Samuel Jackson authored
SaveNexus and SaveNexusProcessed wouldn't append a record to the history. This commit fixes that issue and leaves a record on the input workspace so the result is that we get a complete history, but we lose the execution start time and duration.
Samuel Jackson authoredSaveNexus and SaveNexusProcessed wouldn't append a record to the history. This commit fixes that issue and leaves a record on the input workspace so the result is that we get a complete history, but we lose the execution start time and duration.
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The algorithm SaveNexus will write a Nexus data file from the named workspace.
The file name can be an absolute or relative path and should have the extension
.nxs, .nx5 or .xml.
Warning - using XML format can be extremely slow for large data sets and generate very large files.
Both the extensions nxs and nx5 will generate HDF5 files.
The optional parameters can be used to control which spectra are saved into the file (not yet implemented).
If spectrum_min and spectrum_max are given, then only that range to data will be loaded.
A Mantid Nexus file may contain several workspace entries each labelled with an integer starting at 1.
If the file already contains n workspaces, the new one will be labelled n+1.
In the future it may be possible to write other Nexus file types than the one supported by SaveNexusProcessed.
===Time series data===
TimeSeriesProperty data within the workspace will be saved as NXlog sections in the Nexus file.
Only floating point logs are stored and loaded at present.
===Child Algorithms used===
// SaveNeXus
// @author Freddie Akeroyd, STFC ISIS Faility
// @author Ronald Fowler, STFC eScience. Modified to fit with SaveNexusProcessed
// Includes
#include "MantidDataHandling/SaveNexus.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/Workspace2D.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ArrayProperty.h"
#include "MantidAPI/FileProperty.h"
#include "MantidKernel/BoundedValidator.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <Poco/File.h>
namespace Mantid
namespace DataHandling
// Register the algorithm into the algorithm factory
/// Sets documentation strings for this algorithm
void SaveNexus::initDocs()
this->setWikiSummary("The SaveNexus algorithm will write the given Mantid workspace to a NeXus file. SaveNexus currently just invokes [[SaveNexusProcessed]]. ");
this->setOptionalMessage("The SaveNexus algorithm will write the given Mantid workspace to a NeXus file. SaveNexus currently just invokes SaveNexusProcessed.");
using namespace Kernel;
using namespace API;
using namespace DataObjects;
/// Empty default constructor
SaveNexus::SaveNexus() : Algorithm() {}
/** Initialisation method.
void SaveNexus::init()
// Declare required parameters, filename with ext {.nx,.nx5,xml} and input workspac
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<Workspace> ("InputWorkspace", "", Direction::Input),
"Name of the workspace to be saved");
std::vector<std::string> exts;
declareProperty(new FileProperty("Filename", "", FileProperty::Save, exts),
"The name of the Nexus file to write, as a full or relative\n"
// Declare optional input parameters
// These are:
// Title - string to describe data
// EntryNumber - integer >0 to be used in entry name "mantid_workspace_<n>"
// Within a file the entries will be sequential from 1.
// This option should allow overwrite of existing entry,
// *not* addition of out-of-sequence entry numbers.
// spectrum_min, spectrum_max - range of "spectra" numbers to write
// spectrum_list list of spectra values to write
declareProperty("Title", "", boost::make_shared<NullValidator>() ,
"A title to describe the saved workspace");
auto mustBePositive = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<int> >();
// declareProperty("EntryNumber", Mantid::EMPTY_INT(), mustBePositive,
// "(Not implemented yet) The index number of the workspace within the Nexus file\n"
// "(default leave unchanged)" );
declareProperty("WorkspaceIndexMin", 0, mustBePositive,
"Number of first WorkspaceIndex to read, only for single period data.\n"
"Not yet implemented");
declareProperty("WorkspaceIndexMax", Mantid::EMPTY_INT(), mustBePositive,
"Number of last WorkspaceIndex to read, only for single period data.\n"
"Not yet implemented.");
declareProperty(new ArrayProperty<int> ("WorkspaceIndexList"),
"List of WorkspaceIndex numbers to read, only for single period data.\n"
"Not yet implemented");
declareProperty("Append", false, "Determines whether .nxs file needs to be\n"
"over written or appended");
// option which might be required in future - should be a choice e.g. MantidProcessed/Muon1
// declareProperty("Filetype","",new NullValidator<std::string>);
/** Execute the algorithm. Currently just calls SaveNexusProcessed but could
* call write other formats if support added
* @throw runtime_error Thrown if algorithm cannot execute
void SaveNexus::exec()
// Retrieve the filename from the properties
m_filename = getPropertyValue("FileName");
m_inputWorkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
//retrieve the append property
bool bAppend = getProperty("Append");
// if bAppend is default (false) overwrite (delete )the .nxs file
if (!bAppend)
Poco::File file(m_filename);
if (file.exists())
{ file.remove();
m_filetype = "NexusProcessed";
if (m_filetype == "NexusProcessed")
throw Exception::NotImplementedError("SaveNexus passed invalid filetype.");
/** virtual method to set the non workspace properties for this algorithm
* @param alg :: pointer to the algorithm
* @param propertyName :: name of the property
* @param propertyValue :: value of the property
* @param perioidNum :: period number
void SaveNexus::setOtherProperties(IAlgorithm* alg,const std::string& propertyName,const std::string& propertyValue,int perioidNum)
{ if(perioidNum!=1)
{ alg->setPropertyValue(propertyName,"1");
else alg->setPropertyValue(propertyName,propertyValue);
void SaveNexus::runSaveNexusProcessed()
IAlgorithm_sptr saveNexusPro = createChildAlgorithm("SaveNexusProcessed", 0.0, 1.0, true);
// Pass through the same output filename
saveNexusPro->setPropertyValue("Filename", m_filename);
// Set the workspace property
std::string inputWorkspace = "InputWorkspace";
saveNexusPro->setProperty(inputWorkspace, m_inputWorkspace);
std::vector<int> specList = getProperty("WorkspaceIndexList");
if (!specList.empty())
saveNexusPro->setPropertyValue("WorkspaceIndexList", getPropertyValue("WorkspaceIndexList"));
int specMax = getProperty("WorkspaceIndexMax");
if (specMax != Mantid::EMPTY_INT())
saveNexusPro->setPropertyValue("WorkspaceIndexMax", getPropertyValue("WorkspaceIndexMax"));
saveNexusPro->setPropertyValue("WorkspaceIndexMin", getPropertyValue("WorkspaceIndexMin"));
std::string title = getProperty("Title");
if (!title.empty())
saveNexusPro->setPropertyValue("Title", getPropertyValue("Title"));
// Pass through the append property
// If we're tracking history, add the entry before we save it to file
if (trackingHistory())
if (!isChild())
//this is a child algorithm, but we still want to keep the history.
else if (isRecordingHistoryForChild() && m_parentHistory)
// Now execute the Child Algorithm. Catch and log any error, but don't stop.
} catch (std::runtime_error&)
g_log.error("Unable to successfully run SaveNexusprocessed Child Algorithm");
if (!saveNexusPro->isExecuted())
g_log.error("Unable to successfully run SaveNexusProcessed Child Algorithm");
} // namespace DataHandling
} // namespace Mantid