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Commit 7f19cbd2 authored by Owen Arnold's avatar Owen Arnold
Browse files

refs #11393. Remove unrelated file.

parent 5d3cd14d
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#pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-init
from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.api import *
from mantid.simpleapi import *
import numpy as np
import __builtin__
class Projection(object):
u = "u"
v = "v"
w = "w"
class ProjectionUnit(object):
r = "r"
a = "a"
class CutMD(DataProcessorAlgorithm):
def category(self):
return 'MDAlgorithms'
def summary(self):
return 'Slices multidimensional workspaces using input projection information and binning limits.'
def PyInit(self):
self.declareProperty(IMDEventWorkspaceProperty('InputWorkspace', '', direction=Direction.Input),
doc='MDWorkspace to slice')
self.declareProperty(ITableWorkspaceProperty('Projection', '', direction=Direction.Input, optional = PropertyMode.Optional), doc='Projection')
self.declareProperty(FloatArrayProperty(name='P1Bin', values=[]),
doc='Projection 1 binning')
self.declareProperty(FloatArrayProperty(name='P2Bin', values=[]),
doc='Projection 2 binning')
self.declareProperty(FloatArrayProperty(name='P3Bin', values=[]),
doc='Projection 3 binning')
self.declareProperty(FloatArrayProperty(name='P4Bin', values=[]),
doc='Projection 4 binning')
self.declareProperty(IMDWorkspaceProperty('OutputWorkspace', '',\
doc='Output cut workspace')
self.declareProperty(name="NoPix", defaultValue=False, doc="If False creates a full MDEventWorkspaces as output. True to create an MDHistoWorkspace as output. This is DND only in Horace terminology.")
self.declareProperty(name="CheckAxes", defaultValue=True, doc="Check that the axis look to be correct, and abort if not.")
def __calculate_steps(self, extents, horace_binning ):
# Because the step calculations may involve moving the extents, we re-publish the extents.
out_extents = extents
out_n_bins = list()
for i in range(len(horace_binning)):
n_arguments = len(horace_binning[i])
max_extent_index = (i*2) + 1
min_extent_index = (i*2)
dim_range = extents[ max_extent_index ] - extents[ min_extent_index ]
if n_arguments == 0:
raise ValueError("binning parameter cannot be empty")
elif n_arguments == 1:
step_size = horace_binning[i][0]
if step_size > dim_range:
step_size = dim_range
n_bins = int( dim_range / step_size)
# Correct the max extent to fit n * step_size
out_extents[max_extent_index] = extents[min_extent_index] + ( n_bins * step_size )
elif n_arguments == 2:
out_extents[ min_extent_index ] = horace_binning[i][0]
out_extents[ max_extent_index ] = horace_binning[i][1]
n_bins = 1
elif n_arguments == 3:
dim_min = horace_binning[i][0]
dim_max = horace_binning[i][2]
step_size = horace_binning[i][1]
dim_range = dim_max - dim_min
if step_size > dim_range:
step_size = dim_range
n_bins = int( dim_range / step_size)
# Correct the max extent to fit n * step_size
out_extents[ max_extent_index ] = dim_min + ( n_bins * step_size )
out_extents[ min_extent_index ] = dim_min
if n_bins < 1:
raise ValueError("Number of bins calculated to be < 1")
out_n_bins.append( n_bins )
return out_extents, out_n_bins
def __extents_in_current_projection(self, to_cut, dimension_index):
dim = to_cut.getDimension(dimension_index)
dim_min = dim.getMinimum()
dim_max = dim.getMaximum()
return (dim_min, dim_max)
def __calculate_extents(self, v, u, w, limits):
# unpack limits
Hrange, Krange, Lrange = limits
# Create a numpy 2D array. Makes finding minimums and maximums for each transformed coordinates over every corner easier.
new_coords = np.empty([8, 3])
counter = 0
for h in Hrange:
for k in Krange:
for l in Lrange:
new_coords[counter], Minv)
counter += 1
# Get the min max extents
extents = list()
for i in range(0,3):
# Vertical slice down each corner for each dimension, then determine the max, min and use as extents
return extents
def __uvw_from_projection_table(self, projection_table):
if not isinstance(projection_table, ITableWorkspace):
I = np.identity(3)
return (I[0, :], I[1, :], I[2, :])
column_names = projection_table.getColumnNames()
u = np.array(projection_table.column(Projection.u))
v = np.array(projection_table.column(Projection.v))
if not Projection.w in column_names:
w = np.cross(v,u)
w = np.array(projection_table.column(Projection.w))
return (u, v, w)
def __units_from_projection_table(self, projection_table):
if not isinstance(projection_table, ITableWorkspace) or not "type" in projection_table.getColumnNames():
units = (ProjectionUnit.r, ProjectionUnit.r, ProjectionUnit.r)
units = tuple(projection_table.column("type"))
return units
def __make_labels(self, projection):
class Mapping:
def __init__(self, replace):
self.__replace = replace
def replace(self, entry):
if np.absolute(entry) == 1:
if entry > 0:
return self.__replace
return "-" + self.__replace
elif entry == 0:
return 0
return "%.2f%s" % ( entry, self.__replace )
return entry
crystallographic_names = ['zeta', 'eta', 'xi' ]
labels = list()
for i in range(len(projection)):
cmapping = Mapping(crystallographic_names[i])
labels.append( [cmapping.replace(x) for x in projection[i] ] )
return labels
def __verify_projection_input(self, projection_table):
if isinstance(projection_table, ITableWorkspace):
column_names = set(projection_table.getColumnNames())
if not column_names == set([Projection.u, Projection.v, 'type']):
if not column_names == set([Projection.u, Projection.v, 'offsets', 'type']):
if not column_names == set([Projection.u, Projection.v, Projection.w, 'offsets', 'type']):
raise ValueError("Projection table schema is wrong! Column names received: " + str(column_names) )
if projection_table.rowCount() != 3:
raise ValueError("Projection table expects 3 rows")
def __scale_projection(self, (u, v, w), origin_units, target_units, to_cut):
if set(origin_units) == set(target_units):
return (u,v,w) # Nothing to do.
