Raquel Alvarez authored
Merge pull request #13965 from mantidproject/13951_coverity_issues_error_handling_security_first_attack More coverity issues - batch 3 - error handling and security
Raquel Alvarez authoredMerge pull request #13965 from mantidproject/13951_coverity_issues_error_handling_security_first_attack More coverity issues - batch 3 - error handling and security
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PeakColumn.cpp 11.31 KiB
#include "MantidDataObjects/PeakColumn.h"
#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Strings.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
#include <Poco/Mutex.h>
#include <boost/variant/get.hpp>
using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
namespace Mantid {
namespace DataObjects {
namespace {
/// static logger
Kernel::Logger g_log("PeakColumn");
/// Number of items to keep around in the cell cache (see void_pointer())
size_t NCELL_ITEM_CACHED = 100;
/// Type lookup: key=name,value=type. Moved here from static inside typeFromName
/// to avoid the need for locks with the initialisation problem across multiple
/// threads
std::map<std::string, std::string> TYPE_INDEX;
* Returns a string type identifier from the given name
* @param name :: The name of the column
* @returns A string identifier for the column type
const std::string typeFromName(const std::string &name) {
// We should enter the critical section if the map has not been fully filled.
// Be sure to keep the value tested against in sync with the number of inserts
// below
if (TYPE_INDEX.size() != 17) {
PARALLEL_CRITICAL(fill_column_index_map) {
if (TYPE_INDEX.empty()) // check again inside the critical block
// Assume double if not in this map
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("DetID", "int"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("RunNumber", "int"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("h", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("k", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("l", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("Wavelength", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("Energy", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("TOF", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("DSpacing", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("Intens", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("SigInt", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("BinCount", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("BankName", "str"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("Row", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("Col", "double"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("QLab", "V3D"));
TYPE_INDEX.insert(std::make_pair("QSample", "V3D"));
// If adding an entry, be sure to increment the size comparizon in the
// first line
auto iter = TYPE_INDEX.find(name);
if (iter != TYPE_INDEX.end()) {
return iter->second;
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
"PeakColumn - Unknown column name: \"" + name +
"Peak column names/types must be explicitly marked in PeakColumn.cpp");
/** Constructor
* @param peaks :: vector of peaks
* @param name :: name for the column
PeakColumn::PeakColumn(std::vector<Peak> &peaks, const std::string &name)
: m_peaks(peaks), m_oldRows() {
this->m_name = name;
this->m_type = typeFromName(name); // Throws if the name is unknown
this->m_hklPrec = 2;
const std::string key = "PeakColumn.hklPrec";
int gotit = ConfigService::Instance().getValue(key, this->m_hklPrec);
if (!gotit)
<< "In PeakColumn constructor, did not find any value for '" << key
<< "' from the Config Service. Using default: " << this->m_hklPrec
<< "\n";
/** Destructor
PeakColumn::~PeakColumn() {}
/// Returns typeid for the data in the column
const std::type_info &PeakColumn::get_type_info() const {
// This is horrible copy-and-paste with the method below. The whole thing
// around columns could be much better implemented using templates & traits to
// avoid this
// type of thing!
if (type() == "double") {
return typeid(double);
} else if (type() == "int") {
return typeid(int);
} else if (type() == "str") {
return typeid(std::string);
} else if (type() == "V3D") {
return typeid(V3D);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
"PeakColumn::get_type_info() - Unknown column type: " + m_name);
/// Returns typeid for the pointer type to the data element in the column
const std::type_info &PeakColumn::get_pointer_type_info() const {
if (type() == "double") {
return typeid(double *);
} else if (type() == "int") {
return typeid(int *);
} else if (type() == "str") {
return typeid(std::string *);
} else if (type() == "V3D") {
return typeid(V3D *);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error("PeakColumn::get_pointer_type_info() -: " +
/** Prints out the column string at the given row index.
