McDonnell, Marshall authoredMcDonnell, Marshall authored
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Framework Changes
Table of Contents
Developers: Sort changes under appropriate heading putting new features at the top of the section, followed by improvements, followed by bug fixes.
Instrument Definition Updates
- The ALF IDF has been updated following a detector array alteration.
New Features
- A list of Related Algorithms has been added to each algorithm, and is displayed in the documentation page of each algorithm as part of it's summary.
New Algorithms
- :ref:`LoadSampleShape <algm-LoadSampleShape>` loads a shape into the sample in a workspace from an STL file, which contains a list of triangles.
- :ref:`CalculateCarpenterSampleCorrection <algm-CalculateCarpenterSampleCorrection` outputs a group workspace with the separate absorption and multiple scattering corrections for flexibility to the User to apply them to the sample workspace
- :ref:`CarpenterSampleCorrection <algm-CarpenterSamlpeCorrection` replaces MultipleScatteringCylinderAbsorption and uses :ref:`CalculateCarpenterSampleCorrection <algm-CalculateCarpenterSampleCorrection` for calculating its corrections.
- :ref:`Maxent <algm-Maxent>` when outputting the results of the iterations, it no longer pads with zeroes but returns as many items as iterations done for each spectrum, making the iterations easy to count.
- :ref:`ConvertToPointData <algm-ConvertToPointData>` and :ref:`ConvertToHistogram <algm-ConvertToHistogram>` now propagate the Dx errors to the output.
- The algorithm :ref:`CreateWorkspace <algm-CreateWorkspace>` can now optionally receive the Dx errors.
- :ref:`ConjoinXRuns <algm-ConjoinXRuns>` joins Dx errors if present
- The algorithm :ref:`SortXAxis <algm-SortXAxis>` has a new input option that allows ascending (default) and descending sorting. Furthermore, Dx values will be considered if present. The documentation needed to be corrected.
- Algorithm :ref:`FitPeaks <algm-FitPeaks>` is implemented as a generalized multiple-spectra multiple-peak fitting algorithm.
Bug fixes
- The documentation of the algorithm :ref:`algm-CreateSampleWorkspace` did not match its implementation. The axis in beam direction will now be correctly described as Z instead of X.
- The :ref:`ExtractMask <algm-ExtractMask>` algorithm now returns a non-empty list of detector ID's when given a MaskWorkspace.
- Fixed a crash when the input workspace for :ref:`GroupDetectors <algm-GroupDetectors>` contained any other units than spectrum numbers.
- Fixed :ref:`SumSpectra <algm-SumSpectra>` to avoid a crash when validation of inputs was called with a WorkspaceGroup.
:ref:`Release 3.13.0 <v3.13.0>`