from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
from isis_powder.routines import common, yaml_parser
import os
def create_run_details_object(run_number_string, inst_settings, is_vanadium_run, empty_run_number,
grouping_file_name, vanadium_string, splined_name_list=None, van_abs_file_name=None):
Creates and returns a run details object which holds various
properties about the current run.
:param run_number_string: The user string for the current run
:param inst_settings: The current instrument object
:param is_vanadium_run: Boolean of if the current run is a vanadium run
:param empty_run_number: Empty run number(s) from mapping file
:param grouping_file_name: Filename of the grouping file found in the calibration folder
:param vanadium_string: Vanadium run number(s) from mapping file
:param splined_name_list: (Optional) List of unique properties to generate a splined vanadium name from
:param van_abs_file_name: (Optional) The name of the vanadium absorption file
:return: RunDetails object with attributes set to applicable values
cal_map_dict = get_cal_mapping_dict(run_number_string=run_number_string,
run_number = common.get_first_run_number(run_number_string=run_number_string)
# Get names of files we will be using
calibration_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.expanduser(inst_settings.calibration_dir))
label = common.cal_map_dictionary_key_helper(dictionary=cal_map_dict, key="label")
offset_file_name = common.cal_map_dictionary_key_helper(dictionary=cal_map_dict, key="offset_file_name")
# Prepend the properties used for creating a van spline so we can fingerprint the file
new_splined_list = splined_name_list if splined_name_list else []
splined_van_name = common.generate_splined_name(vanadium_string, new_splined_list)
unsplined_van_name = common.generate_unsplined_name(vanadium_string, new_splined_list)
if is_vanadium_run:
# The run number should be the vanadium number in this case
run_number = vanadium_string
output_run_string = vanadium_string if is_vanadium_run else run_number_string
# Get the file extension if set
file_extension = getattr(inst_settings, "file_extension")
if file_extension:
# Prefix dot if user has forgotten to
file_extension = file_extension if file_extension.startswith('.') else '.' + file_extension
# Get the output name suffix if set
suffix = getattr(inst_settings, "suffix", None)
# Sample empty if there is one as this is instrument specific
sample_empty = getattr(inst_settings, "sample_empty", None)
# By default, offset file sits in the calibration folder, but it can also be given as an absolute path
if os.path.exists(offset_file_name):
offset_file_path = offset_file_name
offset_file_path = os.path.join(calibration_dir, label, offset_file_name)
# Generate the paths
grouping_file_path = os.path.join(calibration_dir, grouping_file_name)
splined_van_path = os.path.join(calibration_dir, label, splined_van_name)
unsplined_van_path = os.path.join(calibration_dir, label, unsplined_van_name)
van_absorb_path = os.path.join(calibration_dir, van_abs_file_name) if van_abs_file_name else None
return _RunDetails(empty_run_number=empty_run_number, file_extension=file_extension,
run_number=run_number, output_run_string=output_run_string, label=label,
offset_file_path=offset_file_path, grouping_file_path=grouping_file_path,
splined_vanadium_path=splined_van_path, vanadium_run_number=vanadium_string,
sample_empty=sample_empty, vanadium_abs_path=van_absorb_path,
unsplined_vanadium_path=unsplined_van_path, output_suffix=suffix)
def get_cal_mapping_dict(run_number_string, cal_mapping_path):
# Get the python dictionary from the YAML mapping
run_number = common.get_first_run_number(run_number_string=run_number_string)
cal_mapping_dict = yaml_parser.get_run_dictionary(run_number_string=run_number,
return cal_mapping_dict
class _RunDetails(object):
This class holds the full file paths associated with each run and various other useful attributes
def __init__(self, empty_run_number, file_extension, run_number, output_run_string, label,
offset_file_path, grouping_file_path, splined_vanadium_path, vanadium_run_number,
sample_empty, vanadium_abs_path, unsplined_vanadium_path, output_suffix):
# Essential attribute
self.empty_runs = empty_run_number
self.run_number = run_number
self.output_run_string = output_run_string
self.label = label
self.offset_file_path = offset_file_path
self.grouping_file_path = grouping_file_path
self.splined_vanadium_file_path = splined_vanadium_path
self.unsplined_vanadium_file_path = unsplined_vanadium_path
self.vanadium_run_numbers = vanadium_run_number
# Optional
self.file_extension = str(file_extension) if file_extension else None
self.sample_empty = sample_empty
self.vanadium_absorption_path = vanadium_abs_path
self.output_suffix = output_suffix