Gemma Guest authored
This commit adds a copy constructor that takes a non-const argument. This is required because otherwise the templated constructor would take precedence over the copy constructor when supplied with a non-const argument. Currently the templated constructor is functionally the same as the new copy constructor. However, adding the new copy constructor avoids ambiguity, and means we can add some safety by casting the argument to const before passing it to the base class constructor.
Gemma Guest authoredThis commit adds a copy constructor that takes a non-const argument. This is required because otherwise the templated constructor would take precedence over the copy constructor when supplied with a non-const argument. Currently the templated constructor is functionally the same as the new copy constructor. However, adding the new copy constructor avoids ambiguity, and means we can add some safety by casting the argument to const before passing it to the base class constructor.
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ConfigService.cpp 69.28 KiB
// Includes
#include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
#include "MantidKernel/DateAndTime.h"
#include "MantidKernel/MantidVersion.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Strings.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Logger.h"
#include "MantidKernel/FilterChannel.h"
#include "MantidKernel/StdoutChannel.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Exception.h"
#include "MantidKernel/FacilityInfo.h"
#include "MantidKernel/NetworkProxy.h"
#include <Poco/Util/LoggingConfigurator.h>
#include <Poco/Util/SystemConfiguration.h>
#include <Poco/Util/PropertyFileConfiguration.h>
#include <Poco/LoggingFactory.h>
#include <Poco/Path.h>
#include <Poco/File.h>
#include <MantidKernel/StringTokenizer.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/DOMParser.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/Document.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/NodeList.h>
#include <Poco/Environment.h>
#include <Poco/Process.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma warning(disable : 4250)
#include <Poco/Logger.h>
#include <Poco/SplitterChannel.h>
#include <Poco/LoggingRegistry.h>
#include <Poco/PipeStream.h>
#include <Poco/StreamCopier.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <fstream>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
namespace Mantid {
* Get the welcome message for Mantid.
* @returns A string containing the welcome message for Mantid.
std::string welcomeMessage() {
return "Welcome to Mantid " +
std::string(Mantid::Kernel::MantidVersion::version()) +
"\nPlease cite: " + Mantid::Kernel::MantidVersion::paperCitation() +
" and this release: " + Mantid::Kernel::MantidVersion::doi();
namespace Kernel {
namespace { // anonymous namespace for some utility functions
/// static Logger object
Logger g_log("ConfigService");
* Split the supplied string on semicolons.
* @param path The path to split.
* @returns vector containing the splitted path.
std::vector<std::string> splitPath(const std::string &path) {
std::vector<std::string> splitted;
if (path.find(';') == std::string::npos) { // don't bother tokenizing
} else {
int options = Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM +
Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer tokenizer(path, ";,", options);
auto iend = tokenizer.end();
for (auto itr = tokenizer.begin(); itr != iend; ++itr) {
if (!itr->empty()) {
return splitted;
} // end of anonymous namespace
/** Inner templated class to wrap the poco library objects that have protected
* destructors and expose them as public.
template <typename T> class ConfigServiceImpl::WrappedObject : public T {
/// The template type of class that is being wrapped
typedef T element_type;
/// Simple constructor
WrappedObject() : T() { m_pPtr = static_cast<T *>(this); }
/** Constructor with a class to wrap
* @param F :: The object to wrap
template <typename Field> explicit WrappedObject(Field &F) : T(F) {
m_pPtr = static_cast<T *>(this);
/// Copy constructor
WrappedObject(const WrappedObject<T> &A) : T(A) {
m_pPtr = static_cast<T *>(this);
/// Copy constructor taking a non-const argument. This avoids the copy
/// constructor being hidden by the templated constructor above (which would
/// take precedence over the copy constructor otherwise if supplied with a
/// non-const WrappedObject). It's not ideal having a non-const input
/// argument here, but at least we can cast it to const for the base class.
WrappedObject(WrappedObject<T> &A)
: T(std::const_cast<const WrappedObject<T> &>(A)) {
m_pPtr = static_cast<T *>(this);
/// Overloaded = operator sets the pointer to the wrapped class
/// and copies over the contents
WrappedObject<T> &operator=(const WrappedObject<T> &rhs) {
if (this != &rhs) {
m_pPtr = static_cast<T *>(this);
*m_pPtr = rhs;
return *this;
/// Overloaded * operator returns the wrapped object pointer
const T &operator*() const { return *m_pPtr; }
/// Overloaded * operator returns the wrapped object pointer
T &operator*() { return m_pPtr; }
/// Overloaded -> operator returns the wrapped object pointer
const T *operator->() const { return m_pPtr; }
/// Overloaded -> operator returns the wrapped object pointer
T *operator->() { return m_pPtr; }
/// Private pointer to the wrapped class
T *m_pPtr;
// Back to the ConfigService class itself...
// Private member functions
/// Private constructor for singleton class
: m_pConf(nullptr), m_pSysConfig(nullptr), m_changed_keys(),
m_ConfigPaths(), m_AbsolutePaths(), m_strBaseDir(""),
m_PropertyString(""), m_properties_file_name("Mantid.properties"),
#ifdef MPI_BUILD
// Use a different user properties file for an mpi-enabled build to avoid
// confusion if both are used on the same file system
m_DataSearchDirs(), m_UserSearchDirs(), m_InstrumentDirs(),
m_instr_prefixes(), m_proxyInfo(), m_isProxySet(false),
m_filterChannels() {
// getting at system details
m_pSysConfig = new WrappedObject<Poco::Util::SystemConfiguration>;
m_pConf = nullptr;
// Register the FilterChannel with the Poco logging factory
new Poco::Instantiator<Poco::FilterChannel, Poco::Channel>);
// Register StdChannel with Poco
new Poco::Instantiator<Poco::StdoutChannel, Poco::Channel>);
// Fill the list of possible relative path keys that may require conversion to
// absolute paths
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("mantidqt.python_interfaces_directory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("plugins.directory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("pvplugins.directory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("mantidqt.plugins.directory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("instrumentDefinition.directory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("instrumentDefinition.vtpDirectory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("groupingFiles.directory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("maskFiles.directory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("colormaps.directory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("requiredpythonscript.directories", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("pythonscripts.directory", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("pythonscripts.directories", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("python.plugins.directories", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("user.python.plugins.directories", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("datasearch.directories", true);
m_ConfigPaths.emplace("icatDownload.directory", true);
// attempt to load the default properties file that resides in the directory
// of the executable
std::string propertiesFilesList;
updateConfig(getPropertiesDir() + m_properties_file_name, false, false);
propertiesFilesList = getPropertiesDir() + m_properties_file_name;
// Load the local (machine) properties file, if it exists
Poco::File localFile(getLocalFilename());
if (localFile.exists()) {
updateConfig(getLocalFilename(), true, false);
propertiesFilesList += ", " + getLocalFilename();
if (Poco::Environment::has("MANTIDPROPERTIES")) {
// and then append the user properties
updateConfig(getUserFilename(), true, false);
propertiesFilesList += ", " + getUserFilename();
// and the extra one from the environment
updateConfig(Poco::Environment::get("MANTIDPROPERTIES"), true, true);
propertiesFilesList += ", " + Poco::Environment::get("MANTIDPROPERTIES");
} else {
// Just do the user properties
updateConfig(getUserFilename(), true, true);
propertiesFilesList += ", " + getUserFilename();
g_log.debug() << "ConfigService created.\n";
g_log.debug() << "Configured Mantid.properties directory of application as "
<< getPropertiesDir() << '\n';
g_log.information() << "This is Mantid version " << MantidVersion::version()
<< " revision " << MantidVersion::revision() << '\n';
g_log.information() << "running on " << getComputerName() << " starting "
<< DateAndTime::getCurrentTime().toFormattedString(
"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ") << "\n";
g_log.information() << "Properties file(s) loaded: " << propertiesFilesList
<< '\n';
#ifndef MPI_BUILD // There is no logging to file by default in MPI build
g_log.information() << "Logging to: " << m_logFilePath << '\n';
// Assert that the appdata and the instrument subdirectory exists
std::string appDataDir = getAppDataDir();
Poco::Path path(appDataDir);
Poco::File file(path);
// createDirectories will fail gracefully if it is already present - but will
// throw an error if it cannot create the directory
try {
} catch (Poco::FileException &fe) {
<< "Cannot create the local instrument cache directory ["
<< path.toString()
<< "]. Mantid will not be able to update instrument definitions.\n"
<< fe.what() << '\n';
Poco::File vtpDir(getVTPFileDirectory());
try {
} catch (Poco::FileException &fe) {
<< "Cannot create the local instrument geometry cache directory ["
<< path.toString()
<< "]. Mantid will be slower at viewing complex instruments.\n"
<< fe.what() << '\n';
// must update the cache of instrument paths
/** Private Destructor
* Prevents client from calling 'delete' on the pointer handed out by Instance
ConfigServiceImpl::~ConfigServiceImpl() {
// std::cerr << "ConfigService destroyed.\n";
delete m_pSysConfig;
delete m_pConf; // potential double delete???
