-boost=1.72.0# Include only boost-python and boost-numpy
-nexus=4.4.3# Not working on windows
# Python Packages:
-qscintilla2=2.11.2# Needs to be in conda, not pip due to C++ packages
-pyqt=5.12.3# Has to be conda, not pip, installed to ensure that the sip packages are availiable in the share/sip/PyQt5 directory
-boost=1.75.*# Also pulls in boost-cpp
-gsl=2.6# Keep gsl a specific version to reduce changes in our fitting
-h5py>=2.10.0,<3# Pinned back due to api differences
-lib3mf# windows only
-setuptools=48.0.0# Pinned purposefully due to incompatibility with later versions
# Needed only for development
# Using pip for python packages that aren't present in conda-forge or mantid packages for python 3.8
-matplotlib==3.1.3# PFip used for package compatibility (Conda seems to have a broken dependancy list), otherwise a high version number is needed which doesn't work right now for workbench.
\ No newline at end of file
-matplotlib==3.1.3# Pip used for package compatibility (Conda seems to have a broken dependancy list), otherwise a high version number is needed (for use on conda) which doesn't work right now for workbench. Pinned at 3.1.3 as is highest/currently used and compatible with Workbench.