10 - 20 minutes**
@@ -107,12 +106,97 @@ Project Recovery test
- Before running these tests, set project recovery to run every 2 seconds. The instructions for this
are on the `Project Recovery concepts page <http://docs.mantidproject.org/nightly/concepts/ProjectRecovery.html>`_.
- Get the ISIS sample dataset from the `Downloads page <http://download.mantidproject.org/>`_.
**Time required XX - YY minutes**
1. Open MantidPlot
1. Simple tests and Muon-esque workflow
- Open MantidPlot - make sure no other instances of MantidPlot are running
- Right-click in the Results Log and set `Log level` to `Debug`
- The Results Log should be printing `Nothing to save`
- Run the following command to create a simple workspace: