Stuart Campbell authoredStuart Campbell authored
Code owners
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After you've reviewed these contribution guidelines, you'll be all set to
contribute to this project.
The developer documentation has information on how to participate in the mantid project as a developer. This document is meant to outline the steps for contributing to mantid without becomming a developer. We aspire to have similar guidelines as github.
- Fork the repository.
- Make changes as you see fit. Please still follow the guidelines for running the unit tests and the build servers.
- Submit a pull request to this branch. This is a start to the conversation.
- (Optional) email mantid-help@mantidproject.org requests to.
Hints to make the integration of your changes easy (and happen faster):
- Keep your pull requests small
- Don't forget your unit tests
- All algorithms need documentation, don't forget the .rst file
- Don't take changes requests to change your code personally