* @param s :: stream to output
* @param index :: row index
void PeakColumn::print(size_t index, std::ostream &s) const {
Peak &peak = m_peaks[index];
std::ios::fmtflags fflags(s.flags());
if (m_name == "RunNumber")
s << peak.getRunNumber();
else if (m_name == "DetID")
s << peak.getDetectorID();
else if (m_name == "BankName")
s << peak.getBankName();
else if (m_name == "QLab")
s << peak.getQLabFrame();
else if (m_name == "QSample")
s << peak.getQSampleFrame();
else if (m_name == "h") {
s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(m_hklPrec) << peak.getH();
} else if (m_name == "k") {
s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(m_hklPrec) << peak.getK();
} else if (m_name == "l") {
s << std::fixed << std::setprecision(m_hklPrec) << peak.getL();
} else
s << peak.getValueByColName(m_name);
/** Read in some text and convert to a number in the PeaksWorkspace
* @param text :: string to read
* @param index :: index of the peak to modify
void PeakColumn::read(size_t index, const std::string &text) {
// Don't modify read-only ones
if (this->getReadOnly())
// Avoid going out of bounds
if (size_t(index) >= m_peaks.size())
// Reference to the peak in the workspace
Peak &peak = m_peaks[index];
// Convert to a double
double val = 0;
int success = Strings::convert(text, val);
int ival = static_cast<int>(val);
if (success == 0) {
g_log.error() << "Could not convert string '" << text << "' to a number.\n";
if (m_name == "h")
else if (m_name == "k")
else if (m_name == "l")
else if (m_name == "RunNumber")
throw std::runtime_error("Unexpected column " + m_name + " being set.");
/** @return true if the column is read-only */
bool PeakColumn::getReadOnly() const {
if ((m_name == "h") || (m_name == "k") || (m_name == "l") ||
(m_name == "RunNumber"))
return false;
// Default to true for most columns
return true;
/// Specialized type check
bool PeakColumn::isBool() const { return false; }
/// @returns overall memory size taken by the column.
long int PeakColumn::sizeOfData() const {
return sizeof(double) * static_cast<long int>(m_peaks.size());
* Sets a new size for the column. Not implemented as this is controlled
* by the PeaksWorkspace
* @param count :: Count of new column size (unused)
* @throw Exception::NotImplementedError
void PeakColumn::resize(size_t count) {
throw Exception::NotImplementedError("PeakColumn::resize - Peaks must be "
"added through the PeaksWorkspace "
* Inserts an item into the column. Not implemented as this is controlled by the
* PeaksWorkspace
* @param index :: The new index position (unused)
* @throw Exception::NotImplementedError
void PeakColumn::insert(size_t index) {
throw Exception::NotImplementedError("PeakColumn::insert - Peaks must be "
"inserted through the PeaksWorkspace "
* Removes an item from the column. Not implemented as this is controlled by the
* PeaksWorkspace
* @param index :: The index position removed(unused)
* @throw Exception::NotImplementedError
void PeakColumn::remove(size_t index) {
throw Exception::NotImplementedError("PeakColumn::remove - Peaks must be "
"remove through the PeaksWorkspace "
* Pointer to a data element in the PeaksWorkspace (non-const version)
* @param index :: A row index pointing to the PeaksWorkspace
* @returns A pointer to the data element at that index from this column
void *PeakColumn::void_pointer(size_t index) {
const PeakColumn *constThis = const_cast<const PeakColumn *>(this);
return const_cast<void *>(constThis->void_pointer(index));
* Pointer to a data element in the PeaksWorkspace (const version)
* @param index :: A row index pointing to the PeaksWorkspace
* @returns A pointer to the data element at that index from this column
const void *PeakColumn::void_pointer(size_t index) const {
const Peak &peak = m_peaks[index];
// The cell() api requires that the value exist somewhere in memory, however,
// some of the values from a Peak are calculated on the fly so a reference
// cannot be returned. Instead we cache a value for the last NCELL_ITEM_CACHED
// accesses and return a reference to this
if (m_oldRows.size() > NCELL_ITEM_CACHED) {
auto &value = m_oldRows.front(); // A reference to the actual stored variant
if (type() == "double") {
value = peak.getValueByColName(m_name); // Assign the value to the store
return boost::get<double>(
&value); // Given a pointer it will return a pointer
} else if (m_name == "RunNumber") {
value = peak.getRunNumber();
return boost::get<int>(&value);
} else if (m_name == "DetID") {
value = peak.getDetectorID();
return boost::get<int>(&value);
} else if (m_name == "BankName") {
value = peak.getBankName();
return boost::get<std::string>(&value);
} else if (m_name == "QLab") {
value = peak.getQLabFrame();
return boost::get<Kernel::V3D>(&value);
} else if (m_name == "QSample") {
value = peak.getQSampleFrame();
return boost::get<Kernel::V3D>(&value);
} else {
throw std::runtime_error(
"void_pointer() - Unknown peak column name or type: " + m_name);
PeakColumn *PeakColumn::clone() const {
PeakColumn *temp = new PeakColumn(this->m_peaks, this->m_name);
return temp;
double PeakColumn::toDouble(size_t /*index*/) const {
throw std::runtime_error("PeakColumn::toDouble() not implemented, PeakColumn "
"is has no general write access");
void PeakColumn::fromDouble(size_t /*index*/, double /*value*/) {
throw std::runtime_error("fromDouble() not implemented, PeakColumn is has no "
"general write access");
} // namespace Mantid
} // namespace DataObjects