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  • Joseph Ramsay's avatar
    Re #21350 Update total scattering system test reference values · 61bece23
    Joseph Ramsay authored
    The new cropping ranges meant that the intensity of peaks in
    TotalScatteringTest was reduced, and the peak used for reference was at a
    different index. It was decided that, since total scattering is at such
    an early stage of development, it made most sense to just make the test
    check for the new values instead
    Re #21350 Update total scattering system test reference values
    Joseph Ramsay authored
    The new cropping ranges meant that the intensity of peaks in
    TotalScatteringTest was reduced, and the peak used for reference was at a
    different index. It was decided that, since total scattering is at such
    an early stage of development, it made most sense to just make the test
    check for the new values instead
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from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)

import os
import stresstesting
import shutil

import mantid.simpleapi as mantid
from mantid import config

from isis_powder import Polaris, SampleDetails

DIRS = config['datasearch.directories'].split(';')

# Setup various path details

inst_name = "POLARIS"
# Relative to system data folder
working_folder_name = "ISIS_Powder"

# Relative to working folder
input_folder_name = "input"
output_folder_name = "output"

# Relative to input folder
calibration_folder_name = os.path.join("calibration", inst_name.lower())
calibration_map_rel_path = os.path.join("yaml_files", "polaris_system_test_mapping.yaml")
spline_rel_path = os.path.join("17_1", "")
unsplined_van_rel_path = os.path.join("17_1", "")

# Generate paths for the tests
# This implies DIRS[0] is the system test data folder
working_dir = os.path.join(DIRS[0], working_folder_name)

input_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, input_folder_name)
output_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, output_folder_name)

calibration_map_path = os.path.join(input_dir, calibration_map_rel_path)
calibration_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, calibration_folder_name)
spline_path = os.path.join(calibration_dir, spline_rel_path)
unsplined_van_path = os.path.join(calibration_dir, unsplined_van_rel_path)

class CreateVanadiumTest(stresstesting.MantidStressTest):

    calibration_results = None
    existing_config = config['datasearch.directories']

    def requiredFiles(self):
        return _gen_required_files()

    def runTest(self):
        self.calibration_results = run_vanadium_calibration()

    def validate(self):
        splined_ws, unsplined_ws = self.calibration_results
        for ws in splined_ws+unsplined_ws:
            self.assertEqual(ws.sample().getMaterial().name(), 'V')
        return (unsplined_ws.getName(), "ISIS_Powder-POLARIS00098533_unsplined.nxs",
                splined_ws.getName(), "ISIS_Powder-POLARIS00098533_splined.nxs")

    def cleanup(self):
            config['datasearch.directories'] = self.existing_config

class FocusTest(stresstesting.MantidStressTest):

    focus_results = None
    existing_config = config['datasearch.directories']

    def requiredFiles(self):
        return _gen_required_files()

    def runTest(self):
        # Gen vanadium calibration first
        self.focus_results = run_focus()

    def validate(self):
        for ws in self.focus_results:
            self.assertEqual(ws.sample().getMaterial().name(), 'Si')
        return self.focus_results.getName(), "ISIS_Powder-POLARIS98533_FocusSempty.nxs"

    def cleanup(self):
            config['datasearch.directories'] = self.existing_config

class TotalScatteringTest(stresstesting.MantidStressTest):

    pdf_output = None

    def runTest(self):
        # Load Focused ws
        mantid.LoadNexus(Filename="ISIS_Powder-POLARIS98533_FocusSempty.nxs", OutputWorkspace='98533-Results-TOF-Grp')
        self.pdf_output = run_total_scattering('98533', False)

    def validate(self):
        # Whilst total scattering is in development, the validation will avoid using reference files as they will have
        # to be updated very frequently. In the meantime, the expected peak in the PDF at ~3.9 Angstrom will be checked.
        # After rebin this is at X index 37
        expected_peak_values = [0.0002294,
        for index, ws in enumerate(self.pdf_output):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(ws.dataY(0)[37], expected_peak_values[index], places=3)

def run_total_scattering(run_number, merge_banks):
    pdf_inst_obj = setup_inst_object(mode="PDF")
    return pdf_inst_obj.create_total_scattering_pdf(run_number=run_number,

def _gen_required_files():
    required_run_numbers = ["98531", "98532",  # create_van : PDF mode
                            "98533"]  # File to focus (Si)

    # Generate file names of form "INSTxxxxx.nxs"
    input_files = [os.path.join(input_dir, (inst_name + "000" + number + ".nxs")) for number in required_run_numbers]
    return input_files

def run_vanadium_calibration():
    vanadium_run = 98532  # Choose arbitrary run in the cycle 17_1

    pdf_inst_obj = setup_inst_object(mode="PDF")

    # Run create vanadium twice to ensure we get two different output splines / files
                                 do_absorb_corrections=True, multiple_scattering=False)

    # Check the spline looks good and was saved
    if not os.path.exists(spline_path):
        raise RuntimeError("Could not find output spline at the following path: " + spline_path)
    splined_ws = mantid.Load(Filename=spline_path)
    unsplined_ws = mantid.Load(Filename=unsplined_van_path)

    return splined_ws, unsplined_ws

def run_focus():
    run_number = 98533
    sample_empty = 98532  # Use the vanadium empty again to make it obvious
    sample_empty_scale = 0.5  # Set it to 50% scale

    # Copy the required splined file into place first (instead of relying on generated one)
    splined_file_name = "POLARIS00098532_splined.nxs"

    original_splined_path = os.path.join(input_dir, splined_file_name)
    shutil.copy(original_splined_path, spline_path)

    inst_object = setup_inst_object(mode="PDF")
    return inst_object.focus(run_number=run_number, input_mode="Individual", do_van_normalisation=True,
                             do_absorb_corrections=False, sample_empty=sample_empty,

def setup_mantid_paths():
    config['datasearch.directories'] += ";" + input_dir

def setup_inst_object(mode):
    user_name = "Test"

    inst_obj = Polaris(user_name=user_name, calibration_mapping_file=calibration_map_path,
                       calibration_directory=calibration_dir, output_directory=output_dir, mode=mode)

    sample_details = SampleDetails(height=4.0, radius=0.2985, center=[0, 0, 0], shape='cylinder')

    return inst_obj

def _try_delete(path):
        # Use this instead of os.remove as we could be passed a non-empty dir
        if os.path.isdir(path):
    except OSError:
        print ("Could not delete output file at: ", path)