#include "MantidAPI/AnalysisDataService.h"
#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceProperty.h"
#include "MantidAlgorithms/RunCombinationHelpers/RunCombinationHelper.h"
#include "MantidAlgorithms/SortXAxis.h"
#include "MantidHistogramData/HistogramDx.h"
#include "MantidHistogramData/HistogramX.h"
#include "MantidHistogramData/HistogramY.h"
#include "MantidKernel/BoundedValidator.h"
#include "MantidKernel/MultiThreaded.h"
#include "MantidKernel/PropertyWithValue.h"
#include "MantidKernel/RebinParamsValidator.h"
#include <boost/math/special_functions.hpp>
using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
using Mantid::HistogramData::HistogramY;
/// Returns a tuple holding the first and last x value of the first spectrum and
/// the lhs and rhs workspace, respectively
using MinMaxTuple = boost::tuple<double, double>;
MinMaxTuple calculateXIntersection(MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &lhsWS,
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &rhsWS) {
return MinMaxTuple(rhsWS->x(0).front(), lhsWS->x(0).back());
/// Check if a double is not zero and returns a bool indicating success
bool isNonzero(double i) { return (0 != i); }
/** Sort x axis (Dx will be handled only for point data)
@param ws :: Input workspace
@return A shared pointer to the resulting MatrixWorkspace
void sortXAxis(MatrixWorkspace_sptr &ws) {
Mantid::Algorithms::SortXAxis alg;
alg.setProperty("InputWorkspace", ws);
alg.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", "outputSearch");
namespace Mantid {
namespace Algorithms {
* This is required for machine precision reasons. Used to adjust StartOverlap
*and EndOverlap so that they are
* inclusive of bin boundaries if they are sitting ontop of the bin boundaries.
const double Stitch1D::range_tolerance = 1e-9;
// Register the algorithm into the AlgorithmFactory
/** Zero out all y and e data that is not in the region a1 to a2.
* @param a1 : Zero based bin index (first one)
* @param a2 : Zero based bin index (last one inclusive)
* @param source : Workspace providing the source data.
MatrixWorkspace_sptr Stitch1D::maskAllBut(int a1, int a2,
MatrixWorkspace_sptr &source) {
MatrixWorkspace_sptr product = source->clone();
const int histogramCount = static_cast<int>(source->getNumberHistograms());
PARALLEL_FOR_IF(Kernel::threadSafe(*source, *product))
for (int i = 0; i < histogramCount; ++i) {
// Copy over the bin boundaries
const auto &sourceY = source->y(i);
const auto &sourceE = source->e(i);
// initially zero - out the data.
product->mutableY(i) = HistogramY(sourceY.size(), 0);
product->mutableE(i) = HistogramE(sourceE.size(), 0);
auto &newY = product->mutableY(i);
auto &newE = product->mutableE(i);
// Copy over the non-zero stuff
std::copy(sourceY.begin() + a1 + 1, sourceY.begin() + a2,
newY.begin() + a1 + 1);
std::copy(sourceE.begin() + a1 + 1, sourceE.begin() + a2,
newE.begin() + a1 + 1);
return product;
/** Mask out data in the region between a1 and a2 with zeros. Operation
* performed on the original workspace
* @param a1 : start position in X
* @param a2 : end position in X
* @param source : Workspace to mask.
void Stitch1D::maskInPlace(int a1, int a2, MatrixWorkspace_sptr &source) {
const int histogramCount = static_cast<int>(source->getNumberHistograms());
for (int i = 0; i < histogramCount; ++i) {
// Copy over the data
auto &sourceY = source->mutableY(i);
auto &sourceE = source->mutableE(i);
for (int i = a1; i < a2; ++i) {
sourceY[i] = 0;
sourceE[i] = 0;
/** Initialize the algorithm's properties.
