// Includes
#include "MantidAlgorithms/Q1D2.h"
#include "MantidAlgorithms/Qhelper.h"
#include "MantidAPI/CommonBinsValidator.h"
#include "MantidAPI/HistogramValidator.h"
#include "MantidAPI/InstrumentValidator.h"
#include "MantidAPI/ISpectrum.h"
#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceUnitValidator.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/Histogram1D.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ArrayProperty.h"
#include "MantidKernel/BoundedValidator.h"
#include "MantidKernel/CompositeValidator.h"
#include "MantidKernel/RebinParamsValidator.h"
#include "MantidKernel/UnitFactory.h"
#include "MantidKernel/VectorHelper.h"
namespace Mantid {
namespace Algorithms {
// Register the algorithm into the AlgorithmFactory
using namespace Kernel;
using namespace API;
using namespace Geometry;
Federico Montesino Pouzols
Q1D2::Q1D2() : API::Algorithm(), m_dataWS(), m_doSolidAngle(false) {}
auto dataVal = boost::make_shared<CompositeValidator>();
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<>("DetBankWorkspace", "",
Direction::Input, dataVal),
"Particle counts as a function of wavelength");
new WorkspaceProperty<>("OutputWorkspace", "", Direction::Output),
"Name of the workspace that will contain the result of the calculation");
new ArrayProperty<double>("OutputBinning",
"A comma separated list of first bin boundary, width, last bin boundary. "
"this can be followed by a comma and more widths and last boundary "
"Negative width values indicate logarithmic binning.");
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<>("PixelAdj", "", Direction::Input,
"Scaling to apply to each spectrum. Must have\n"
"the same number of spectra as the DetBankWorkspace");
auto wavVal = boost::make_shared<CompositeValidator>();
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<>("WavelengthAdj", "", Direction::Input,
PropertyMode::Optional, wavVal),
"Scaling to apply to each bin.\n"
"Must have the same number of bins as the DetBankWorkspace");
new WorkspaceProperty<>("WavePixelAdj", "", Direction::Input,
PropertyMode::Optional, dataVal),
"Scaling that depends on both pixel and wavelength together.\n"
"Must have the same number of bins and spectra as the DetBankWorkspace.");
declareProperty("AccountForGravity", false,
"Whether to correct for the effects of gravity");
declareProperty("SolidAngleWeighting", true,
"If true, pixels will be weighted by their solid angle.",
auto mustBePositive = boost::make_shared<BoundedValidator<double>>();
declareProperty("RadiusCut", 0.0, mustBePositive,
"To increase resolution some wavelengths are excluded within "
"this distance from\n"
"the beam center (mm)");
"WaveCut", 0.0, mustBePositive,
"To increase resolution by starting to remove some wavelengths below this"
"freshold (angstrom)");
declareProperty("OutputParts", false,
"Set to true to output two additional workspaces which will "
"have the names OutputWorkspace_sumOfCounts "
"OutputWorkspace_sumOfNormFactors. The division of "
"_sumOfCounts and _sumOfNormFactors equals the workspace"
" returned by the property OutputWorkspace "
"(default is false).");
declareProperty("ExtraLength", 0.0, mustBePositive,
"Additional length for gravity correction.");
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<>("QResolution", "", Direction::Input,
PropertyMode::Optional, dataVal),
"Workspace to calculate the Q resolution.\n");
@ throw invalid_argument if the workspaces are not mututially compatible
m_dataWS = getProperty("DetBankWorkspace");
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr waveAdj = getProperty("WavelengthAdj");
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr pixelAdj = getProperty("PixelAdj");
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr wavePixelAdj = getProperty("WavePixelAdj");
MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr qResolution = getProperty("QResolution");
const bool doGravity = getProperty("AccountForGravity");
m_doSolidAngle = getProperty("SolidAngleWeighting");
// throws if we don't have common binning or another incompatibility
helper.examineInput(m_dataWS, waveAdj, pixelAdj, qResolution);
// FIXME: how to examine the wavePixelAdj?
