Peterson, Peter authoredPeterson, Peter authored
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CreateChunkingFromInstrument.cpp 16.30 KiB
TODO: Enter a full wiki-markup description of your algorithm here. You can then use the Build/wiki_maker.py script to generate your full wiki page.
#include "MantidAPI/FileProperty.h"
#include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidAPI/TableRow.h"
#include "MantidDataHandling/CreateChunkingFromInstrument.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/Workspace2D.h"
#include "MantidGeometry/IDetector.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ListValidator.h"
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
#include <nexus/NeXusFile.hpp>
#include <nexus/NeXusException.hpp>
namespace Mantid
namespace DataHandling
using namespace Mantid::API;
using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
using namespace Mantid::Geometry;
using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
using namespace std;
typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
// Register the algorithm into the AlgorithmFactory
namespace { // anonymous namespace to hide things
/// Input file name
const string PARAM_IN_FILE("Filename");
/// Input workspace parameter name
const string PARAM_IN_WKSP("InputWorkspace");
/// Instrument name parameter name
const string PARAM_INST_NAME("InstrumentName");
/// Instrument file parameter name
const string PARAM_INST_FILE("InstrumentFilename");
/// Explicitly name instrument components
const string PARAM_CHUNK_NAMES("ChunkNames");
/// Canned instrument components names
const string PARAM_CHUNK_BY("ChunkBy");
/// Recursion depth parameter name
const string PARAM_MAX_RECURSE("MaxRecursionDepth");
/// Output workspace parameter name
const string PARAM_OUT_WKSP("OutputWorkspace");
/// Maximum number of banks to look for
const string PARAM_MAX_BANK_NUM("MaxBankNumber");
/** Constructor
/** Destructor
/// Algorithm's name for identification. @see Algorithm::name
const string CreateChunkingFromInstrument::name() const { return "CreateChunkingFromInstrument";};
/// Algorithm's version for identification. @see Algorithm::version
int CreateChunkingFromInstrument::version() const { return 1;};
/// Algorithm's category for identification. @see Algorithm::category
const string CreateChunkingFromInstrument::category() const { return "Workflow\\DataHandling";}
/// Sets documentation strings for this algorithm
void CreateChunkingFromInstrument::initDocs()
this->setWikiSummary("TODO: Enter a quick description of your algorithm.");
this->setOptionalMessage("TODO: Enter a quick description of your algorithm.");
/** Initialize the algorithm's properties.
void CreateChunkingFromInstrument::init()
// instrument selection
string grp1Name("Specify the Instrument");
std::vector<std::string> exts;
this->declareProperty(new FileProperty(PARAM_IN_FILE, "", FileProperty::OptionalLoad, exts),
"The name of the event nexus file to read, including its full or relative path." );
this->declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<>(PARAM_IN_WKSP,"",Direction::Input, PropertyMode::Optional),
"Optional: An input workspace with the instrument we want to use.");
this->declareProperty(new PropertyWithValue<string>(PARAM_INST_NAME,"",Direction::Input),
"Optional: Name of the instrument to base the ChunkingWorkpace on which to base the GroupingWorkspace.");
this->declareProperty(new FileProperty(PARAM_INST_FILE, "", FileProperty::OptionalLoad, ".xml"),
"Optional: Path to the instrument definition file on which to base the ChunkingWorkpace.");
this->setPropertyGroup(PARAM_IN_FILE, grp1Name);
this->setPropertyGroup(PARAM_IN_WKSP, grp1Name);
this->setPropertyGroup(PARAM_INST_NAME, grp1Name);
this->setPropertyGroup(PARAM_INST_FILE, grp1Name);
// chunking
string grp2Name("Specify Instrument Components");
"Optional: A string of the instrument component names to use as separate groups. "
"Use / or , to separate multiple groups. "
"If empty, then an empty GroupingWorkspace will be created.");
vector<string> grouping;
declareProperty(PARAM_CHUNK_BY, "", boost::make_shared<StringListValidator>(grouping),
"Only used if GroupNames is empty: All detectors as one group, Groups (East,West for SNAP), Columns for SNAP, detector banks");
this->setPropertyGroup(PARAM_CHUNK_NAMES, grp2Name);