void Stitch1D::init() {
"LHSWorkspace", "", Direction::Input),
"LHS input workspace.");
"RHSWorkspace", "", Direction::Input),
"RHS input workspace, must be same type as LHSWorkspace "
"(histogram or point data).");
"OutputWorkspace", "", Direction::Output),
"StartOverlap", Mantid::EMPTY_DBL(), Direction::Input),
"Start overlap x-value in units of x-axis.");
"EndOverlap", Mantid::EMPTY_DBL(), Direction::Input),
"End overlap x-value in units of x-axis.");
"Params", boost::make_shared<RebinParamsValidator>(true)),
"Rebinning Parameters. See Rebin for format. If only a "
"single value is provided, start and end are taken from "
"input workspaces.");
make_unique<PropertyWithValue<bool>>("ScaleRHSWorkspace", true,
"Scaling either with respect to LHS workspace or RHS workspace");
false, Direction::Input),
"True to use a provided value for the scale factor.");
auto manualScaleFactorValidator =
"ManualScaleFactor", 1.0, manualScaleFactorValidator,
"Provided value for the scale factor.");
"OutScaleFactor", Mantid::EMPTY_DBL(), Direction::Output),
"The actual used value for the scaling factor.");
/** Validate the algorithm's properties.
* @return A map of property names and their issues.
std::map<std::string, std::string> Stitch1D::validateInputs(void) {
std::map<std::string, std::string> issues;
MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs = getProperty("LHSWorkspace");
MatrixWorkspace_sptr rhs = getProperty("RHSWorkspace");
if (!lhs)
issues["LHSWorkspace"] = "Cannot retrieve workspace";
if (!rhs)
issues["RHSWorkspace"] = "Cannot retrieve workspace";
RunCombinationHelper combHelper;
std::string compatible = combHelper.checkCompatibility(rhs, true);
if (!compatible.empty()) {
// histograms: no recalculation of Dx implemented -> do not treat Dx
if (!(compatible == "spectra must have either Dx values or not; ") ||
(rhs->isHistogramData())) // Issue only for point data
issues["RHSWorkspace"] = "Workspace " + rhs->getName() +
" is not compatible: " + compatible + "\n";
return issues;
/** Gets the start of the overlapping region
@param intesectionMin :: The minimum possible value for the overlapping region
to inhabit
@param intesectionMax :: The maximum possible value for the overlapping region
to inhabit
@return a double contianing the start of the overlapping region
double Stitch1D::getStartOverlap(const double intesectionMin,
const double intesectionMax) const {
Property *startOverlapProp = this->getProperty("StartOverlap");
double startOverlapVal = this->getProperty("StartOverlap");
startOverlapVal -= this->range_tolerance;
const bool startOverlapBeyondRange =
(startOverlapVal < intesectionMin) || (startOverlapVal > intesectionMax);
if (startOverlapProp->isDefault() || startOverlapBeyondRange) {
if (!startOverlapProp->isDefault() && startOverlapBeyondRange) {
char message[200];
"StartOverlap is outside range at %0.4f, Min is "
"%0.4f, Max is %0.4f . Forced to be: %0.4f",
startOverlapVal, intesectionMin, intesectionMax,
startOverlapVal = intesectionMin;
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << "StartOverlap calculated to be: " << startOverlapVal;
return startOverlapVal;
/** Gets the end of the overlapping region
@param intesectionMin :: The minimum possible value for the overlapping region
to inhabit
@param intesectionMax :: The maximum possible value for the overlapping region
to inhabit
@return a double contianing the end of the overlapping region
double Stitch1D::getEndOverlap(const double intesectionMin,
const double intesectionMax) const {
Property *endOverlapProp = this->getProperty("EndOverlap");
double endOverlapVal = this->getProperty("EndOverlap");
endOverlapVal += this->range_tolerance;
const bool endOverlapBeyondRange =
(endOverlapVal < intesectionMin) || (endOverlapVal > intesectionMax);
if (endOverlapProp->isDefault() || endOverlapBeyondRange) {
if (!endOverlapProp->isDefault() && endOverlapBeyondRange) {
char message[200];
"EndOverlap is outside range at %0.4f, Min is "
"%0.4f, Max is %0.4f . Forced to be: %0.4f",
endOverlapVal, intesectionMin, intesectionMax,
endOverlapVal = intesectionMax;
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << "EndOverlap calculated to be: " << endOverlapVal;
return endOverlapVal;
/** Gets the rebinning parameters and calculates any missing values
@param lhsWS :: The left hand side input workspace
@param rhsWS :: The right hand side input workspace
@param scaleRHS :: Scale the right hand side workspace
@return a vector<double> contianing the rebinning parameters
std::vector<double> Stitch1D::getRebinParams(MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &lhsWS,
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &rhsWS,
const bool scaleRHS) const {
std::vector<double> inputParams = this->getProperty("Params");
Property *prop = this->getProperty("Params");
const bool areParamsDefault = prop->isDefault();
auto it = std::min_element(lhsX.begin(), lhsX.end());
const double minLHSX = *it;
it = std::max_element(rhsX.begin(), rhsX.end());
const double maxRHSX = *it;
// Calculate the step size based on the existing step size of the LHS
// workspace. That way scale factors should be reasonably maintained.