g_log.debug() << "All input workspaces were found to be valid\n";
// normalization as a function of wavelength (i.e. centers of x-value bins)
double const *const binNorms = waveAdj ? &(waveAdj->readY(0)[0]) : NULL;
// error on the wavelength normalization
double const *const binNormEs = waveAdj ? &(waveAdj->readE(0)[0]) : NULL;
// define the (large number of) data objects that are going to be used in all
// iterations of the loop below
// Flag to decide if Q Resolution is to be used
auto useQResolution = qResolution ? true : false;
// this will become the output workspace from this algorithm
MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS =
const MantidVec &QOut = outputWS->readX(0);
MantidVec &YOut = outputWS->dataY(0);
MantidVec &EOutTo2 = outputWS->dataE(0);
// normalisation that is applied to counts in each Q bin
MantidVec normSum(YOut.size(), 0.0);
// the error on the normalisation
MantidVec normError2(YOut.size(), 0.0);
// the averaged Q resolution. We need the a named dummy variable although it
// won't be
// used since we only want to create a reference to DX if it is really
// required. Referencing
// DX sets a flag which might not be desirable.
MantidVec dummy;
MantidVec &qResolutionOut =
useQResolution ? outputWS->dataDx(0) : outputWS->dataY(0);
const int numSpec = static_cast<int>(m_dataWS->getNumberHistograms());
Progress progress(this, 0.05, 1.0, numSpec + 1);
PARALLEL_FOR3(m_dataWS, outputWS, pixelAdj)
for (int i = 0; i < numSpec; ++i) {
// Get the pixel relating to this spectrum
IDetector_const_sptr det;
try {
det = m_dataWS->getDetector(i);
} catch (Exception::NotFoundError &) {
g_log.warning() << "Workspace index " << i << " (SpectrumIndex = "
<< m_dataWS->getSpectrum(i)->getSpectrumNo()
<< ") has no detector assigned to it - discarding"
<< std::endl;
// Catch if no detector. Next line tests whether this happened - test
// placed
// outside here because Mac Intel compiler doesn't like 'continue' in a
// catch
// If no detector found or if detector is masked shouldn't be included skip
// onto the next spectrum
if (!det || det->isMonitor() || det->isMasked()) {
// get the bins that are included inside the RadiusCut/WaveCutcut off, those
// to calculate for
// const size_t wavStart = waveLengthCutOff(i);
const size_t wavStart = helper.waveLengthCutOff(
m_dataWS, getProperty("RadiusCut"), getProperty("WaveCut"), i);
if (wavStart >= m_dataWS->readY(i).size()) {
// all the spectra in this detector are out of range
const size_t numWavbins = m_dataWS->readY(i).size() - wavStart;
// make just one call to new to reduce CPU overhead on each thread, access
// to these
// three "arrays" is via iterators
MantidVec _noDirectUseStorage_(3 * numWavbins);
// normalization term
MantidVec::iterator norms = _noDirectUseStorage_.begin();
// the error on these weights, it contributes to the error calculation on
// the output workspace
MantidVec::iterator normETo2s = norms + numWavbins;
// the Q values calculated from input wavelength workspace
MantidVec::iterator QIn = normETo2s + numWavbins;
// the weighting for this input spectrum that is added to the normalization
calculateNormalization(wavStart, i, pixelAdj, wavePixelAdj, binNorms,
binNormEs, norms, normETo2s);
// now read the data from the input workspace, calculate Q for each bin
convertWavetoQ(i, doGravity, wavStart, QIn, getProperty("ExtraLength"));
// Pointers to the counts data and it's error
MantidVec::const_iterator YIn = m_dataWS->readY(i).begin() + wavStart;
MantidVec::const_iterator EIn = m_dataWS->readE(i).begin() + wavStart;
// Pointers to the QResolution data. Note that the xdata was initially the
// same, hence
// the same indexing applies to the y values of m_dataWS and qResolution
// If we want to use it set it to the correct value, else to YIN, although
// that does not matter, as
MantidVec::const_iterator QResIn =
useQResolution ? (qResolution->readY(i).begin() + wavStart) : YIn;
// when finding the output Q bin remember that the input Q bins (from the
// convert to wavelength) start high and reduce
MantidVec::const_iterator loc = QOut.end();