* Set the base directory path so we can file the Mantid.properties file.
* This will search for the base directory that contains the .properties file
* by checking the following places:
* - The current working directory
* - The executable directory
* - The directory defined by the MANTIDPATH enviroment var
* - OSX only: the directory two directories up from the executable (which
* is the base on the OSX package.
void ConfigServiceImpl::setBaseDirectory() {
// Define the directory to search for the Mantid.properties file.
Poco::File f;
// First directory: the current working
m_strBaseDir = Poco::Path::current();
f = Poco::File(m_strBaseDir + m_properties_file_name);
if (f.exists())
// Check the executable directory to see if it includes a mantid.properties
// file
m_strBaseDir = getDirectoryOfExecutable();
f = Poco::File(m_strBaseDir + m_properties_file_name);
if (f.exists())
// Check the MANTIDPATH environment var
if (Poco::Environment::has("MANTIDPATH")) {
// Here we have to follow the convention of the rest of this code and
// add a trailing slash.
// Note: adding it to the MANTIDPATH itself will make other parts of the
// code crash.
m_strBaseDir = Poco::Environment::get("MANTIDPATH") + "/";
f = Poco::File(m_strBaseDir + m_properties_file_name);
if (f.exists())
#ifdef __APPLE__
// Finally, on OSX check if we're in the package directory and the .properties
// file just happens to be two directories up
auto path = Poco::Path(getDirectoryOfExecutable());
m_strBaseDir = path.parent().parent().parent().toString();
/** Loads the config file provided.
* If the file contains logging setup instructions then these will be used to
*setup the logging framework.
* @param filename :: The filename and optionally path of the file to load
* @param append :: If false (default) then any previous configuration is
*discarded, otherwise the new keys are added, and repeated keys will override
*existing ones.
void ConfigServiceImpl::loadConfig(const std::string &filename,
const bool append) {
delete m_pConf;
if (!append) {
// remove the previous property string
m_PropertyString = "";
try {
// slurp in entire file
std::string temp;
bool good = readFile(filename, temp);
// check if we have failed to open the file
if ((!good) || (temp == "")) {
if (filename == getUserPropertiesDir() + m_user_properties_file_name) {
// write out a fresh file
} else {
throw Exception::FileError("Cannot open file", filename);
// store the property string
if ((append) && (m_PropertyString != "")) {
m_PropertyString = m_PropertyString + "\n" + temp;
} else {
m_PropertyString = temp;
} catch (std::exception &e) {
// there was a problem loading the file - it probably is not there
std::cerr << "Problem loading the configuration file " << filename << " "
<< e.what() << '\n';
if (!append) {
// if we have no property values then take the default
m_PropertyString = defaultConfig();
// use the cached property string to initialise the POCO property file
std::istringstream istr(m_PropertyString);
m_pConf = new WrappedObject<Poco::Util::PropertyFileConfiguration>(istr);
* Read a file and place its contents into the given string
* @param filename :: The filename of the file to read
* @param contents :: The file contents will be placed here
* @returns A boolean indicating whether opening the file was successful
bool ConfigServiceImpl::readFile(const std::string &filename,
std::string &contents) const {
std::ifstream propFile(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
bool good = propFile.good();
if (!good) {
contents = "";
return good;
// slurp in entire file - extremely unlikely delimiter used as an alternate to
// \n
getline(propFile, contents, '`');
return good;
/** Registers additional logging filter channels
* @param filterChannelName The name to refer to the filter channel, this should
* be unique
* @param pChannel a pointer to the channel to be registered, if blank, then the
* channel must already be registered with the logging registry in Poco
void ConfigServiceImpl::registerLoggingFilterChannel(
const std::string &filterChannelName, Poco::Channel *pChannel) {
if (pChannel) {
/** Configures the Poco logging and starts it up
void ConfigServiceImpl::configureLogging() {
// Undocumented way to override the mantid.log path
if (Poco::Environment::has("MANTIDLOGPATH")) {
auto logpath = Poco::Path(Poco::Environment::get("MANTIDLOGPATH"));
logpath = logpath.absolute();
m_logFilePath = logpath.toString();
// Set the line in the configuration properties.
m_pConf->setString("logging.channels.fileChannel.path", m_logFilePath);
} else {
m_logFilePath = getString("logging.channels.fileChannel.path");
if (m_logFilePath.empty()) {
// Default to appdata/mantid.log
Poco::Path path(getAppDataDir());
m_logFilePath = path.toString();
// Set the line in the configuration properties.
m_pConf->setString("logging.channels.fileChannel.path", m_logFilePath);
try {
// Configure the logging framework
Poco::Util::LoggingConfigurator configurator;
} catch (std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << "Trouble configuring the logging framework " << e.what()
<< '\n';
// register the filter channels - the order here is important
registerLoggingFilterChannel("fileFilterChannel", nullptr);
registerLoggingFilterChannel("consoleFilterChannel", nullptr);
* Searches the stored list for keys that have been loaded from the config file
* and may contain
* relative paths. Any it find are converted to absolute paths and stored
* separately
void ConfigServiceImpl::convertRelativeToAbsolute() {
if (m_ConfigPaths.empty())
std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator send = m_ConfigPaths.end();
for (std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator sitr = m_ConfigPaths.begin();
sitr != send; ++sitr) {
std::string key = sitr->first;
if (!m_pConf->hasProperty(key))
std::string value(m_pConf->getString(key));
value = makeAbsolute(value, key);
m_AbsolutePaths.emplace(key, value);
* Make a relative path or a list of relative paths into an absolute one.
