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Commit 2217b576 authored by Karl Palmen's avatar Karl Palmen
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Merge pull request #482 from mantidproject/feature/10231_FITS_loader_change_and_add_header_keys

LoadFITS: change and add header keys, and other improvements
parents ce00d56b 941b74f3
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......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ using namespace std;
struct FITSInfo {
vector<string> headerItems;
map<string, string> headerKeys;
std::map<string, string> headerKeys;
int bitsPerPixel;
int numberOfAxis;
int offset;
......@@ -24,54 +24,44 @@ struct FITSInfo {
double tof;
double timeBin;
double scale;
int imageKey;
std::string imageKey;
long int countsInImage;
long int numberOfTriggers;
string extension;
string filePath;
std::string extension;
std::string filePath;
bool isFloat;
namespace Mantid {
namespace DataHandling {
LoadFITS : Load a number of FITS files into a histogram Workspace
LoadFITS: Load one or more of FITS files into a Workspace2D. The FITS
format, normally used for images, is described for example here:
File format is described here:
This loader doesn't support the full specification, caveats are:
Support for unsigned 8, 16, 32 bit values only
Support only for 2 data axis
No support for format extensions
At the moment this algorithm only supports 2 data axis and the
following data types: unsigned 8, 16, 32 bits per pixel.
Loader is designed to work with multiple files, loading into a single
At points there are assumptions that all files in a batch use the same number
of bits per pixel,
and that the number of spectra in each file are the same.
Copyright &copy; 2014,2015 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, NScD
Oak Ridge National Laboratory & European Spallation Source
@author John R Hill, RAL
@date 29/08/2014
This file is part of Mantid.
Copyright &copy; 2014 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, NScD Oak Ridge
National Laboratory & European Spallation Source
Mantid is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This file is part of Mantid.
Mantid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
Mantid is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Mantid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
File change history is stored at: <>
Code Documentation is available at: <>
File change history is stored at: <>
Code Documentation is available at: <>
class DLLExport LoadFITS : public API::IFileLoader<Kernel::FileDescriptor> {
......@@ -84,7 +74,7 @@ public:
/// Summary of algorithms purpose
virtual const std::string summary() const {
return "Load data from FITS files.";
return "Load FITS files into workspaces of type Workspace2D.";
/// Algorithm's version for identification overriding a virtual method
......@@ -105,51 +95,80 @@ private:
void init();
/// Execution code
void exec();
/// Parses the header values for the FITS file
bool parseHeader(FITSInfo &headerInfo);
/// Creates a vector of all rotations from a file
std::vector<double> readRotations(std::string rotFilePath, size_t fileCount);
/// Loads files into workspace(s)
void doLoadFiles(const std::vector<std::string> &paths);
/// Loads the FITS header(s) into a struct
void doLoadHeaders(const std::vector<std::string> &paths,
std::vector<FITSInfo> &headers);
/// Parses the header values for the FITS file
void parseHeader(FITSInfo &headerInfo);
/// Initialises a workspace with IDF and fills it with data
addWorkspace(const FITSInfo &fileInfo, size_t &newFileNumber,
void *&bufferAny, API::MantidImage &imageY,
API::MantidImage &imageE, double rotation,
const DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr parent);
makeWorkspace(const FITSInfo &fileInfo, size_t &newFileNumber,
std::vector<char> &buffer, API::MantidImage &imageY,
API::MantidImage &imageE,
const DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr parent);
// Reads the data from a single FITS file into a workspace
void readDataToWorkspace2D(DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws,
const FITSInfo &fileInfo, API::MantidImage &imageY,
API::MantidImage &imageE,
std::vector<char> &buffer);
/// Once loaded, check against standard and limitations of this algorithm
void headerSanityCheck(const FITSInfo &hdr, const FITSInfo &hdrFirst);
void setupDefaultKeywordNames();
/// Returns the trailing number from a string minus leading 0's (so 25 from
/// workspace_00025)
size_t fetchNumber(std::string name);
size_t fetchNumber(const std::string &name);
// Adds a number of leading 0's to another number up to the totalDigitCount.
