Zhou, Wenduo authoredZhou, Wenduo authored
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FindPeakBackground.cpp 14.36 KiB
Algorithm written using this paper:
J. Appl. Cryst. (2013). 46, 663-671
Objective algorithm to separate signal from noise in a Poisson-distributed pixel data set
T. Straaso/, D. Mueter, H. O. So/rensen and J. Als-Nielsen
Synopsis: A method is described for the estimation of background level and separation
of background pixels from signal pixels in a Poisson-distributed data set by statistical analysis.
For each iteration, the pixel with the highest intensity value is eliminated from the
data set and the sample mean and the unbiased variance estimator are calculated. Convergence is reached when the
absolute difference between the sample mean and the sample variance of the data set is within k standard deviations of the
variance, the default value of k being 1. The k value is called SigmaConstant in the algorithm input.
#include "MantidAlgorithms/FindPeakBackground.h"
#include "MantidAlgorithms/FindPeaks.h"
#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceProperty.h"
#include "MantidAPI/MatrixWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceFactory.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ArrayProperty.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Statistics.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/Workspace2D.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ListValidator.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/TableWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidAPI/TableRow.h"
#include <sstream>
using namespace Mantid;
using namespace Mantid::API;
using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
using namespace Mantid::DataObjects;
using namespace std;
namespace Mantid
namespace Algorithms
/** Constructor
/** Destructor
/** WIKI:
void FindPeakBackground::initDocs()
setWikiSummary("Separates background from signal for spectra of a workspace.");
setOptionalMessage("Separates background from signal for spectra of a workspace.");
/** Define properties
void FindPeakBackground::init()
auto inwsprop = new WorkspaceProperty<MatrixWorkspace>("InputWorkspace", "Anonymous", Direction::Input);
declareProperty(inwsprop, "Name of input MatrixWorkspace that contains peaks.");
declareProperty("WorkspaceIndex", EMPTY_INT(), "workspace indices to have peak and background separated. "
"No default is taken. ");
declareProperty("SigmaConstant", 1.0, "Multiplier of standard deviations of the variance for convergence of "
"peak elimination. Default is 1.0. ");
declareProperty(new ArrayProperty<double>("FitWindow"),
"Optional: enter a comma-separated list of the minimum and maximum X-positions of window to fit. "
"The window is the same for all indices in workspace. The length must be exactly two.");
std::vector<std::string> bkgdtypes;
declareProperty("BackgroundType", "Linear", boost::make_shared<StringListValidator>(bkgdtypes),
"Type of Background.");
// The found peak in a table
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<API::ITableWorkspace>("OutputWorkspace", "", Direction::Output),
"The name of the TableWorkspace in which to store the background found for each index. "
"Table contains the indices of the beginning and ending of peak "
"and the estimated background coefficients for the constant, linear, and quadratic terms.");
/** Execute body
void FindPeakBackground::exec()
// Get input and validate
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inpWS = getProperty("InputWorkspace");
int inpwsindex = getProperty("WorkspaceIndex");
std::vector<double> m_vecFitWindows = getProperty("FitWindow");
m_backgroundType = getPropertyValue("BackgroundType");
double k = getProperty("SigmaConstant");
if (isEmpty(inpwsindex))
// Default
if (inpWS->getNumberHistograms() == 1)
inpwsindex = 0;
throw runtime_error("WorkspaceIndex must be given. ");
else if (inpwsindex < 0 || inpwsindex >= static_cast<int>(inpWS->getNumberHistograms()))
stringstream errss;
errss << "Input workspace " << inpWS->name() << " has " << inpWS->getNumberHistograms()
<< " spectra. Input workspace index " << inpwsindex << " is out of boundary. ";
throw runtime_error(errss.str());
// Generate output
const MantidVec& inpX = inpWS->readX(inpwsindex);
size_t sizex = inpWS->readX(inpwsindex).size();
size_t sizey = inpWS->readY(inpwsindex).size();
size_t n = sizey;
size_t l0 = 0;
if (m_vecFitWindows.size() > 1)
Mantid::Algorithms::FindPeaks fp;
l0 = fp.getVectorIndex(inpX, m_vecFitWindows[0]);
n = fp.getVectorIndex(inpX, m_vecFitWindows[1]);
if (n < sizey) n++;
// Set up output table workspace