// sum the Q contributions from each individual spectrum into the output
// array
const MantidVec::const_iterator end = m_dataWS->readY(i).end();
for (; YIn != end; ++YIn, ++EIn, ++QIn, ++norms, ++normETo2s) {
// find the output bin that each input y-value will fall into, remembering
// there is one more bin boundary than bins
getQBinPlus1(QOut, *QIn, loc);
// ignore counts that are out of the output range
if ((loc != QOut.begin()) && (loc != QOut.end())) {
// the actual Q-bin to add something to
const size_t bin = loc - QOut.begin() - 1;
PARALLEL_CRITICAL(q1d_counts_sum) {
YOut[bin] += *YIn;
normSum[bin] += *norms;
// these are the errors squared which will be summed and square rooted
// at the end
EOutTo2[bin] += (*EIn) * (*EIn);
normError2[bin] += *normETo2s;
qResolutionOut[bin] += (*YIn) * (*QResIn);
// Increment the QResolution iterator
if (useQResolution) {
PARALLEL_CRITICAL(q1d_spectra_map) {"Computing I(Q)");
// Add up the detector IDs in the output spectrum at workspace index 0
const ISpectrum *inSpec = m_dataWS->getSpectrum(i);
ISpectrum *outSpec = outputWS->getSpectrum(0);
// The number of Q (x)_ values is N, while the number of DeltaQ values is
// N-1,
// Richard Heenan suggested to duplicate the last entry of DeltaQ
Mantid::MantidVec::const_iterator countsIterator = YOut.begin();
Mantid::MantidVec::iterator qResolutionIterator = qResolutionOut.begin();
for (; countsIterator != YOut.end();
++countsIterator, ++qResolutionIterator) {
// Divide by the counts of the Qbin, if the counts are 0, the the
// qresolution will also be 0
*qResolutionIterator = (*qResolutionIterator) / (*countsIterator);
// Now duplicate write the second to last element into the last element of
// the deltaQ vector
if (qResolutionOut.size() > 1) {
qResolutionOut.rbegin()[0] = qResolutionOut.rbegin()[1];
bool doOutputParts = getProperty("OutputParts");
if (doOutputParts) {
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws_sumOfCounts =
ws_sumOfCounts->dataX(0) = outputWS->dataX(0);
ws_sumOfCounts->dataY(0) = outputWS->dataY(0);
if (useQResolution) {
ws_sumOfCounts->dataDx(0) = outputWS->dataDx(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < outputWS->dataE(0).size(); i++) {
ws_sumOfCounts->dataE(0)[i] = sqrt(outputWS->dataE(0)[i]);
MatrixWorkspace_sptr ws_sumOfNormFactors =
ws_sumOfNormFactors->dataX(0) = outputWS->dataX(0);
if (useQResolution) {
ws_sumOfNormFactors->dataDx(0) = outputWS->dataDx(0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < ws_sumOfNormFactors->dataY(0).size(); i++) {
ws_sumOfNormFactors->dataY(0)[i] = normSum[i];
ws_sumOfNormFactors->dataE(0)[i] = sqrt(normError2[i]);
helper.outputParts(this, ws_sumOfCounts, ws_sumOfNormFactors);
}"Normalizing I(Q)");
// finally divide the number of counts in each output Q bin by its weighting
normalize(normSum, normError2, YOut, EOutTo2);
setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outputWS);
/** Creates the output workspace, its size, units, etc.
* @param binParams the bin boundary specification using the same same syntax as
* param the Rebin algorithm
* @return A pointer to the newly-created workspace
Q1D2::setUpOutputWorkspace(const std::vector<double> &binParams) const {
// Calculate the output binning
MantidVecPtr XOut;
size_t sizeOut = static_cast<size_t>(
VectorHelper::createAxisFromRebinParams(binParams, XOut.access()));
// Now create the output workspace
MatrixWorkspace_sptr outputWS =
WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(m_dataWS, 1, sizeOut, sizeOut - 1);
outputWS->getAxis(0)->unit() =
// Set the X vector for the output workspace
outputWS->setX(0, XOut);
return outputWS;
/** Calculate the normalization term for each output bin
* @param wavStart [in] the index number of the first bin in the input
* wavelengths that is actually being used
* @param specInd [in] the spectrum to calculate
* @param pixelAdj [in] if not NULL this is workspace contains single bins with
* the adjustments, e.g. detector efficencies, for the given spectrum index
* @param wavePixelAdj [in] if not NULL this is workspace that contains the
* adjustments for the pixels and wavelenght dependend values.
