# Mantid Repository :
# Copyright © 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
# NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
# Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
"""Test suite for the PyChop package
import unittest
import numpy as np
# Import mantid to setup the python paths to the bundled scripts
import mantid
from PyChop import PyChop2
class PyChop2Tests(unittest.TestCase):
# Tests the Fermi chopper instruments
def test_pychop_fermi(self):
instnames = ['maps', 'mari', 'merlin']
res = []
flux = []
for inc, instname in enumerate(instnames):
chopobj = PyChop2(instname)
# Code should give an error if the chopper settings and Ei have
# not been set.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, chopobj.getResolution)
rr, ff = chopobj.getResFlux(np.linspace(0,17,10))
# Checks that the flux should be highest for MERLIN, MARI and MAPS in that order
self.assertGreater(flux[2], flux[1])
# Note that MAPS has been upgraded so now should have higher flux than MARI.
self.assertGreater(flux[0], flux[1])
# Checks that the resolution should be best for MAPS, MARI, and MERLIN in that order
# actually MAPS and MARI resolutions are very close (previous error in MAPS distances
# meant that MARI was calculated to have a better resolution, but it *should* be MAPS)
self.assertLess(res[0][0], res[1][0])
self.assertLess(res[1][0], res[2][0])
# Now tests the standalone function
for inc, instname in enumerate(instnames):
rr, ff = PyChop2.calculate(instname, 's', 200, 18, 0)
self.assertAlmostEqual(rr[0], res[inc][0], places=7)
self.assertAlmostEqual(ff, flux[inc], places=7)
# Tests the different variants of LET
def test_pychop_let(self):
variants = ['High flux', 'Intermediate', 'High resolution']
res = []
flux = []
for inc, variant in enumerate(variants):
chopobj = PyChop2('LET', variant)
self.assertTrue(variant in chopobj.getChopper())
# Code should give an error if the chopper settings and Ei have
# not been set.
self.assertRaises(ValueError, chopobj.getResolution)
rr, ff = chopobj.getResFlux(np.linspace(0,17,10))
# Checks that the flux should be highest for 'High flux', then 'Intermediate', 'High resolution'
self.assertGreater(flux[0], flux[1])
self.assertGreaterEqual(flux[1], flux[2])
# Checks that the resolution should be best for 'High resolution', then 'Intermediate', 'High flux'
self.assertLessEqual(res[2][0], res[1][0])
self.assertLessEqual(res[1][0], res[0][0])
# Now tests the standalone function
for inc, variant in enumerate(variants):
rr, ff = PyChop2.calculate('LET', variant, 200, 18, 0)