double calculatedStep = 0;
if (scaleRHS) {
// Calculate the step from the workspace that will not be scaled. The LHS
// workspace.
calculatedStep = lhsX[1] - lhsX[0];
} else {
// Calculate the step from the workspace that will not be scaled. The RHS
// workspace.
calculatedStep = rhsX[1] - rhsX[0];
result = calculatedParams;
} else {
if (inputParams.size() == 1) {
calculatedParams.push_back(inputParams.front()); // Use the step supplied.
result = calculatedParams;
} else {
result = inputParams; // user has provided params. Use those.
return result;
/** Runs the Rebin Algorithm as a child and replaces special values
@param input :: The input workspace
@param params :: a vector<double> containing rebinning parameters
@return A shared pointer to the resulting MatrixWorkspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr Stitch1D::rebin(MatrixWorkspace_sptr &input,
auto rebin = this->createChildAlgorithm("Rebin");
rebin->setProperty("InputWorkspace", input);
rebin->setProperty("Params", params);
std::stringstream ssParams;
ssParams << params[0] << "," << params[1] << "," << params[2];
g_log.information("Rebinning Params: " + ssParams.str());
MatrixWorkspace_sptr outWS = rebin->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
const int histogramCount = static_cast<int>(outWS->getNumberHistograms());
// Record special values and then mask them out as zeros. Special values are
// remembered and then replaced post processing.
for (int i = 0; i < histogramCount; ++i) {
std::vector<size_t> &nanEIndexes = m_nanEIndexes[i];
std::vector<size_t> &nanYIndexes = m_nanYIndexes[i];
std::vector<size_t> &infEIndexes = m_infEIndexes[i];
std::vector<size_t> &infYIndexes = m_infYIndexes[i];
auto &sourceY = outWS->mutableY(i);
auto &sourceE = outWS->mutableE(i);
for (size_t j = 0; j < sourceY.size(); ++j) {
const double value = sourceY[j];
sourceY[j] = 0;
sourceY[j] = 0;
const double eValue = sourceE[j];
sourceE[j] = 0;
sourceE[j] = 0;
/** Runs the Integration Algorithm as a child.
@param input :: The input workspace
@param start :: a double defining the start of the region to integrate
@param stop :: a double defining the end of the region to integrate
@return A shared pointer to the resulting MatrixWorkspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr Stitch1D::integration(MatrixWorkspace_sptr &input,
const double start,
const double stop) {
auto integration = this->createChildAlgorithm("Integration");
integration->setProperty("InputWorkspace", input);
integration->setProperty("RangeLower", start);
integration->setProperty("RangeUpper", stop);
g_log.information("Integration RangeLower: " +
g_log.information("Integration RangeUpper: " +
return integration->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
/** Runs the WeightedMean Algorithm as a child
@param inOne :: The first input workspace
@param inTwo :: The second input workspace
@return A shared pointer to the resulting MatrixWorkspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr Stitch1D::weightedMean(MatrixWorkspace_sptr &inOne,
MatrixWorkspace_sptr &inTwo) {
auto weightedMean = this->createChildAlgorithm("WeightedMean");
weightedMean->setProperty("InputWorkspace1", inOne);
weightedMean->setProperty("InputWorkspace2", inTwo);
return weightedMean->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
/** Runs the ConjoinXRuns Algorithm as a child
@param inOne :: First input workspace
@param inTwo :: Second input workspace
