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  • Gemma Guest's avatar
    Use new workflow algorithm for live data monitor · c8ac651d
    Gemma Guest authored
    - Replace direct use of ReflectometryReductionOneAuto with the new wrapper ReflectometryISISLoadAndProcess. This fixes a problem with invalid properties being passed from the GUI, which also uses the latter. It also gives it more comprehensive support of the new GUI features such as being able to sum input transmission runs.
    - Tidy up property lists in the algorithms.
    - Fix an issue where a clone was being done of the input live workspace which was only updated with the output values when the first chunk of data arrives. This was confusing users. The output workspace now only appears when the data arrives.
    - Make grouping of TOF workspaces optional so that we can disable it for live data.
    - Make reloading of input workspaces optional so that we can disable it for live data - if for some reason the workspace is not there or is the wrong type we would get a confusing error if we try to reload it from file because there is no file for live data.
    Re #26119