* @param binNorms [in] pointer to a contigious array of doubles that are the
* wavelength correction from waveAdj workspace, can be NULL
* @param binNormEs [in] pointer to a contigious array of doubles which
* corrospond to the corrections and are their errors, can be NULL
* @param norm [out] normalization for each bin, including soild angle, pixel
* correction, the proportion that is not masked and the normalization workspace
* @param normETo2 [out] this pointer must point to the end of the norm array,
* it will be filled with the total of the error on the normalization
void Q1D2::calculateNormalization(const size_t wavStart, const size_t specInd,
API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr pixelAdj,
API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr wavePixelAdj,
double const *const binNorms,
double const *const binNormEs,
const MantidVec::iterator norm,
const MantidVec::iterator normETo2) const {
double detectorAdj, detAdjErr;
pixelWeight(pixelAdj, specInd, detectorAdj, detAdjErr);
// use that the normalization array ends at the start of the error array
for (MantidVec::iterator n = norm, e = normETo2; n != normETo2; ++n, ++e) {
*n = detectorAdj;
if (binNorms && binNormEs) {
if (wavePixelAdj)
// pass the iterator for the wave pixel Adj dependent
addWaveAdj(binNorms + wavStart, binNormEs + wavStart, norm, normETo2,
wavePixelAdj->readY(specInd).begin() + wavStart,
wavePixelAdj->readE(specInd).begin() + wavStart);
addWaveAdj(binNorms + wavStart, binNormEs + wavStart, norm, normETo2);
normToMask(wavStart, specInd, norm, normETo2);
/** Calculates the normalisation for the spectrum specified by the index number
* that was passed
* as the solid anlge multiplied by the pixelAdj that was passed
* @param[in] pixelAdj if not NULL this is workspace contains single bins with
* the adjustments, e.g. detector efficencies, for the given spectrum index
* @param[in] specIndex the spectrum index to return the data from
* @param[out] weight the solid angle or if pixelAdj the solid anlge times the
* pixel adjustment for this spectrum
* @param[out] error the error on the weight, only non-zero if pixelAdj
* @throw LogicError if the solid angle is tiny or negative
void Q1D2::pixelWeight(API::MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr pixelAdj,
const size_t specIndex, double &weight,
double &error) const {
const V3D samplePos = m_dataWS->getInstrument()->getSample()->getPos();
if (m_doSolidAngle)
weight = m_dataWS->getDetector(specIndex)->solidAngle(samplePos);
weight = 1.0;
if (weight < 1e-200) {
throw std::logic_error(
"Invalid (zero or negative) solid angle for one detector");
// this input multiplies up the adjustment if it exists
weight *= pixelAdj->readY(specIndex)[0];
error = weight * pixelAdj->readE(specIndex)[0];
} else {
/** Calculates the contribution to the normalization terms from each bin in a
* spectrum
* @param[in] c pointer to the start of a contigious array of wavelength
* dependent normalization terms
* @param[in] Dc pointer to the start of a contigious array that corrosponds to
* wavelength dependent term, having its error
* @param[in,out] bInOut normalization for each bin, this method multiplise this
* by the proportion that is not masked and the normalization workspace
* @param[in, out] e2InOut this array must follow straight after the
* normalization array and will contain the error on the normalisation term
* before the WavelengthAdj term
void Q1D2::addWaveAdj(const double *c, const double *Dc,
MantidVec::iterator bInOut,
MantidVec::iterator e2InOut) const {
// normalize by the wavelength dependent correction, keeping the percentage
// errors the same
// the error when a = b*c, the formula for Da, the error on a, in terms of Db,
// etc. is (Da/a)^2 = (Db/b)^2 + (Dc/c)^2
//(Da)^2 = ((Db*a/b)^2 + (Dc*a/c)^2) = (Db*c)^2 + (Dc*b)^2
// the variable names relate to those above as: existing values (b=bInOut)
// multiplied by the additional errors (Dc=binNormEs), existing errors
// (Db=sqrt(e2InOut)) times new factor (c=binNorms)
// use the fact that error array follows straight after the normalization
// array
const MantidVec::const_iterator end = e2InOut;
for (; bInOut != end; ++e2InOut, ++c, ++Dc, ++bInOut) {
// first the error
*e2InOut =
((*e2InOut) * (*c) * (*c)) + ((*Dc) * (*Dc) * (*bInOut) * (*bInOut));
// now the actual calculation a = b*c
/** Calculates the contribution to the normalization terms from each bin in a
* spectrum
* @param[in] c pointer to the start of a contigious array of wavelength
* dependent normalization terms
* @param[in] Dc pointer to the start of a contigious array that corrosponds to
* wavelength dependent term, having its error
* @param[in,out] bInOut normalization for each bin, this method multiplise this
* by the proportion that is not masked and the normalization workspace
* @param[in, out] e2InOut this array must follow straight after the
* normalization array and will contain the error on the normalisation term
* before the WavelengthAdj term
* @param[in] wavePixelAdjData normalization correction for each bin for each
* detector pixel.