this->setPropertyGroup(PARAM_CHUNK_BY, grp2Name);
// everything else
declareProperty(PARAM_MAX_RECURSE, 5,
"Number of levels to search into the instrument (default=5)");
declareProperty(PARAM_MAX_BANK_NUM, 300,
"Maximum bank number to search for in the instrument");
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>(PARAM_OUT_WKSP,"",Direction::Output),
"An output workspace describing the cunking.");
/// @copydoc Mantid::API::Algorithm::validateInputs
map<string, string> CreateChunkingFromInstrument::validateInputs()
map<string, string> result;
// get the input paramters
string filename = getPropertyValue(PARAM_IN_FILE);
MatrixWorkspace_sptr inWS = getProperty(PARAM_IN_WKSP);
string instName = getPropertyValue(PARAM_INST_NAME);
string instFilename = getPropertyValue(PARAM_INST_FILE);
// count how many ways the input instrument was specified
int numInst = 0;
if (!filename.empty()) numInst++;
if (inWS) numInst++;
if (!instName.empty()) numInst++;
if (!instFilename.empty()) numInst++;
// set the error bits
string msg;
if (numInst == 0)
msg = "Must specify instrument one way";
else if (numInst > 1)
msg = "Can only specify instrument one way";
if (!msg.empty())
result[PARAM_IN_FILE] = msg;
result[PARAM_IN_WKSP] = msg;
result[PARAM_INST_NAME] = msg;
result[PARAM_INST_FILE] = msg;
// get the chunking technology to use
string chunkNames = getPropertyValue(PARAM_CHUNK_NAMES);
string chunkGroups = getPropertyValue(PARAM_CHUNK_BY);
msg = "";
if (chunkNames.empty() && chunkGroups.empty())
msg = "Must specify either " + PARAM_CHUNK_NAMES + " or "
else if ((!chunkNames.empty()) && (!chunkGroups.empty()))
msg = "Must specify either " + PARAM_CHUNK_NAMES + " or "
+ PARAM_CHUNK_BY + " not both";
if (!msg.empty())
result[PARAM_CHUNK_NAMES] = msg;
result[PARAM_CHUNK_BY] = msg;
return result;
* Returns true if str starts with prefix.
* @param str The string to check.
* @param prefix The prefix to look for.
* @return true if str starts with prefix.
bool startsWith(const string & str, const string & prefix)
// can't start with if it is shorter than the prefix
if (str.length() < prefix.length())
return false;
return (str.substr(0, prefix.length()).compare(prefix) == 0);
* Find the name of the parent of the component that starts with the
* supplied prefix.
* @param comp The component to find the parent of.
* @param prefix Prefix of parent names to look for.
* @return The correct parent name. This is an empty string if the name
* isn't found.
string parentName(IComponent_const_sptr comp, const string & prefix)
// handle the special case of the component has the name
if (startsWith(comp->getName(), prefix))
return comp->getName();
// find the parent with the correct name
IComponent_const_sptr parent = comp->getParent();
if (parent)
if (startsWith(parent->getName(), prefix))
return parent->getName();
return parentName(parent, prefix);
return "";
* Find the name of the parent of the component that is in the list of
* parents that are being searched for.
* @param comp The component to find the parent of.
* @param names List of parent names to look for.
* @return The correct parent name. This is an empty string if the name
* isn't found.
string parentName(IComponent_const_sptr comp, const vector<string> & names)
// handle the special case of the component has the name
for (auto name = names.begin(); name != names.end(); ++name)
if (name->compare(comp->getName()) == 0)
return (*name);
// find the parent with the correct name
IComponent_const_sptr parent = comp->getParent();
if (parent)
// see if this is the parent
for (auto name = names.begin(); name != names.end(); ++name)
if (name->compare(parent->getName()) == 0)
return (*name);
// or recurse
return parentName(parent, names);
return "";
* Split a list of instrument components into a vector of strings.
* @param names Comma separated list of instrument components
* @return The vector of instrument component names.
vector<string> getGroupNames(const string & names)
vector<string> groups;
// check that there is something
if (names.empty())
return groups;
// do the actual splitting
const boost::char_separator<char> SEPERATOR(",");
tokenizer tokens(names, SEPERATOR);
for (auto item = tokens.begin(); item != tokens.end(); ++item)
return groups;
* Determine the instrument from the various input parameters.
* @return The correct instrument.