std::string padZeros(size_t number, size_t totalDigitCount);
// Reads the data from a single FITS file into a workspace
void readFileToWorkspace(DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws,
const FITSInfo &fileInfo, API::MantidImage &imageY,
API::MantidImage &imageE, void *&bufferAny);
std::string padZeros(const size_t number, const size_t totalDigitCount);
// Maps the header keys to specified values
void mapHeaderKeys();
// Strings used to map header keys
string m_headerScaleKey;
string m_headerOffsetKey;
string m_headerBitDepthKey;
string m_headerRotationKey;
string m_headerImageKeyKey;
string m_mapFile;
std::string m_headerScaleKey;
std::string m_headerOffsetKey;
std::string m_headerBitDepthKey;
std::string m_headerRotationKey;
std::string m_headerImageKeyKey;
std::string m_headerNAxisNameKey;
std::vector<std::string> m_headerAxisNameKeys;
std::string m_mapFile;
string m_baseName;
static const std::string m_defaultImgType;
// names of extension headers
std::string m_sampleRotation;
std::string m_imageType;
std::string m_baseName;
size_t m_spectraCount;
API::Progress *m_progress;
// Number of digits which will be appended to a workspace name, i.e. 4 =
// workspace_0001
static const size_t DIGIT_SIZE_APPEND = 4;
// Number of digits for the fixed width appendix number added to
// workspace names, i.e. 3=> workspace_001; 5 => workspace_00001
static const size_t DIGIT_SIZE_APPEND = 5;
/// size of a FITS header block (room for 36 entries, of 80
/// characters each), in bytes. A FITS header always comes in
/// multiples of this block.
static const int BASE_HEADER_SIZE = 2880;
// names for several options that can be given in a "FITS" header
// setup file
static const std::string m_BIT_DEPTH_NAME;
static const std::string m_AXIS_NAMES_NAME;
static const std::string m_ROTATION_NAME;
static const std::string m_IMAGE_KEY_NAME;
static const std::string m_HEADER_MAP_NAME;
} // namespace DataHandling
This diff is collapsed.
#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
#include "MantidAPI/AlgorithmManager.h"
#include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
#include "MantidDataHandling/LoadFITS.h"
using namespace Mantid::API;
using namespace Mantid::DataHandling;
using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
class LoadFITSTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite
void testInit()
class LoadFITSTest : public CxxTest::TestSuite {
// This pair of boilerplate methods prevent the suite being created statically
// This means the constructor isn't called when running other tests
static LoadFITSTest *createSuite() { return new LoadFITSTest(); }
static void destroySuite(LoadFITSTest *suite) { delete suite; }
void test_algorithm() {
std::string name = "LoadFITS";
int version = 1;
testAlg =
Mantid::API::AlgorithmManager::Instance().create(name /*, version*/);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(testAlg->name(), name);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(testAlg->version(), version);
void test_castAlgorithm() {
// can create
boost::shared_ptr<LoadFITS> a;
TS_ASSERT(a = boost::make_shared<LoadFITS>());
// can cast to inherited interfaces and base classes
TS_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<Mantid::DataHandling::LoadFITS *>(a.get()));
TS_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<Mantid::API::Algorithm *>(a.get()));
TS_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<Mantid::Kernel::PropertyManagerOwner *>(a.get()));
TS_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<Mantid::API::IAlgorithm *>(a.get()));
TS_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<Mantid::Kernel::IPropertyManager *>(a.get()));
void test_initAlgorithm() {
LoadFITS lf;
void test_propertiesMissing() {
LoadFITS lf;
TS_ASSERT_THROWS_NOTHING(lf.setPropertyValue("Filename", smallFname1));
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(lf.execute(), std::runtime_error);
LoadFITS lf2;
lf2.setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", "out_ws_name"));
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(lf2.execute(), std::runtime_error);
void test_wrongProp() {
LoadFITS lf;
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(lf.setPropertyValue("file", "anything"),
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(lf.setPropertyValue("output", "anything"),
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(lf.setPropertyValue("FITS", "anything"),
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(lf.setPropertyValue("ImageKey", "anything"),
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(lf.setPropertyValue("BITPIX", "anything"),
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(lf.setPropertyValue("NAXIS", "anything"),
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(lf.setPropertyValue("NAXIS1", "anything"),
void test_init() {
TS_ASSERT( algToBeTested.isInitialized() );
if ( !algToBeTested.isInitialized() ) algToBeTested.initialize();
algToBeTested.setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", outputSpace);
if (!algToBeTested.isInitialized())
outputSpace = "LoadFITSTest";