ol = to_cut.getExperimentInfo(0).sample().getOrientedLattice()
projection_scaled = [u, v, w]
to_from_pairs = zip(origin_units, target_units)
for i in range(len(to_from_pairs)) :
proj = projection_scaled[i]
d_star = 2 * np.pi * ol.dstar( float(proj[0]), float(proj[1]), float(proj[2]) )
from_unit, to_unit = to_from_pairs[i]
if from_unit == to_unit:
elif from_unit == ProjectionUnit.a: # From inverse Angstroms to rlu
projection_scaled[i] *= d_star
else: # From rlu to inverse Anstroms
projection_scaled[i] /= d_star
return projection_scaled
def PyExec(self):
logger.warning('You are running algorithm %s that is the beta stage of development' % (
to_cut = self.getProperty("InputWorkspace").value
ndims = to_cut.getNumDims()
nopix = self.getProperty("NoPix").value
projection_table = self.getProperty("Projection").value
p1_bins = self.getProperty("P1Bin").value
p2_bins = self.getProperty("P2Bin").value
p3_bins = self.getProperty("P3Bin").value
p4_bins_property = self.getProperty("P4Bin")
p4_bins = p4_bins_property.value
x_extents = self.__extents_in_current_projection(to_cut, 0)
y_extents = self.__extents_in_current_projection(to_cut, 1)
z_extents = self.__extents_in_current_projection(to_cut, 2)
projection = self.__uvw_from_projection_table(projection_table)
target_units = self.__units_from_projection_table(projection_table)
origin_units = (ProjectionUnit.r, ProjectionUnit.r, ProjectionUnit.r) # TODO. This is a hack!
u,v,w = self.__scale_projection(projection, origin_units, target_units, to_cut)
extents = self.__calculate_extents(v, u, w, ( x_extents, y_extents, z_extents ) )
extents, bins = self.__calculate_steps( extents, ( p1_bins, p2_bins, p3_bins ) )
if not p4_bins_property.isDefault:
if ndims == 4:
n_args = len(p4_bins)
min, max = self.__extents_in_current_projection(to_cut, 3)
d_range = max - min
if n_args == 1:
step_size = p4_bins[0]
nbins = d_range / step_size
elif n_args == 2:
min = p4_bins[0]
max = p4_bins[1]
nbins = 1
elif n_args == 3:
min = p4_bins[0]
max = p4_bins[2]
step_size = p4_bins[1]
dim_range = max - min
if step_size > dim_range:
step_size = dim_range
nbins = int( dim_range / step_size)
e_units = to_cut.getDimension(3).getUnits()
temp = list(target_units)
target_units = tuple(temp)
raise ValueError("Cannot specify P4Bins unless the workspace is of sufficient dimensions")
projection_labels = self.__make_labels(projection)
cut_alg_name = "BinMD" if nopix else "SliceMD"
Actually perform the binning operation
cut_alg = self.createChildAlgorithm(name=cut_alg_name, startProgress=0, endProgress=1.0)
cut_alg.setProperty("InputWorkspace", to_cut)
cut_alg.setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", "sliced")
cut_alg.setProperty("NormalizeBasisVectors", False)
cut_alg.setProperty("AxisAligned", False)
# Now for the basis vectors.
n_padding = __builtin__.max(0, ndims-3)
for i in range(0, ndims):
if i <= 2:
label = projection_labels[i]
unit = target_units[i]
vec = list(projection[i]) + ( [0] * n_padding )
# These are always orthogonal to the rest.
orthogonal_dimension = to_cut.getDimension(i)
label = orthogonal_dimension.getName()
unit = orthogonal_dimension.getUnits()
vec = [0] * ndims
vec[i] = 1
value = "%s, %s, %s" % ( label, unit, ",".join(map(str, vec)))
cut_alg.setPropertyValue("BasisVector{0}".format(i) , value)
cut_alg.setProperty("OutputExtents", extents)
cut_alg.setProperty("OutputBins", bins)
slice = cut_alg.getProperty("OutputWorkspace").value
# Attach the w-matrix (projection matrix)
if slice.getNumExperimentInfo() > 0:
u, v, w = projection
w_matrix = np.array([u, v, w]).flatten().tolist()
info = slice.getExperimentInfo(0)"W_MATRIX", w_matrix, True)
self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", slice)
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