* @param[in] wavePixelAdjError normalization correction incertainty for each bin
* for each detector pixel.
void Q1D2::addWaveAdj(const double *c, const double *Dc,
MantidVec::iterator bInOut, MantidVec::iterator e2InOut,
MantidVec::const_iterator wavePixelAdjData,
MantidVec::const_iterator wavePixelAdjError) const {
// normalize by the wavelength dependent correction, keeping the percentage
// errors the same
// the error when a = b*c*e, the formula for Da, the error on a, in terms of
// Db, etc. is
// (Da/a)^2 = (Db/b)^2 + (Dc/c)^2 + (De/e)^2
//(Da)^2 = ((Db*a/b)^2 + (Dc*a/c)^2) + (De * a/e)^2
// But: a/b = c*e; a/c = b*e; a/e = b*c;
// So:
// (Da)^2 = (c*e*Db)^2 + (b*e*Dc)^2 + (b*c*De)^2
// Da = Error (e2InOut)
// Db^2 = PixelDependentError (e2InOut)
// b = PixelDependentValue (bInOut)
// c = WaveDependentValue (c)
// Dc = WaveDependentError (Dc)
// e = PixelWaveDependentValue (wavePixelAdjData)
// De = PiexlWaveDependentError (wavePixelAdjError)
// use the fact that error array follows straight after the normalization
// array
const MantidVec::const_iterator end = e2InOut;
for (; bInOut != end; ++e2InOut, ++c, ++Dc, ++bInOut, ++wavePixelAdjData,
++wavePixelAdjError) {
// first the error
*e2InOut =
((*e2InOut) * (*c) * (*c) * (*wavePixelAdjData) * (*wavePixelAdjData)) +
((*Dc) * (*Dc) * (*bInOut) * (*bInOut) * (*wavePixelAdjData) *
(*wavePixelAdjData)) +
((*wavePixelAdjError) * (*wavePixelAdjError) * (*c) * (*c) * (*bInOut) *
// now the actual calculation a = b*c*e : Pixel * Wave * PixelWave
*bInOut = (*bInOut) * (*c) * (*wavePixelAdjData);
/** Scaled to bin masking, to the normalization
* @param[in] offSet the inex number of the first bin in the input wavelengths
* that is actually being used
* @param[in] specIndex the spectrum to calculate
* @param[in,out] theNorms normalization for each bin, this is multiplied by the
* proportion that is not masked and the normalization workspace
* @param[in,out] errorSquared the running total of the square of the
* uncertainty in the normalization
void Q1D2::normToMask(const size_t offSet, const size_t specIndex,
const MantidVec::iterator theNorms,
const MantidVec::iterator errorSquared) const {
// if any bins are masked it is normally a small proportion
if (m_dataWS->hasMaskedBins(specIndex)) {
// Get a reference to the list of masked bins
const MatrixWorkspace::MaskList &mask = m_dataWS->maskedBins(specIndex);
// Now iterate over the list, adjusting the weights for the affected bins
MatrixWorkspace::MaskList::const_iterator it;
for (it = mask.begin(); it != mask.end(); ++it) {
// this masked bin wasn't in the range being delt with anyway
outBin -= offSet;
// The weight for this masked bin is 1 - the degree to which this bin is
// masked
const double factor = 1.0 - (it->second);
*(theNorms + outBin) *= factor;
*(errorSquared + outBin) *= factor * factor;
/** Fills a vector with the Q values calculated from the wavelength bin centers
* from the input workspace and
* the workspace geometry as Q = 4*pi*sin(theta)/lambda
* @param[in] specInd the spectrum to calculate
* @param[in] doGravity if to include gravity in the calculation of Q
* @param[in] offset index number of the first input bin to use
* @param[in] extraLength for gravitational correction
* @param[out] Qs points to a preallocated array that is large enough to contain
* all the calculated Q values
* @throw NotFoundError if the detector associated with the spectrum is not
* found in the instrument definition