* @param dir :: The directory to convert
* @param key :: The key variable this relates to
* @returns A string containing an absolute path by resolving the relative
* directory with the executable directory
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::makeAbsolute(const std::string &dir,
const std::string &key) const {
if (dir.empty()) {
// Don't do anything for an empty value
return dir;
std::string converted;
// If we have a list, chop it up and convert each one
if (dir.find_first_of(";,") != std::string::npos) {
auto splitted = splitPath(dir);
auto iend = splitted.cend();
for (auto itr = splitted.begin(); itr != iend;) {
std::string absolute = makeAbsolute(*itr, key);
if (absolute.empty()) {
} else {
converted += absolute;
if (++itr != iend) {
converted += ";";
return converted;
// MG 05/10/09: When the Poco::FilePropertyConfiguration object reads its
// key/value pairs it
// treats a backslash as the start of an escape sequence. If the next
// character does not
// form a valid sequence then the backslash is removed from the stream. This
// has the effect
// of giving malformed paths when using Windows-style directories. E.g
// C:\Mantid ->C:Mantid
// and Poco::Path::isRelative throws an exception on this
bool is_relative(false);
try {
is_relative = Poco::Path(dir).isRelative();
} catch (Poco::PathSyntaxException &) {
g_log.warning() << "Malformed path detected in the \"" << key
<< "\" variable, skipping \"" << dir << "\"\n";
return "";
if (is_relative) {
const std::string propFileDir(getPropertiesDir());
converted = Poco::Path(propFileDir).resolve(dir).toString();
} else {
converted = dir;
converted = Poco::Path(converted).makeDirectory().toString();
// C++ doesn't have a const version of operator[] for maps so I can't call
// that here
auto it = m_ConfigPaths.find(key);
bool required = false;
if (it != m_ConfigPaths.end()) {
required = it->second;
try {
if (required && !Poco::File(converted).exists()) {
g_log.debug() << "Required properties path \"" << converted
<< "\" in the \"" << key << "\" variable does not exist.\n";
converted = "";
} catch (Poco::FileException &) {
g_log.debug() << "Required properties path \"" << converted
<< "\" in the \"" << key << "\" variable does not exist.\n";
converted = "";
// Backward slashes cannot be allowed to go into our properties file
// Note this is a temporary fix for ticket #2445.
// Ticket #2460 prompts a review of our path handling in the config service.
boost::replace_all(converted, "\\", "/");
return converted;
* Create the store of data search paths from the 'datasearch.directories' key
* within the Mantid.properties file.
* The value of the key should be a semi-colon separated list of directories
void ConfigServiceImpl::cacheDataSearchPaths() {
std::string paths = getString("datasearch.directories");
if (paths.empty()) {
} else {
m_DataSearchDirs = splitPath(paths);
* Create the store of user search paths from the 'usersearch.directories' key
* within the Mantid.properties file.
* The value of the key should be a semi-colon separated list of directories
void ConfigServiceImpl::cacheUserSearchPaths() {
std::string paths = getString("usersearch.directories");
if (paths.empty()) {
} else {
m_UserSearchDirs = splitPath(paths);
* The path that is passed should be as returned by makeAbsolute() and
* this function will return true if that path is in the list
* @param path :: the absolute path name to search for
* @return true if the path was found
bool ConfigServiceImpl::isInDataSearchList(const std::string &path) const {
// the path produced by poco will have \ on windows, but the searchdirs will
// always have /
std::string correctedPath = path;
replace(correctedPath.begin(), correctedPath.end(), '\\', '/');
auto it =
std::find_if(m_DataSearchDirs.cbegin(), m_DataSearchDirs.cend(),
std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<std::string>(), correctedPath));
return (it != m_DataSearchDirs.end());
* writes a basic placeholder user.properties file to disk
* any errors are caught and logged, but not propagated
void ConfigServiceImpl::createUserPropertiesFile() const {
try {
std::fstream filestr(
(getUserPropertiesDir() + m_user_properties_file_name).c_str(),
filestr << "# This file can be used to override any properties for this "
filestr << "# Any properties found in this file will override any that are "
"found in the Mantid.Properties file\n";
filestr << "# As this file will not be replaced with futher installations "
"of Mantid it is a safe place to put \n";
filestr << "# properties that suit your particular installation.\n";
filestr << "#\n";
filestr << "# See here for a list of possible options:\n";
filestr << "# "
filestr << "##\n";
filestr << "## GENERAL\n";
filestr << "##\n\n";
filestr << "## Set the number of algorithm properties to retain\n";
filestr << "#algorithms.retained=90\n\n";
filestr << "## Hides catagories from the algorithm list in MantidPlot\n";
filestr << "#algorithms.catagories.hidden=Muons,Inelastic\n\n";
<< "## Set the maximum number of coures used to run algorithms over\n";
filestr << "#MultiThreaded.MaxCores=4\n\n";
filestr << "##\n";
filestr << "## FACILITY AND INSTRUMENT\n";
filestr << "##\n\n";
filestr << "## Sets the default facility\n";
filestr << "## e.g.: ISIS, SNS, ILL\n";
filestr << "default.facility=\n\n";
filestr << "## Sets the default instrument\n";
filestr << "## e.g. IRIS, HET, NIMROD\n";
filestr << "default.instrument=\n\n";
filestr << '\n';
filestr << "## Sets the Q.convention\n";
filestr << "## Set to Crystallography for kf-ki instead of default "
"Inelastic which is ki-kf\n";
filestr << "#Q.convention=Crystallography\n";
filestr << "##\n";
filestr << "## DIRECTORIES\n";
filestr << "##\n\n";
filestr << "## Sets a list of directories (separated by semi colons) to "
"search for data\n";
filestr << "#datasearch.directories=../data;../isis/data\n\n";
filestr << "## Set a list (separated by semi colons) of directories to "
"look for additional Python scripts\n";
filestr << "#pythonscripts.directories=../scripts;../docs/MyScripts\n\n";
filestr << "## Uncomment to enable archive search - ICat and Orbiter\n";
filestr << "#datasearch.searcharchive=On\n\n";
filestr << "## Sets default save directory\n";
filestr << "#defaultsave.directory=../data\n\n";
filestr << "##\n";
filestr << "## LOGGING\n";
filestr << "##\n\n";
filestr << "## Uncomment to change logging level\n";
filestr << "## Default is information\n";
<< "## Valid values are: error, warning, notice, information, debug\n";
filestr << "#logging.loggers.root.level=information\n\n";
filestr << "## Sets the lowest level messages to be logged to file\n";
filestr << "## Default is warning\n";
<< "## Valid values are: error, warning, notice, information, debug\n";
filestr << "#logging.channels.fileFilterChannel.level=debug\n\n";
filestr << "## Sets the file to write logs to\n";
filestr << "#logging.channels.fileChannel.path=../mantid.log\n";
filestr << "## Uncomment the following line to flush log messages to disk "
filestr << "## Useful for debugging crashes but it will hurt performance\n";
filestr << "#logging.channels.fileChannel.flush = true\n\n";
filestr << "##\n";
filestr << "## MantidPlot\n";
filestr << "##\n\n";
filestr << "## Show invisible workspaces\n";
filestr << "#MantidOptions.InvisibleWorkspaces=0\n";
filestr << "## Re-use plot instances for different plot types\n";
filestr << "#MantidOptions.ReusePlotInstances=Off\n\n";
filestr << "## Uncomment to disable use of OpenGL to render unwrapped "
"instrument views\n";
filestr << "#MantidOptions.InstrumentView.UseOpenGL=Off\n";
} catch (std::runtime_error &ex) {
g_log.warning() << "Unable to write out user.properties file to "
<< getUserPropertiesDir() << m_user_properties_file_name
<< " error: " << ex.what() << '\n';
* Provides a default Configuration string to use if the config file cannot be
* loaded.
