// Mantid Repository :
// Copyright © 2011 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
// NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
// Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
// SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
Gigg, Martyn Anthony
#include "MantidAPI/NexusFileLoader.h"
#include <nexus/NeXusFile.hpp>
Gigg, Martyn Anthony
namespace Mantid {
namespace Kernel {
class Property;
namespace API {
class MatrixWorkspace;
namespace DataHandling {
Loads the run logs from a NeXus file.
Required Properties:
<LI> Filename - The name of and path to the input NeXus file </LI>
<LI> Workspace - The name of the workspace in which to store the imported
@author Martyn Gigg, Tessella plc
class DLLExport LoadNexusLogs : public API::NexusFileLoader {
/// Default constructor
/// Algorithm's name for identification overriding a virtual method
const std::string name() const override { return "LoadNexusLogs"; }
const std::string summary() const override {
return "Loads run logs (temperature, pulse charges, etc.) from a NeXus "
"file and adds it to the run information in a workspace.";
Gigg, Martyn Anthony
/// Algorithm's version for identification overriding a virtual method
int version() const override { return 1; }
const std::vector<std::string> seeAlso() const override {
/// Algorithm's category for identification overriding a virtual method
const std::string category() const override {
return "DataHandling\\Logs;DataHandling\\Nexus";
Gigg, Martyn Anthony
int confidence(Kernel::NexusHDF5Descriptor & /*descriptor*/) const override {
return 0;
/// Overwrites Algorithm method.
/// Load log data from a group
void loadLogs(::NeXus::File &file, const std::string &entry_name,
const std::string &entry_class,
const std::shared_ptr<API::MatrixWorkspace> &workspace) const;
void loadNXLog(::NeXus::File &file, const std::string &entry_name,
const std::string &entry_class,
const std::shared_ptr<API::MatrixWorkspace> &workspace) const;
void loadSELog(::NeXus::File &file, const std::string &entry_name,
const std::shared_ptr<API::MatrixWorkspace> &workspace) const;
loadVetoPulses(::NeXus::File &file,
const std::shared_ptr<API::MatrixWorkspace> &workspace) const;
const std::shared_ptr<API::MatrixWorkspace> &workspace) const;
std::shared_ptr<API::Progress> m_progress;
/// Use frequency start for Monitor19 and Special1_19 logs with "No Time" for
/// SNAP
std::string freqStart;
} // namespace DataHandling
Gigg, Martyn Anthony
} // namespace Mantid