@return A shared pointer to the resulting MatrixWorkspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr Stitch1D::conjoinXAxis(MatrixWorkspace_sptr &inOne,
MatrixWorkspace_sptr &inTwo) {
const std::string in1 = "__Stitch1D_intermediate_workspace_1__";
const std::string in2 = "__Stitch1D_intermediate_workspace_2__";
Mantid::API::AnalysisDataService::Instance().addOrReplace(in1, inOne);
Mantid::API::AnalysisDataService::Instance().addOrReplace(in2, inTwo);
auto conjoinX = this->createChildAlgorithm("ConjoinXRuns");
conjoinX->setProperty("InputWorkspaces", std::vector<std::string>{in1, in2});
API::Workspace_sptr ws = conjoinX->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace>(ws);
/** Runs the CreateSingleValuedWorkspace Algorithm as a child
@param val :: The double to convert to a single value workspace
@return A shared pointer to the resulting MatrixWorkspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr Stitch1D::singleValueWS(const double val) {
auto singleValueWS =
singleValueWS->setProperty("DataValue", val);
return singleValueWS->getProperty("OutputWorkspace");
/** Finds the bins containing the ends of the overlapping region
@param startOverlap :: The start of the overlapping region
@param endOverlap :: The end of the overlapping region
@param workspace :: The workspace to determine the overlaps inside
@return a boost::tuple<int,int> containing the bin indexes of the overlaps
boost::tuple<int, int>
Stitch1D::findStartEndIndexes(double startOverlap, double endOverlap,
MatrixWorkspace_sptr &workspace) {
int a1 = static_cast<int>(workspace->binIndexOf(startOverlap));
int a2 = static_cast<int>(workspace->binIndexOf(endOverlap));
if (a1 == a2) {
throw std::runtime_error("The Params you have provided for binning yield a "
"workspace in which start and end overlap appear "
"in the same bin. Make binning finer via input "
return boost::tuple<int, int>(a1, a2);
/** Determines if a workspace has non zero errors
@param ws :: The input workspace
@return True if there are any non-zero errors in the workspace
bool Stitch1D::hasNonzeroErrors(MatrixWorkspace_sptr &ws) {
int64_t ws_size = static_cast<int64_t>(ws->getNumberHistograms());
bool hasNonZeroErrors = false;
if (!hasNonZeroErrors) // Keep checking
auto it = std::find_if(e.begin(), e.end(), isNonzero);
if (it != e.end()) {
PARALLEL_CRITICAL(has_non_zero) {
hasNonZeroErrors =
true; // Set flag. Should not need to check any more spectra.
* @brief scaleWorkspace will set m_scaleFactor and m_errorScaleFactor
* @param ws :: Input workspace
* @param scaleFactorWS :: A MatrixWorkspace holding the scaling factor
* @param dxWS :: A MatrixWorkspace (size of ws) containing Dx values
void Stitch1D::scaleWorkspace(MatrixWorkspace_sptr &ws,
MatrixWorkspace_sptr &scaleFactorWS,
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr &dxWS) {
ws *= scaleFactorWS;
// We lost Dx values (Multiply) and need to get them back for point data
if (ws->size() == dxWS->size()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ws->getNumberHistograms(); ++i) {
if (dxWS->hasDx(i) && !ws->hasDx(i) && !ws->isHistogramData()) {
ws->setSharedDx(i, dxWS->sharedDx(i));
m_scaleFactor = scaleFactorWS->y(0).front();
m_errorScaleFactor = scaleFactorWS->e(0).front();
if (m_scaleFactor < 1e-2 || m_scaleFactor > 1e2 ||
std::isnan(m_scaleFactor)) {
std::stringstream messageBuffer;
messageBuffer << "Stitch1D calculated scale factor is: " << m_scaleFactor
<< ". Check that in both input workspaces the integrated "
"overlap region is non-zero.";
/** Execute the algorithm.