* @returns The string value of default properties
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::defaultConfig() const {
std::string propFile =
"# logging configuration"
"# root level message filter (drop to debug for more messages)"
"logging.loggers.root.level = debug"
"# splitting the messages to many logging channels"
"logging.loggers.root.channel.class = SplitterChannel"
"logging.loggers.root.channel.channel1 = consoleChannel"
"logging.loggers.root.channel.channel2 = fileFilterChannel"
"# output to the console - primarily for console based apps"
"logging.channels.consoleChannel.class = ConsoleChannel"
"logging.channels.consoleChannel.formatter = f1"
"# specfic filter for the file channel raising the level to warning "
"(drop to debug for debugging)"
"logging.channels.fileFilterChannel.class= FilterChannel"
"logging.channels.fileFilterChannel.channel= fileChannel"
"logging.channels.fileFilterChannel.level= warning"
"# output to a file (For error capturing and debugging)"
"logging.channels.fileChannel.class = debug"
"logging.channels.fileChannel.path = ../logs/mantid.log"
"logging.channels.fileChannel.formatter.class = PatternFormatter"
"logging.channels.fileChannel.formatter.pattern = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%i "
"[%I] %p %s - %t"
"logging.formatters.f1.class = PatternFormatter"
"logging.formatters.f1.pattern = %s-[%p] %t"
"logging.formatters.f1.times = UTC";
return propFile;
// Public member functions
* Removes the user properties file & loads a fresh configuration
void ConfigServiceImpl::reset() {
// Remove the current user properties file and write a fresh one
try {
Poco::File userFile(getUserFilename());
} catch (Poco::Exception &) {
// Now load the original
const bool append = false;
const bool updateCaches = true;
updateConfig(getPropertiesDir() + m_properties_file_name, append,
/** Updates and existing configuration and restarts the logging
* @param filename :: The filename and optionally path of the file to load
* @param append :: If false (default) then any previous configuration is
* discarded,
* otherwise the new keys are added, and repeated keys will
* override existing ones.
* @param update_caches :: If true(default) then the various property caches
* are updated
void ConfigServiceImpl::updateConfig(const std::string &filename,
const bool append,
const bool update_caches) {
loadConfig(filename, append);
// Ensure that the default save directory makes sense
if (!append)
std::string save_dir = getString("defaultsave.directory");
if (Poco::trimInPlace(save_dir).size() == 0)
setString("defaultsave.directory", Poco::Path::home());
if (update_caches) {
// Only configure logging once
// Ensure that any relative paths given in the configuration file are
// relative to the correct directory
// Configure search paths into a specially saved store as they will be used
// frequently
* Save the configuration to the user file
* @param filename :: The filename for the saved configuration
* @throw std::runtime_error if the file cannot be opened
void ConfigServiceImpl::saveConfig(const std::string &filename) const {
// Open and read the user properties file
std::string updated_file;
std::ifstream reader(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if (reader.bad()) {
throw std::runtime_error("Error opening user properties file. Cannot save "
"updated configuration.");
std::string file_line, output;
bool line_continuing(false);
while (std::getline(reader, file_line)) {
if (!file_line.empty()) {
char last = *(file_line.end() - 1);
if (last == '\\') {
// If we are not in line continuation mode then need
// a fresh start line
if (!line_continuing)
output = "";
line_continuing = true;
output += file_line + "\n";
} else if (line_continuing) {
output += file_line;
line_continuing = false;
} else {
output = file_line;
} else {
output = "";
updated_file += "\n";
} // end if-else
// Output is the current line in the file
// Extract the key from the current line
std::string key;
std::string::size_type pos = output.find('=');
if (pos == std::string::npos) {
key = output; // If no equals then the entire thing is the key
} else {
key = output.substr(0, pos); // Strip the equals to get only the key
// Now deal with trimming (removes spaces)
// Find the comments
std::string::size_type comment = key.find('#');
// Check if it exists in the service using hasProperty and make sure it
// isn't a comment
if (comment == 0) {
updated_file += output;
} else if (!hasProperty(key)) {
// Remove the key from the changed key list
} else {
// If it does exist make sure the value is current
std::string value = getString(key, false);
Poco::replaceInPlace(value, "\\", "\\\\"); // replace single \ with double
// Remove the key from the changed key list
updated_file += "\n";
} // End while-loop
// Any remaining keys within the changed key store weren't present in the
// current user properties so append them
if (!m_changed_keys.empty()) {
updated_file += "\n";
auto key_end = m_changed_keys.end();
for (auto key_itr = m_changed_keys.begin(); key_itr != key_end;) {
updated_file += *key_itr + "=";
std::string value = getString(*key_itr, false);
Poco::replaceInPlace(value, "\\", "\\\\"); // replace single \ with double
updated_file += value;
if (++key_itr != key_end) {
updated_file += "\n";
// Write out the new file
std::ofstream writer(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc);
if (writer.bad()) {
g_log.error() << "Error writing new user properties file. Cannot save "
"current configuration.\n";
throw std::runtime_error("Error writing new user properties file. Cannot "
"save current configuration.");
writer.write(updated_file.c_str(), updated_file.size());
/** Searches for a string within the currently loaded configuaration values and
* returns the value as a string. If the key is one of those that was a
*possible relative path
* then the local store is searched first.
* @param keyName :: The case sensitive name of the property that you need the
*value of.
* @param use_cache :: If true, the local cache of directory names is queried
* @returns The string value of the property, or an empty string if the key
*cannot be found
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getString(const std::string &keyName,
bool use_cache) const {
if (use_cache) {
auto mitr = m_AbsolutePaths.find(keyName);
if (mitr != m_AbsolutePaths.end()) {
return (*mitr).second;
std::string retVal;
try {
retVal = m_pConf->getString(keyName);
} catch (Poco::NotFoundException &) {
g_log.debug() << "Unable to find " << keyName << " in the properties file"
<< '\n';
retVal = "";
return retVal;
/** Searches for keys within the currently loaded configuaration values and
* returns them as strings in a vector.
* @param keyName :: The case sensitive name of the property that you need the
*key for.
* @returns The string value of each key within a vector, or an empty vector if
*there isn't
* a key or it couldn't be found.