Instrument_const_sptr CreateChunkingFromInstrument::getInstrument()
// try the input workspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr inWS = getProperty(PARAM_IN_WKSP);
if (inWS)
return inWS->getInstrument();
// temporary workspace to hang everything else off of
MatrixWorkspace_sptr tempWS(new Workspace2D());
// name of the instrument
string instName = getPropertyValue(PARAM_INST_NAME);
// see if there is an input file
string filename = getPropertyValue(PARAM_IN_FILE);
if (!filename.empty())
string top_entry_name("entry"); // TODO make more flexible
// get the instrument name from the filename
size_t n = filename.rfind('/');
if (n != std::string::npos)
std::string temp = filename.substr(n+1, filename.size()-n-1);
n = temp.find('_');
if (n != std::string::npos && n > 0)
instName = temp.substr(0, n);
// read information from the nexus file itself
try {
NeXus::File nxsfile(filename);
// get the run start time
string start_time;
nxsfile.openGroup(top_entry_name, "NXentry");
nxsfile.readData("start_time", start_time);
tempWS->mutableRun().addProperty("run_start", DateAndTime(start_time).toISO8601String(), true );
// get the instrument name
nxsfile.openGroup("instrument", "NXinstrument");
nxsfile.readData("name", instName);
// Test if IDF exists in file, move on quickly if not
IAlgorithm_sptr loadInst= createChildAlgorithm("LoadIDFFromNexus",0.0,0.2);
// Now execute the Child Algorithm. Catch and log any error, but don't stop.
loadInst->setPropertyValue("Filename", filename);
loadInst->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr> ("Workspace", tempWS);
catch( std::invalid_argument&)
g_log.error("Invalid argument to LoadIDFFromNexus Child Algorithm ");
catch (std::runtime_error&)
g_log.debug("No instrument definition found in "+filename+" at "+top_entry_name+"/instrument");
if ( loadInst->isExecuted() )
return tempWS->getInstrument();
g_log.information("No IDF loaded from Nexus file.");
} catch (::NeXus::Exception&) {
g_log.information("No instrument definition found in "+filename+" at "+top_entry_name+"/instrument");
// run LoadInstrument if other methods have not run
string instFilename = getPropertyValue(PARAM_INST_FILE);
Algorithm_sptr childAlg = createChildAlgorithm("LoadInstrument",0.0,0.2);
childAlg->setProperty<MatrixWorkspace_sptr>("Workspace", tempWS);
childAlg->setPropertyValue("Filename", instFilename);
childAlg->setPropertyValue("InstrumentName", instName);
return tempWS->getInstrument();
/** Execute the algorithm.
void CreateChunkingFromInstrument::exec()
// get the instrument
Instrument_const_sptr inst = this->getInstrument();
// setup the output workspace
ITableWorkspace_sptr strategy = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().createTable("TableWorkspace");
strategy->addColumn("str", "BankName");
this->setProperty("OutputWorkspace", strategy);
// get the correct level of grouping
string groupLevel = this->getPropertyValue(PARAM_CHUNK_BY);
vector<string> groupNames = getGroupNames(this->getPropertyValue(PARAM_CHUNK_NAMES));
if (groupLevel.compare("All") == 0)
else if (inst->getName().compare("SNAP") == 0 && groupLevel.compare("Group") == 0)
// set up a progress bar with the "correct" number of steps
int maxBankNum = this->getProperty(PARAM_MAX_BANK_NUM);
Progress progress(this, .2, 1., maxBankNum);
// search the instrument for the bank names
int maxRecurseDepth = this->getProperty(PARAM_MAX_RECURSE);
map<string, vector<string> > grouping;
// cppcheck-suppress syntaxError
PRAGMA_OMP(parallel for schedule(dynamic, 1) )
for (int num = 0; num < maxBankNum; ++num)
ostringstream mess;
mess<< "bank"<<num;
IComponent_const_sptr comp = inst->getComponentByName(mess.str(), maxRecurseDepth);
// get the name of the correct parent
string parent;
if (groupNames.empty())
parent = parentName(comp, groupLevel);
parent = parentName(comp, groupNames);
// add it to the correct chunk
if (!parent.empty())
if (grouping.count(parent) == 0)
grouping[parent] = vector<string>();
// fill in the table workspace
for (auto group = grouping.begin(); group != grouping.end(); ++group)
stringstream banks;
for (auto bank = group->second.begin(); bank != group->second.end(); ++bank)
banks << (*bank) << ",";
// remove the trailing comma
string banksStr = banks.str();
banksStr = banksStr.substr(0, banksStr.size()-1);
// add it to the table
TableRow row = strategy->appendRow();
row << banksStr;
} // namespace DataHandling
} // namespace Mantid