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  • Nick Draper's avatar
    Instrument view improve handling of invalid values. · 2d5a94e8
    Nick Draper authored
    Previously these were set to -1, but the test for colouring was just if value > -1.
    So all negative values were coloured "invalid".
    This changes the flag value to be negative double::max, and make the test equal.
    This does not affect negative values (apart from -Double::max, which must be v rare).
    This also uses a common constant rather than several magic -1's.
    Also checks if the integrated range value is NaN (because there were no valid values, and will make that invalid).
    Also removed a commented out Parrallelisation clause.  No explanation why it was commented.
    I went back through blame and it only seemed to appear already commented.
    Removed to save anyone else the confusion I suffered.