ConfigServiceImpl::getKeys(const std::string &keyName) const {
std::vector<std::string> rawKeys;
m_pConf->keys(keyName, rawKeys);
return rawKeys;
* Recursively gets a list of all config options from a given root node.
* @return Vector containing all config options
void ConfigServiceImpl::getKeysRecursive(
const std::string &root, std::vector<std::string> &allKeys) const {
std::vector<std::string> rootKeys = getKeys(root);
if (rootKeys.empty())
for (auto &rootKey : rootKeys) {
std::string searchString;
if (root.empty()) {
} else {
getKeysRecursive(searchString, allKeys);
* Recursively gets a list of all config options.
* This function is needed as Boost Python does not like calling function with
* default arguments.
* @return Vector containing all config options
std::vector<std::string> ConfigServiceImpl::keys() const {
std::vector<std::string> allKeys;
getKeysRecursive("", allKeys);
return allKeys;
/** Removes a key from the memory stored properties file and inserts the key
*into the
* changed key list so that when the program calls saveConfig the properties
*file will
* be the same and not contain the key no more
* @param rootName :: The key that is to be deleted
void ConfigServiceImpl::remove(const std::string &rootName) const {
/** Checks to see whether the given key exists.
* @param rootName :: The case sensitive key that you are looking to see if
* @returns Boolean value denoting whether the exists or not.
bool ConfigServiceImpl::hasProperty(const std::string &rootName) const {
return m_pConf->hasProperty(rootName);
/** Checks to see whether the given file target is an executable one and it
* This method will expand environment variables found in the given file path.
* @param target :: The path to the file you wish to see whether it's an
* @returns Boolean value denoting whether the file is an executable or not.
bool ConfigServiceImpl::isExecutable(const std::string &target) const {
try {
std::string expTarget = Poco::Path::expand(target);
Poco::File tempFile = Poco::File(expTarget);
if (tempFile.exists()) {
return tempFile.canExecute();
} else
return false;
} catch (Poco::Exception &) {
return false;
/** Runs a command line string to open a program. The function can take program
* i.e it can load in a file to the program on startup.
* This method will expand environment variables found in the given file path.
* @param programFilePath :: The directory where the program is located.
* @param programArguments :: The arguments that the program can take on
*startup. For example,
* the file to load up.
void ConfigServiceImpl::launchProcess(
const std::string &programFilePath,
const std::vector<std::string> &programArguments) const {
try {
std::string expTarget = Poco::Path::expand(programFilePath);
Poco::Process::launch(expTarget, programArguments);
} catch (Poco::SystemException &e) {
throw std::runtime_error(e.what());
* Set a configuration property. An existing key will have its value updated.
* @param key :: The key to refer to this property
* @param value :: The value of the property
void ConfigServiceImpl::setString(const std::string &key,
const std::string &value) {
// If the value is unchanged (after any path conversions), there's nothing to
// do.
const std::string old = getString(key);
if (value == old)
// Ensure we keep a correct full path
std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator itr = m_ConfigPaths.find(key);
if (itr != m_ConfigPaths.end()) {
m_AbsolutePaths[key] = makeAbsolute(value, key);
if (key == "datasearch.directories") {
} else if (key == "usersearch.directories") {
} else if (key == "instrumentDefinition.directory") {
} else if (key == "defaultsave.directory") {
m_pConf->setString(key, value);
m_notificationCenter.postNotification(new ValueChanged(key, value, old));
/** Searches for a string within the currently loaded configuaration values and
* attempts to convert the values to the template type supplied.
* @param keyName :: The case sensitive name of the property that you need the
*value of.
* @param out :: The value if found
* @returns A success flag - 0 on failure, 1 on success
template <typename T>
int ConfigServiceImpl::getValue(const std::string &keyName, T &out) {
std::string strValue = getString(keyName);
int result = Mantid::Kernel::Strings::convert(strValue, out);
return result;
* Return the full filename of the local properties file.
* @returns A string containing the full path to the local file.
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getLocalFilename() const {
#ifdef _WIN32
return "Mantid.local.properties";
return "/etc/mantid.local.properties";
* Return the full filename of the user properties file
* @returns A string containing the full path to the user file
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getUserFilename() const {
return getUserPropertiesDir() + m_user_properties_file_name;
/** Searches for the string within the environment variables and returns the
* value as a string.
* @param keyName :: The name of the environment variable that you need the
*value of.
* @returns The string value of the property
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getEnvironment(const std::string &keyName) {
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.env." + keyName);
/** Gets the name of the host operating system
* @returns The name pf the OS version
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getOSName() {
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.osName");
/** Gets the name of the computer running Mantid
* @returns The name of the computer
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getOSArchitecture() {
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.osArchitecture");
/** Gets the name of the operating system Architecture
* @returns The operating system architecture
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getComputerName() {
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.nodeName");
/** Gets the name of the operating system version
* @returns The operating system version
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getOSVersion() {
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.osVersion");
/// @returns true if the file exists and can be read
bool canRead(const std::string &filename) {
// check for existence of the file
Poco::File pocoFile(filename);
if (!pocoFile.exists()) {
return false;
// just return if it is readable
return pocoFile.canRead();
/// @returns the value associated with the key.
std::string getValueFromStdOut(const std::string &orig,
const std::string &key) {
size_t start = orig.find(key);
if (start == std::string::npos) {
return std::string();
start += key.size();
size_t stop = orig.find('\n', start);
if (stop == std::string::npos) {
return std::string();
return Mantid::Kernel::Strings::strip(orig.substr(start, stop - start - 1));
* Gets the name of the operating system version in a human readable form.
* @returns The operating system desciption
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getOSVersionReadable() {
std::string description;
// read os-release
static const std::string OS_RELEASE("/etc/os-release");
if (canRead(OS_RELEASE)) {
static const std::string PRETTY_NAME("PRETTY_NAME=");
// open it to see if it has the magic line
std::ifstream handle(OS_RELEASE.c_str(), std::ios::in);
// go through the file
std::string line;
while (std::getline(handle, line)) {
if (line.find(PRETTY_NAME) != std::string::npos) {
if (line.length() > PRETTY_NAME.length() + 1) {
size_t length = line.length() - PRETTY_NAME.length() - 2;
description = line.substr(PRETTY_NAME.length() + 1, length);
// cleanup
if (!description.empty()) {
return description;
// read redhat-release
static const std::string REDHAT_RELEASE("/etc/redhat-release");
if (canRead(REDHAT_RELEASE)) {
// open it to see if it has the magic line
std::ifstream handle(REDHAT_RELEASE.c_str(), std::ios::in);
// go through the file
std::string line;
while (std::getline(handle, line)) {
if (!line.empty()) {
description = line;
// cleanup
if (!description.empty()) {
return description;
// try system calls
std::string cmd;
std::vector<std::string> args;
#ifdef __APPLE__
cmd = "sw_vers"; // mac
#elif _WIN32
cmd = "wmic"; // windows
args.emplace_back("os"); // windows
args.emplace_back("get"); // windows
args.emplace_back("Caption"); // windows
args.emplace_back("/value"); // windows
if (!cmd.empty()) {
try {
Poco::Pipe outPipe, errorPipe;
Poco::ProcessHandle ph =
Poco::Process::launch(cmd, args, nullptr, &outPipe, &errorPipe);
const int rc = ph.wait();
// Only if the command returned successfully.
if (rc == 0) {
Poco::PipeInputStream pipeStream(outPipe);
std::stringstream stringStream;
Poco::StreamCopier::copyStream(pipeStream, stringStream);
const std::string result = stringStream.str();
#ifdef __APPLE__
const std::string product_name =
getValueFromStdOut(result, "ProductName:");
const std::string product_vers =
getValueFromStdOut(result, "ProductVersion:");
description = product_name + " " + product_vers;
#elif _WIN32
description = getValueFromStdOut(result, "Caption=");
UNUSED_ARG(result); // only used on mac and windows
} else {
std::stringstream messageStream;
messageStream << "command \"" << cmd << "\" failed with code: " << rc;
} catch (Poco::SystemException &e) {
g_log.debug("command \"" + cmd + "\" failed");
return description;
/// @returns The name of the current user as reported by the environment.