void Stitch1D::exec() {
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr lhsWS = this->getProperty("LHSWorkspace");
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr rhsWS = this->getProperty("RHSWorkspace");
const MinMaxTuple intesectionXRegion = calculateXIntersection(lhsWS, rhsWS);
const size_t histogramCount = rhsWS->getNumberHistograms();
const double intersectionMin = intesectionXRegion.get<0>();
const double intersectionMax = intesectionXRegion.get<1>();
double startOverlap = getStartOverlap(intersectionMin, intersectionMax);
double endOverlap = getEndOverlap(intersectionMin, intersectionMax);
if (startOverlap > endOverlap) {
std::string message = boost::str(
boost::format("Stitch1D cannot have a StartOverlap > EndOverlap. "
"StartOverlap: %0.9f, EndOverlap: %0.9f") %
startOverlap % endOverlap);
throw std::runtime_error(message);
const bool scaleRHS = this->getProperty("ScaleRHSWorkspace");
MatrixWorkspace_sptr lhs = lhsWS->clone();
MatrixWorkspace_sptr rhs = rhsWS->clone();
if (lhsWS->isHistogramData()) {
MantidVec params = getRebinParams(lhsWS, rhsWS, scaleRHS);
const double xMin = params.front();
const double xMax = params.back();
if (std::abs(xMin - startOverlap) < 1E-6)
startOverlap = xMin;
if (std::abs(xMax - endOverlap) < 1E-6)
endOverlap = xMax;
if (startOverlap < xMin) {
std::string message = boost::str(
"Stitch1D StartOverlap is outside the available X range. "
"StartOverlap: %10.9f, X min: %10.9f") %
startOverlap % xMin);
throw std::runtime_error(message);
if (endOverlap > xMax) {
std::string message = boost::str(
boost::format("Stitch1D EndOverlap is outside the available X range. "
"EndOverlap: %10.9f, X max: %10.9f") %
endOverlap % xMax);
throw std::runtime_error(message);
lhs = rebin(lhs, params);
rhs = rebin(rhs, params);
m_scaleFactor = this->getProperty("ManualScaleFactor");
m_errorScaleFactor = m_scaleFactor;
const bool useManualScaleFactor = this->getProperty("UseManualScaleFactor");
if (useManualScaleFactor) {
MatrixWorkspace_sptr manualScaleFactorWS = singleValueWS(m_scaleFactor);
if (scaleRHS)
rhs *= manualScaleFactorWS;
lhs *= manualScaleFactorWS;
auto rhsOverlapIntegrated = integration(rhs, startOverlap, endOverlap);
auto lhsOverlapIntegrated = integration(lhs, startOverlap, endOverlap);
if (scaleRHS) {
auto scaleRHS = lhsOverlapIntegrated / rhsOverlapIntegrated;
scaleWorkspace(rhs, scaleRHS, rhsWS);
} else {
auto scaleLHS = rhsOverlapIntegrated / lhsOverlapIntegrated;
scaleWorkspace(lhs, scaleLHS, lhsWS);
// Provide log information about the scale factors used in the calculations.
std::stringstream messageBuffer;
messageBuffer << "Scale Factor Y is: " << m_scaleFactor
<< " Scale Factor E is: " << m_errorScaleFactor;
MatrixWorkspace_sptr result;
if (lhsWS->isHistogramData()) { // If the input workspaces are histograms ...
boost::tuple<int, int> startEnd =
findStartEndIndexes(startOverlap, endOverlap, lhs);
int a1 = boost::tuples::get<0>(startEnd);
int a2 = boost::tuples::get<1>(startEnd);
// Mask out everything BUT the overlap region as a new workspace.
MatrixWorkspace_sptr overlap1 = maskAllBut(a1, a2, lhs);
// Mask out everything BUT the overlap region as a new workspace.
MatrixWorkspace_sptr overlap2 = maskAllBut(a1, a2, rhs);
// Mask out everything AFTER the overlap region as a new workspace.
maskInPlace(a1 + 1, static_cast<int>(lhs->blocksize()), lhs);
// Mask out everything BEFORE the overlap region as a new workspace.
maskInPlace(0, a2, rhs);
MatrixWorkspace_sptr overlapave;
if (hasNonzeroErrors(overlap1) && hasNonzeroErrors(overlap2)) {
overlapave = weightedMean(overlap1, overlap2);
} else {
g_log.information("Using un-weighted mean for Stitch1D overlap mean");
MatrixWorkspace_sptr sum = overlap1 + overlap2;
MatrixWorkspace_sptr denominator = singleValueWS(2.0);
overlapave = sum / denominator;
result = lhs + overlapave + rhs;
} else { // The input workspaces are point data ... join & sort
result = conjoinXAxis(lhs, rhs);
if (!result)
g_log.error("Could not retrieve joined workspace.");
MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputSearch =
result = outputSearch;
setProperty("OutputWorkspace", result);
setProperty("OutScaleFactor", m_scaleFactor);
/** Put special values back.
* @param ws : MatrixWorkspace to resinsert special values into.
void Stitch1D::reinsertSpecialValues(MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws) {
int histogramCount = static_cast<int>(ws->getNumberHistograms());
for (int i = 0; i < histogramCount; ++i) {
// Copy over the data
sourceY[j] = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
sourceY[j] = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
sourceY[j] = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
sourceY[j] = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();