algToBeTested.setPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace", outputSpace);
// Should fail because mandatory parameter has not been set
inputFile = "FITS_small_01.fits,FITS_small_02.fits";
algToBeTested.setPropertyValue("Filename", inputFile);
// Set the ImageKey to be 0 (as it is missing from the test file and is required);
algToBeTested.setProperty<int>("ImageKey", 0);
void testPerformAssertions()
TS_ASSERT( algToBeTested.isExecuted() );
TS_ASSERT_THROWS(algToBeTested.execute(), std::runtime_error);
inputFile = smallFname1 + ", " + smallFname2;
algToBeTested.setPropertyValue("Filename", inputFile);
// Set the ImageKey to be 0 (this used to be required, but the key
// should not be there any longer);
TS_ASSERT_THROWS( algToBeTested.setProperty<int>("ImageKey", 0),
void test_performAssertions() {
// get workspace generated
WorkspaceGroup_sptr output = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieveWS<WorkspaceGroup>(outputSpace);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS( output->getNumberOfEntries(), 2); // Number of time bins should equal number of files
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws1 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(output->getItem(0));
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws2 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(output->getItem(1));
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ws1->getNumberHistograms(), SPECTRA_COUNT); // Number of spectra
WorkspaceGroup_sptr out;
out = AnalysisDataService::Instance().retrieveWS<WorkspaceGroup>(
2); // Number of time bins should equal number of files
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws1;
ws1 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(out->getItem(0)));
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws2;
ws2 = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<MatrixWorkspace>(out->getItem(1)));
// basic FITS headers
const auto run = ws1->run();
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(run.getLogData("SIMPLE")->value(), hdrSIMPLE);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(run.getLogData("BITPIX")->value(), hdrBITPIX);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(run.getLogData("NAXIS")->value(), hdrNAXIS);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(run.getLogData("NAXIS1")->value(), hdrNAXIS1);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(run.getLogData("NAXIS2")->value(), hdrNAXIS2);
// Number of spectra
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ws1->getNumberHistograms(), SPECTRA_COUNT);
TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(ws2->getNumberHistograms(), SPECTRA_COUNT);
// Sum the two bins from the last spectra - should be 70400
double sumY = ws1->readY(SPECTRA_COUNT-1)[0] + ws2->readY(SPECTRA_COUNT-1)[0];
// Check the sum of the error values for the last spectra in each file - should be 375.183
double sumE = ws1->readE(SPECTRA_COUNT-1)[0] + ws2->readE(SPECTRA_COUNT-1)[0];
TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(abs(sumE-23.4489), 0.0001); // Include a small tolerance check with the assert - not exactly 375.183
double sumY =
ws1->readY(SPECTRA_COUNT - 1)[0] + ws2->readY(SPECTRA_COUNT - 1)[0];
// Check the sum of the error values for the last spectra in each file -
// should be 375.183
double sumE =
ws1->readE(SPECTRA_COUNT - 1)[0] + ws2->readE(SPECTRA_COUNT - 1)[0];
TS_ASSERT_LESS_THAN(abs(sumE - 23.4489), 0.0001); // Include a small
// tolerance check with
// the assert - not
// exactly 375.183
Mantid::API::IAlgorithm_sptr testAlg;
LoadFITS algToBeTested;
std::string inputFile;
std::string outputSpace;
const static size_t SPECTRA_COUNT = 262144; // Based on the 512*512 test image
static const std::string smallFname1;
static const std::string smallFname2;
const static size_t xdim = 512;
const static size_t ydim = 512;
const static size_t SPECTRA_COUNT = xdim * ydim;
// FITS headers
const static std::string hdrSIMPLE;
const static std::string hdrBITPIX;
const static std::string hdrNAXIS;
const static std::string hdrNAXIS1;
const static std::string hdrNAXIS2;
const std::string LoadFITSTest::smallFname1 = "FITS_small_01.fits";
const std::string LoadFITSTest::smallFname2 = "FITS_small_02.fits";
const std::string LoadFITSTest::hdrSIMPLE = "T";
const std::string LoadFITSTest::hdrBITPIX = "16";
const std::string LoadFITSTest::hdrNAXIS = "2";
const std::string LoadFITSTest::hdrNAXIS1 = "512";
const std::string LoadFITSTest::hdrNAXIS2 = "512";
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -62,15 +62,15 @@ Usage
ws = wsg.getItem(0)
# A couple of standard FITS header entries
bpp_log = '_BITPIX'
bpp_log = 'BITPIX'
log = ws.getRun().getLogData(bpp_log).value
print "Bits per pixel: %s" % int(log)
except RuntimeError:
print "Could not find the keyword '%s' in this FITS file" % bpp_log
axis1_log = '_NAXIS1'
axis2_log = '_NAXIS2'
axis1_log = 'NAXIS1'
axis2_log = 'NAXIS2'
log1 = ws.getRun().getLogData(axis1_log).value
log2 = ws.getRun().getLogData(axis2_log).value
0% Loading or .
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