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getUsername() {
std::string username;
// mac and favorite way to get username on linux
try {
username = m_pSysConfig->getString("system.env.USER");
if (!username.empty()) {
return username;
} catch (Poco::NotFoundException &e) {
UNUSED_ARG(e); // let it drop on the floor
// windoze and alternate linux username variable
try {
username = m_pSysConfig->getString("system.env.USERNAME");
if (!username.empty()) {
return username;
} catch (Poco::NotFoundException &e) {
UNUSED_ARG(e); // let it drop on the floor
// give up and return an empty string
return std::string();
/** Gets the absolute path of the current directory containing the dll
* @returns The absolute path of the current directory containing the dll
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getCurrentDir() {
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.currentDir");
/** Gets the absolute path of the current directory containing the dll. Const
* @returns The absolute path of the current directory containing the dll
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getCurrentDir() const {
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.currentDir");
/** Gets the absolute path of the temp directory
* @returns The absolute path of the temp directory
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getTempDir() {
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.tempDir");
/** Gets the absolute path of the appdata directory
* @returns The absolute path of the appdata directory
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getAppDataDir() {
const std::string applicationName = "mantid";
const std::string vendorName = "mantidproject";
std::string appdata = std::getenv("APPDATA");
Poco::Path path(appdata);
return path.toString();
#else // linux and mac
Poco::Path path(Poco::Path::home());
path.pushDirectory("." + applicationName);
return path.toString();
* Get the directory containing the program executable
* @returns A string containing the path of the directory
* containing the executable, including a trailing slash
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getDirectoryOfExecutable() const {
return Poco::Path(getPathToExecutable()).parent().toString();
* Get the full path to the executing program (i.e. whatever Mantid is embedded
* in)
* @returns A string containing the full path the the executable
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getPathToExecutable() const {
std::string execpath;
const size_t LEN(1024);
// cppcheck-suppress variableScope
char pBuf[LEN];
#ifdef _WIN32
unsigned int bytes = GetModuleFileName(NULL, pBuf, LEN);
#elif defined __linux__
char szTmp[32];
sprintf(szTmp, "/proc/%d/exe", getpid());
ssize_t bytes = readlink(szTmp, pBuf, LEN);
#elif defined __APPLE__
// Two calls to _NSGetExecutablePath required - first to get size of buffer
uint32_t bytes(0);
_NSGetExecutablePath(pBuf, &bytes);
const int success = _NSGetExecutablePath(pBuf, &bytes);
if (success < 0)
bytes = 1025;
if (bytes > 0 && bytes < 1024) {
pBuf[bytes] = '\0';
execpath = std::string(pBuf);
return execpath;
* Check if the path is on a network drive
* @param path :: The path to be checked
* @return True if the path is on a network drive.
bool ConfigServiceImpl::isNetworkDrive(const std::string &path) {
#ifdef _WIN32
// if path is relative get the full one
char buff[MAX_PATH];
GetFullPathName(path.c_str(), MAX_PATH, buff, NULL);
std::string fullName(buff);
size_t i = fullName.find(':');
// if the full path doesn't contain a drive letter assume it's on the network
if (i == std::string::npos)
return true;
fullName.erase(i + 1);
fullName += '\\'; // make sure the name has the trailing backslash
UINT type = GetDriveType(fullName.c_str());
return DRIVE_REMOTE == type;
#elif defined __linux__
// This information is only present in the /proc/mounts file on linux. There
// are no drives on
// linux only mount locations therefore the test will have to check the path
// against
// entries in /proc/mounts to see if the filesystem type is NFS or SMB (any
// others ????)
// Each line corresponds to a particular mounted location
// 1st column - device name
// 2nd column - mounted location
// 3rd column - filesystem type commonly ext2, ext3 for hard drives and NFS or
// SMB for
// network locations
std::ifstream mntfile("/proc/mounts");
std::string txtread("");
while (getline(mntfile, txtread)) {
std::istringstream strm(txtread);
std::string devname(""), mntpoint(""), fstype("");
strm >> devname >> mntpoint >> fstype;
if (!strm)
// I can't be sure that the file system type is always lower case
std::transform(fstype.begin(), fstype.end(), fstype.begin(), toupper);
// Skip the current line if the file system isn't a network one
if (fstype != "NFS" && fstype != "SMB")
// Now we have a line containing a network filesystem and just need to check
// if the path
// supplied contains the mount location. There is a small complication in
// that the mount
// points within the file have certain characters transformed into their
// octal
// representations, for example spaces->040.
std::string::size_type idx = mntpoint.find("\\0");
if (idx != std::string::npos) {
std::string oct = mntpoint.substr(idx + 1, 3);
int printch(-1);
strm.setf(std::ios::oct, std::ios::basefield);
strm >> printch;
if (printch != -1) {
mntpoint = mntpoint.substr(0, idx) + static_cast<char>(printch) +
mntpoint.substr(idx + 4);
// Search for this at the start of the path
if (path.find(mntpoint) == 0)
return true;
return false;
// Not yet implemented for the mac
return false;
* Gets the directory that we consider to be the directory containing the
* Mantid.properties file.
* Basically, this is the either the directory pointed to by MANTIDPATH or the
* directory of the current
* executable if this is not set.