API::ITableWorkspace_sptr m_outPeakTableWS = WorkspaceFactory::Instance().createTable("TableWorkspace");
m_outPeakTableWS->addColumn("int", "wksp_index");
m_outPeakTableWS->addColumn("int", "peak_min_index");
m_outPeakTableWS->addColumn("int", "peak_max_index");
m_outPeakTableWS->addColumn("double", "bkg0");
m_outPeakTableWS->addColumn("double", "bkg1");
m_outPeakTableWS->addColumn("double", "bkg2");
m_outPeakTableWS->addColumn("int", "GoodFit");
// 3. Get Y values
Progress prog(this, 0, 1.0, 1);
// Find background
const MantidVec& inpY = inpWS->readY(inpwsindex);
double Ymean, Yvariance, Ysigma;
MantidVec maskedY;
MantidVec::const_iterator in = std::min_element(inpY.begin(), inpY.end());
double bkg0 = inpY[in - inpY.begin()];
for (size_t l = l0; l < n; ++l)
MantidVec mask(n-l0,0.0);
double xn = static_cast<double>(n-l0);
Statistics stats = getStatistics(maskedY);
Ymean = stats.mean;
Yvariance = stats.standard_deviation * stats.standard_deviation;
Ysigma = std::sqrt((moment4(maskedY,n-l0,Ymean)-(xn-3.0)/(xn-1.0) * Yvariance)/xn);
MantidVec::const_iterator it = std::max_element(maskedY.begin(), maskedY.end());
const size_t pos = it - maskedY.begin();
maskedY[pos] = 0;
mask[pos] = 1.0;
while (std::abs(Ymean-Yvariance) > k * Ysigma);
if(n-l0 > 5)
// remove single outliers
if (mask[1] == mask[2] && mask[2] == mask[3])
mask[0] = mask[1];
if (mask[0] == mask[2] && mask[2] == mask[3])
mask[1] = mask[2];
for (size_t l = 2; l < n-l0-3; ++l)
if (mask[l-1] == mask[l+1] && (mask[l-1] == mask[l-2] || mask[l+1] == mask[l+2]))
mask[l] = mask[l+1];
if (mask[n-l0-2] == mask[n-l0-3] && mask[n-l0-3] == mask[n-l0-4])
mask[n-l0-1] = mask[n-l0-2];
if (mask[n-l0-1] == mask[n-l0-3] && mask[n-l0-3] == mask[n-l0-4])
mask[n-l0-2] = mask[n-l0-1];
// mask regions not connected to largest region
// for loop can start > 1 for multiple peaks
vector<cont_peak> peaks;
if (mask[0] == 1)
peaks[peaks.size()-1].start = l0;
for (size_t l = 1; l < n-l0; ++l)
if (mask[l] != mask[l-1] && mask[l] == 1)
peaks[peaks.size()-1].start = l+l0;
else if (peaks.size() > 0)
size_t ipeak = peaks.size()-1;
if (mask[l] != mask[l-1] && mask[l] == 0)
peaks[ipeak].stop = l+l0;
if (inpY[l+l0] > peaks[ipeak].maxY) peaks[ipeak].maxY = inpY[l+l0];
size_t min_peak, max_peak;
double a0,a1,a2;
int goodfit;
if(peaks.size()> 0)
g_log.debug() << "Peaks' size = " << peaks.size() << " -> esitmate background. \n";
if(peaks[peaks.size()-1].stop == 0) peaks[peaks.size()-1].stop = n-1;
std::sort(peaks.begin(), peaks.end(), by_len());
// save endpoints
min_peak = peaks[0].start;
// extra point for histogram input
max_peak = peaks[0].stop + sizex - sizey;
estimateBackground(inpX, inpY, l0, n,
peaks[0].start, peaks[0].stop, a0, a1, a2);
goodfit = 1;
// assume background is 12 first and last points
g_log.debug("Peaks' size = 0 -> zero background.");
min_peak = l0+12;
max_peak = n-13;
if (min_peak > sizey)min_peak = sizey-1;
// FIXME : as it is assumed that background is 12 first and 12 last, then
// why not do a simple fit here!
a0 = 0.0;
a1 = 0.0;
a2 = 0.0;
goodfit = -1;
// Add a new row
API::TableRow t = m_outPeakTableWS->getRow(0);
t << static_cast<int>(inpwsindex) << static_cast<int>(min_peak) << static_cast<int>(max_peak)
<< a0 << a1 << a2 << goodfit;
// 4. Set the output
setProperty("OutputWorkspace", m_outPeakTableWS);
/** Estimate background
* @param X :: vec for X
* @param Y :: vec for Y
* @param i_min :: index of minimum in X to estimate background
* @param i_max :: index of maximum in X to estimate background
* @param p_min :: index of peak min in X to estimate background
* @param p_max :: index of peak max in X to estimate background
* @param out_bg0 :: interception
* @param out_bg1 :: slope
* @param out_bg2 :: a2 = 0
void FindPeakBackground::estimateBackground(const MantidVec& X, const MantidVec& Y, const size_t i_min, const size_t i_max,
const size_t p_min, const size_t p_max,double& out_bg0, double& out_bg1, double& out_bg2)
// Validate input
if (i_min >= i_max)
throw std::runtime_error("i_min cannot larger or equal to i_max");
if (p_min >= p_max)
throw std::runtime_error("p_min cannot larger or equal to p_max");
// set all parameters to zero
out_bg0 = 0.;
out_bg1 = 0.;
out_bg2 = 0.;
// accumulate sum
double sum = 0.0;
double sumX = 0.0;
double sumY = 0.0;
double sumX2 = 0.0;
double sumXY = 0.0;
double sumX2Y = 0.0;
double sumX3 = 0.0;
double sumX4 = 0.0;
for (size_t i = i_min; i < i_max; ++i)
if(i >= p_min && i < p_max) continue;
sum += 1.0;
sumX += X[i];
sumX2 += X[i]*X[i];
sumY += Y[i];
sumXY += X[i]*Y[i];
sumX2Y += X[i]*X[i]*Y[i];
sumX3 += X[i]*X[i]*X[i];
sumX4 += X[i]*X[i]*X[i]*X[i];
// Estimate flat background
double bg0_flat = 0.;
if(sum != 0.)
