#include "MantidDataObjects/MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDEventWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDHistoWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidKernel/WarningSuppressions.h"
namespace Mantid {
namespace DataObjects {
MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem::MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem() {}
MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem::~MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem() {}
// Need to turn off the warnings because of boost optional being used.
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
* Get the Special Coordinate System based on the MDFrame information.
* @param workspace: the workspace which is being queried
* @returns either a special coordinate or an empty optional
operator()(const Mantid::API::IMDWorkspace *workspace) const {
// Make sure that the workspaces are either an MDHisto or MDEvent workspaces
if (!dynamic_cast<const Mantid::API::IMDEventWorkspace *>(workspace) &&
!dynamic_cast<const Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace *>(workspace)) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Error in MDFrameFromWorkspace: Can only "
"extract MDFrame from MDEvent and MDHisto "
// Requirements for the special coordinate are: If there are more than one
// Q-compatible (QSample, QLab, HKL) dimension, then they have to be identical
// This dimension will define the special coordinate system. Otherwise, we
// don't have a special coordinate system
boost::optional<Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem> qFrameType;
auto isUnknown = false;
for (size_t dimIndex = 0; dimIndex < workspace->getNumDims(); ++dimIndex) {
auto dimension = workspace->getDimension(dimIndex);
auto &frame = dimension->getMDFrame();
// Check for QCompatibility
if (frame.getMDUnit().isQUnit()) {
auto specialCoordinteSystem = frame.equivalientSpecialCoordinateSystem();
checkQCompatibility(specialCoordinteSystem, qFrameType);
qFrameType = specialCoordinteSystem;
isUnknown = isUnknownFrame(dimension);
boost::optional<Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem> output;
if (qFrameType) {
output = qFrameType;
} else {
// If the frame is unknown then keep the optional empty
if (!isUnknown) {
output = Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem::None;
return output;
// clang-format off
// clang-format on
* Make sure that the QFrame types are the same.
* @param specialCoordinateSystem: the q frame type to test.
* @param qFrameType: the current q frame type
void MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem::checkQCompatibility(
Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem specialCoordinateSystem,
boost::optional<Mantid::Kernel::SpecialCoordinateSystem> qFrameType) const {
if (qFrameType) {
if (specialCoordinateSystem != qFrameType.get()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("Error in MDFrameFromWorkspace: Coordinate "
"system in the different dimensions don't "
/* Checks if an MDFrame is an UnknownFrame
* @param dimension: a dimension
* @returns true if the MDFrame is of UnknownFrame type.
bool MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem::isUnknownFrame(
Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension_const_sptr dimension) const {
Mantid::Geometry::MDFrame_uptr replica(dimension->getMDFrame().clone());
auto isUnknown = false;
if (dynamic_cast<Mantid::Geometry::UnknownFrame *>(replica.get())) {
isUnknown = true;
return isUnknown;