* @returns The directory to consider as the base directory, including a
* trailing slash
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getPropertiesDir() const { return m_strBaseDir; }
* Return the directory that Mantid should use for writing any files it needs so
* that
* this is kept separated to user saved files. A trailing slash is appended
* so that filenames can more easily be concatenated with this
* @return the directory that Mantid should use for writing files
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getUserPropertiesDir() const {
#ifdef _WIN32
return m_strBaseDir;
Poco::Path datadir(m_pSysConfig->getString("system.homeDir"));
// Create the directory if it doesn't already exist
return datadir.toString() + "/";
* Return the list of search paths
* @returns A vector of strings containing the defined search directories
const std::vector<std::string> &ConfigServiceImpl::getDataSearchDirs() const {
return m_DataSearchDirs;
* Set a list of search paths via a vector
* @param searchDirs :: A list of search directories
void ConfigServiceImpl::setDataSearchDirs(
const std::vector<std::string> &searchDirs) {
std::string searchPaths = boost::join(searchDirs, ";");
* Set a list of search paths via a string
* @param searchDirs :: A string containing a list of search directories
* separated by a semi colon (;).
void ConfigServiceImpl::setDataSearchDirs(const std::string &searchDirs) {
setString("datasearch.directories", searchDirs);
* Appends the passed subdirectory path to the end of each of data
* search dirs and adds these new dirs to data search directories
* @param subdir :: the subdirectory path to add (relative)
void ConfigServiceImpl::appendDataSearchSubDir(const std::string &subdir) {
if (subdir.empty())
Poco::Path subDirPath;
try {
subDirPath = Poco::Path(subdir);
} catch (Poco::PathSyntaxException &) {
if (!subDirPath.isDirectory() || !subDirPath.isRelative()) {
auto newDataDirs = m_DataSearchDirs;
for (const auto &path : m_DataSearchDirs) {
Poco::Path newDirPath;
try {
newDirPath = Poco::Path(path);
} catch (Poco::PathSyntaxException &) {
* Adds the passed path to the end of the list of data search paths
* the path name must be absolute
* @param path :: the absolute path to add
void ConfigServiceImpl::appendDataSearchDir(const std::string &path) {
if (path.empty())
Poco::Path dirPath;
try {
dirPath = Poco::Path(path);
} catch (Poco::PathSyntaxException &) {
if (!isInDataSearchList(dirPath.toString())) {
std::string newSearchString;
std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = m_DataSearchDirs.begin();
for (; it != m_DataSearchDirs.end(); ++it) {
setString("datasearch.directories", newSearchString);
* Return the list of user search paths
* @returns A vector of strings containing the defined search directories
const std::vector<std::string> &ConfigServiceImpl::getUserSearchDirs() const {
return m_UserSearchDirs;
* Sets the search directories for XML instrument definition files (IDFs)
* @param directories An ordered list of paths for instrument searching
void ConfigServiceImpl::setInstrumentDirectories(
const std::vector<std::string> &directories) {
m_InstrumentDirs = directories;
* Return the search directories for XML instrument definition files (IDFs)
* @returns An ordered list of paths for instrument searching
const std::vector<std::string> &
ConfigServiceImpl::getInstrumentDirectories() const {
return m_InstrumentDirs;
* Return the base search directories for XML instrument definition files (IDFs)
* @returns a last entry of getInstrumentDirectories
const std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getInstrumentDirectory() const {
return m_InstrumentDirs.back();
* Return the search directory for vtp files
* @returns a path
const std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getVTPFileDirectory() {
// Determine the search directory for XML instrument definition files (IDFs)
std::string directoryName = getString("instrumentDefinition.vtpDirectory");
if (directoryName.empty()) {
Poco::Path path(getAppDataDir());
directoryName = path.toString();
return directoryName;
* Fills the internal cache of instrument definition directories and creates
* The %appdata%/mantidproject/mantid or $home/.mantid directory.
* This will normally contain from Index 0
* - The download directory (win %appdata%/mantidproject/mantid/instrument)
* (linux $home/.mantid/instrument )
* - The user instrument area /etc/mantid/instrument (not on windows)
* - The install directory/instrument
void ConfigServiceImpl::cacheInstrumentPaths() {
Poco::Path path(getAppDataDir());
const std::string appdatadir = path.toString();
addDirectoryifExists(appdatadir, m_InstrumentDirs);
#ifndef _WIN32
addDirectoryifExists("/etc/mantid/instrument", m_InstrumentDirs);
// Determine the search directory for XML instrument definition files (IDFs)
std::string directoryName = getString("instrumentDefinition.directory");
if (directoryName.empty()) {
// This is the assumed deployment directory for IDFs, where we need to be
// relative to the
// directory of the executable, not the current working directory.
directoryName =
addDirectoryifExists(directoryName, m_InstrumentDirs);
* Verifies the directory exists and add it to the back of the directory list if
* valid
* @param directoryName the directory name to add
* @param directoryList the list to add the directory to
* @returns true if the directory was valid and added to the list
bool ConfigServiceImpl::addDirectoryifExists(
const std::string &directoryName, std::vector<std::string> &directoryList) {
try {
if (Poco::File(directoryName).isDirectory()) {
return true;
} else {
g_log.information("Unable to locate directory at: " + directoryName);
return false;
} catch (Poco::PathNotFoundException &) {
g_log.information("Unable to locate directory at: " + directoryName);
return false;
} catch (Poco::FileNotFoundException &) {
g_log.information("Unable to locate directory at: " + directoryName);
return false;
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getFacilityFilename(const std::string &fName) {
// first try the supplied file
if (!fName.empty()) {
const Poco::File fileObj(fName);
if (fileObj.exists()) {
return fName;
// search all of the instrument directories
const std::vector<std::string> directoryNames = getInstrumentDirectories();
// only use downloaded instruments if configured to download
const std::string updateInstrStr =
auto instrDir = directoryNames.begin();
if (updateInstrStr == "1" || updateInstrStr == "on" ||
updateInstrStr == "On") {
// do nothing
} else {
instrDir++; // advance to after the first value
for (; instrDir != directoryNames.end(); ++instrDir) {
std::string filename = (*instrDir) + "Facilities.xml";
Poco::File fileObj(filename);
// stop when you find the first one
if (fileObj.exists())
return filename;
// getting this far means the file was not found
std::string directoryNamesList = boost::algorithm::join(directoryNames, ", ");
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to find \"Facilities.xml\". Searched in " +
* Load facility information from instrumentDir/Facilities.xml file if fName
* parameter
* is not set
* @param fName :: An alternative file name for loading facilities information.
void ConfigServiceImpl::updateFacilities(const std::string &fName) {
try {
std::string fileName = getFacilityFilename(fName);
// Set up the DOM parser and parse xml file
Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::Document> pDoc;
try {
Poco::XML::DOMParser pParser;
pDoc = pParser.parse(fileName);
} catch (...) {
throw Kernel::Exception::FileError("Unable to parse file:", fileName);
// Get pointer to root element
Poco::XML::Element *pRootElem = pDoc->documentElement();
if (!pRootElem->hasChildNodes()) {
throw std::runtime_error("No root element in Facilities.xml file");
Poco::AutoPtr<Poco::XML::NodeList> pNL_facility =
unsigned long n = pNL_facility->length();
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
Poco::XML::Element *elem =
dynamic_cast<Poco::XML::Element *>(pNL_facility->item(i));
if (elem) {
m_facilities.push_back(new FacilityInfo(elem));
if (m_facilities.empty()) {
throw std::runtime_error("The facility definition file " + fileName +
" defines no facilities");
} catch (std::exception &e) {
/// Empty the list of facilities, deleting the FacilityInfo objects in the
/// process
void ConfigServiceImpl::clearFacilities() {
for (auto &facility : m_facilities) {
delete facility;
* Returns instruments with given name
* @param instrumentName Instrument name
* @return the instrument information object
* @throw NotFoundError if iName was not found
const InstrumentInfo &
ConfigServiceImpl::getInstrument(const std::string &instrumentName) const {
// Let's first search for the instrument in our default facility
std::string defaultFacility = ConfigService::Instance().getFacility().name();
if (!defaultFacility.empty()) {
try {
g_log.debug() << "Looking for " << instrumentName << " at "
<< defaultFacility << ".\n";
return getFacility(defaultFacility).instrument(instrumentName);
} catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) {
// Well the instName doesn't exist for this facility
// Move along, there's nothing to see here...
