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  • Simon Heybrock's avatar
    Re #12687 Added clone() to Workspaces. Retaining old behavior. · 3231d87b
    Simon Heybrock authored
    Added non-virtual clone() interface with a virtual private doClone()
    method to Workspace and derived classes. Workspaces that had a clone()
    method before were adapted to have a common interface everywhere. In
    cases where there was no clone() method previously we simply throw an
    error for now, until this new functionality is implemented.
    Some tests/mocks had to be adapted since there there is a pure virtual
    doClone() in all abstract classes.
    Do to smart pointer incompatibilities (mainly due to old boost versions)
    we had do extract the raw pointer from the unique_ptr returned by clone
    and put it into a boost::shared_ptr manually, in some cases. See also
    issue 12949.