bg0_flat = sumY/sum;
// Estimate linear - use Cramer's rule for 2 x 2 matrix
double bg0_linear = 0.;
double bg1_linear = 0.;
double determinant = sum*sumX2-sumX*sumX;
if (determinant != 0)
bg0_linear = (sumY*sumX2-sumX*sumXY) / determinant;
bg1_linear = (sum*sumXY-sumY*sumX) / determinant;
// Estimate quadratic - use Cramer's rule for 3 x 3 matrix
// | a b c |
// | d e f |
// | g h i |
//3 x 3 determinate: aei+bfg+cdh-ceg-bdi-afh
double bg0_quadratic = 0.;
double bg1_quadratic = 0.;
double bg2_quadratic = 0.;
determinant = sum*sumX2*sumX4+sumX*sumX3*sumX2+sumX2*sumX*sumX3-sumX2*sumX2*sumX2-sumX*sumX*sumX4-sum*sumX3*sumX3;
if (determinant != 0)
bg0_quadratic = (sumY*sumX2*sumX4+sumX*sumX3*sumX2Y+sumX2*sumXY*sumX3-sumX2*sumX2*sumX2Y-sumX*sumXY*sumX4-sumY*sumX3*sumX3) / determinant;
bg1_quadratic = (sum*sumXY*sumX4+sumY*sumX3*sumX2+sumX2*sumX*sumX2Y-sumX2*sumXY*sumX2-sumY*sumX*sumX4-sum*sumX3*sumX2Y) / determinant;
bg2_quadratic = (sum*sumX2*sumX2Y+sumX*sumXY*sumX2+sumY*sumX*sumX3-sumY*sumX2*sumX2-sumX*sumX*sumX2Y-sum*sumXY*sumX3) / determinant;
// calculate the chisq - not normalized by the number of points
double chisq_flat = 0.;
double chisq_linear = 0.;
double chisq_quadratic = 0.;
if (sum !=0)
for (size_t i = i_min; i < i_max; ++i)
if(i >= p_min && i < p_max) continue;
// accumulate for flat
chisq_flat += (bg0_flat - Y[i])*(bg0_flat - Y[i]);
// accumulate for linear
double temp = bg0_linear + bg1_linear * X[i] - Y[i];
chisq_linear += (temp * temp);
// accumulate for quadratic
temp = bg0_quadratic + bg1_quadratic * X[i] + bg2_quadratic * X[i] * X[i] - Y[i];
chisq_quadratic += (temp * temp);
const double INVALID_CHISQ(1.e10); // big invalid value
if (m_backgroundType == "Flat")
chisq_linear = INVALID_CHISQ;
chisq_quadratic = INVALID_CHISQ;
else if (m_backgroundType == "Linear")
chisq_quadratic = INVALID_CHISQ;
// choose the right background function to apply
if ((chisq_quadratic < chisq_flat) && (chisq_quadratic < chisq_linear))
out_bg0 = bg0_quadratic;
out_bg1 = bg1_quadratic;
out_bg2 = bg2_quadratic;
else if ((chisq_linear < chisq_flat) && (chisq_linear < chisq_quadratic))
out_bg0 = bg0_linear;
out_bg1 = bg1_linear;
out_bg0 = bg0_flat;
g_log.debug() << "Estimated background: A0 = " << out_bg0 << ", A1 = "
<< out_bg1 << ", A2 = " << out_bg2 << "\n";
/** Calculate 4th moment
* @param X :: vec for X
* @param n :: length of vector
* @param mean :: mean of X
double FindPeakBackground::moment4(MantidVec& X, size_t n, double mean)
double sum=0.0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
sum += (X[i]-mean)*(X[i]-mean)*(X[i]-mean)*(X[i]-mean);
sum /= static_cast<double>(n);
return sum;
} // namespace Algorithms
} // namespace Mantid