// Now let's look through the other facilities
for (auto facility : m_facilities) {
try {
g_log.debug() << "Looking for " << instrumentName << " at "
<< (*facility).name() << ".\n";
return (*facility).instrument(instrumentName);
} catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) {
// Well the instName doesn't exist for this facility...
// Move along, there's nothing to see here...
const std::string errMsg =
"Failed to find an instrument with this name in any facility: '" +
instrumentName + "' -";
g_log.debug("Instrument " + instrumentName + " not found");
throw Exception::NotFoundError(errMsg, instrumentName);
/** Gets a vector of the facility Information objects
* @return A vector of FacilityInfo objects
const std::vector<FacilityInfo *> ConfigServiceImpl::getFacilities() const {
return m_facilities;
/** Gets a vector of the facility names
* @return A vector of the facility Names
const std::vector<std::string> ConfigServiceImpl::getFacilityNames() const {
auto names = std::vector<std::string>(m_facilities.size());
auto itFacilities = m_facilities.begin();
auto itNames = names.begin();
for (; itFacilities != m_facilities.end(); ++itFacilities, ++itNames) {
*itNames = (**itFacilities).name();
return names;
/** Get the default facility
* @return the facility information object
const FacilityInfo &ConfigServiceImpl::getFacility() const {
std::string defFacility = getString("default.facility");
if (defFacility.empty()) {
defFacility = "ISIS";
return this->getFacility(defFacility);
* Get a facility
* @param facilityName :: Facility name
* @return the facility information object
* @throw NotFoundException if the facility is not found
const FacilityInfo &
ConfigServiceImpl::getFacility(const std::string &facilityName) const {
if (facilityName.empty())
return this->getFacility();
for (auto facility : m_facilities) {
if ((*facility).name() == facilityName) {
return *facility;
throw Exception::NotFoundError("Facilities", facilityName);
* Set the default facility
* @param facilityName the facility name
* @throw NotFoundException if the facility is not found
void ConfigServiceImpl::setFacility(const std::string &facilityName) {
bool found = false;
// Look through the facilities for a matching one.
std::vector<FacilityInfo *>::const_iterator it = m_facilities.begin();
for (; it != m_facilities.end(); ++it) {
if ((**it).name() == facilityName) {
// Found the facility
found = true;
// So it's safe to set it as our default
setString("default.facility", facilityName);
if (!found) {
g_log.error("Failed to set default facility to be " + facilityName +
". Facility not found");
throw Exception::NotFoundError("Facilities", facilityName);
/** Add an observer to a notification
@param observer :: Reference to the observer to add
void ConfigServiceImpl::addObserver(
const Poco::AbstractObserver &observer) const {
/** Remove an observer
@param observer :: Reference to the observer to remove
void ConfigServiceImpl::removeObserver(
const Poco::AbstractObserver &observer) const {
Checks to see whether the pvplugins.directory variable is set. If it is set,
we have built Mantid with ParaView
@return True if paraview is available or not disabled.
bool ConfigServiceImpl::pvPluginsAvailable() const {
std::string pvpluginsDir = getString("pvplugins.directory");
return !pvpluginsDir.empty();
* Gets the path to the ParaView plugins
* @returns A string giving the directory of the ParaView plugins
const std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getPVPluginsPath() const {
return getString("pvplugins.directory");
Gets the system proxy information
@url A url to match the proxy to
@return the proxy information.
Kernel::ProxyInfo &ConfigServiceImpl::getProxy(const std::string &url) {
if (!m_isProxySet) {
// set the proxy
// first check if the proxy is defined in the properties file
std::string proxyHost;
int proxyPort;
if ((getValue("proxy.host", proxyHost) == 1) &&
(getValue("proxy.port", proxyPort) == 1)) {
// set it from the config values
m_proxyInfo = ProxyInfo(proxyHost, proxyPort, true);
} else {
// get the system proxy
Poco::URI uri(url);
Mantid::Kernel::NetworkProxy proxyHelper;
m_proxyInfo = proxyHelper.getHttpProxy(uri.toString());
m_isProxySet = true;
return m_proxyInfo;
/** Sets the log level priority for the File log channel
* @param logLevel the integer value of the log level to set, 1=Critical, 7=Debug
void ConfigServiceImpl::setFileLogLevel(int logLevel) {
setFilterChannelLogLevel(m_filterChannels[0], logLevel);
/** Sets the log level priority for the Console log channel
* @param logLevel the integer value of the log level to set, 1=Critical, 7=Debug
void ConfigServiceImpl::setConsoleLogLevel(int logLevel) {
setFilterChannelLogLevel(m_filterChannels[1], logLevel);
/** Sets the Log level for a filter channel
* @param filterChannelName the channel name of the filter channel to change
* @param logLevel the integer value of the log level to set, 1=Critical, 7=Debug
* @throws std::invalid_argument if the channel name is incorrect or it is not a
* filterChannel
void ConfigServiceImpl::setFilterChannelLogLevel(
const std::string &filterChannelName, int logLevel) {
Poco::Channel *channel = nullptr;
try {
channel = Poco::LoggingRegistry::defaultRegistry().channelForName(
} catch (Poco::NotFoundException &) {
throw std::invalid_argument(filterChannelName +
" not found in the Logging Registry");
auto *filterChannel = dynamic_cast<Poco::FilterChannel *>(channel);
if (filterChannel) {
int lowestLogLevel = FindLowestFilterLevel();
// set root level if required
int rootLevel = Poco::Logger::root().getLevel();
if (rootLevel != lowestLogLevel) {
g_log.log(filterChannelName + " log channel set to " +
Logger::PriorityNames[logLevel] + " priority",
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument(filterChannelName +
" was not a filter channel");
/** Finds the lowest Log level for all registered filter channels
int ConfigServiceImpl::FindLowestFilterLevel() const {
int lowestPriority = Logger::Priority::PRIO_FATAL;
// Find the lowest level of all of the filter channels
for (const auto &filterChannelName : m_filterChannels) {
try {
auto *channel = Poco::LoggingRegistry::defaultRegistry().channelForName(
auto *filterChannel = dynamic_cast<Poco::FilterChannel *>(channel);
if (filterChannel) {
int filterPriority = filterChannel->getPriority();
if (filterPriority > lowestPriority) {
lowestPriority = filterPriority;
} catch (Poco::NotFoundException &) {
g_log.warning(filterChannelName +
" registered log filter channel not found");
return lowestPriority;
/// \cond TEMPLATE
template DLLExport int ConfigServiceImpl::getValue(const std::string &,
double &);
template DLLExport int ConfigServiceImpl::getValue(const std::string &,
std::string &);
template DLLExport int ConfigServiceImpl::getValue(const std::string &, int &);
template DLLExport int ConfigServiceImpl::getValue(const std::string &,
std::size_t &);
/// \endcond TEMPLATE
} // namespace Kernel
} // namespace Mantid