void Q1D2::convertWavetoQ(const size_t specInd, const bool doGravity,
const size_t offset, MantidVec::iterator Qs,
const double extraLength) const {
static const double FOUR_PI = 4.0 * M_PI;
IDetector_const_sptr det = m_dataWS->getDetector(specInd);
// wavelengths (lamda) to be converted to Q
MantidVec::const_iterator waves = m_dataWS->readX(specInd).begin() + offset;
// going from bin boundaries to bin centered x-values the size goes down one
const MantidVec::const_iterator end = m_dataWS->readX(specInd).end() - 1;
GravitySANSHelper grav(m_dataWS, det, extraLength);
for (; waves != end; ++Qs, ++waves) {
// the HistogramValidator at the start should ensure that we have one more
// bin on the input wavelengths
const double lambda = 0.5 * (*(waves + 1) + (*waves));
// as the fall under gravity is wavelength dependent sin theta is now
// different for each bin with each detector
const double sinTheta = grav.calcSinTheta(lambda);
// Now we're ready to go to Q
*Qs = FOUR_PI *sinTheta / lambda;
} else {
// Calculate the Q values for the current spectrum, using Q =
// 4*pi*sin(theta)/lambda
const double factor =
2.0 * FOUR_PI * sin(m_dataWS->detectorTwoTheta(det) / 2.0);
for (; waves != end; ++Qs, ++waves) {
// the HistogramValidator at the start should ensure that we have one more
// bin on the input wavelengths
*Qs = factor / (*(waves + 1) + (*waves));
/** This is a slightly "clever" method as it makes some guesses about where is
* best
* to look for the right Q bin based on the fact that the input Qs (calcualted
* from wavelengths) tend
* to go down while the output Qs are always in accending order
* @param[in] OutQs the array of output Q bin boundaries, this finds the bin
* that contains the QIn value
* @param[in] QToFind the Q value to find the correct bin for
* @param[in, out] loc points to the bin boundary (in the OutQs array) whos Q is
* higher than QToFind and higher by the smallest amount. Algorithm starts by
* checking the value of loc passed and then all the bins _downwards_ through the
* array
void Q1D2::getQBinPlus1(const MantidVec &OutQs, const double QToFind,
MantidVec::const_iterator &loc) const {
if (loc != OutQs.end()) {
while (loc != OutQs.begin()) {
if ((QToFind >= *(loc - 1)) && (QToFind < *loc)) {
if (QToFind < *loc) {
// QToFind is outside the array leave loc == OutQs.begin()
if (OutQs.empty() || QToFind > *(loc - 1)) {
// outside the array leave loc == OutQs.end()
// we are lost, normally the order of the Q values means we only get here on
// the first iteration. It's slow
loc = std::lower_bound(OutQs.begin(), OutQs.end(), QToFind);
/** Divides the number of counts in each output Q bin by the wrighting ("number
* that would expected to arrive")
* The errors are propogated using the uncorrolated error estimate for
* multiplication/division
* @param[in] normSum the weighting for each bin
* @param[in] normError2 square of the error on the normalization
* @param[in, out] counts counts in each bin
* @param[in, out] errors input the _square_ of the error on each bin, output
* the total error (unsquared)
void Q1D2::normalize(const MantidVec &normSum, const MantidVec &normError2,
MantidVec &counts, MantidVec &errors) const {
for (size_t k = 0; k < counts.size(); ++k) {
// the normalisation is a = b/c where b = counts c =normalistion term
const double c = normSum[k];
const double a = counts[k] /= c;
// when a = b/c, the formula for Da, the error on a, in terms of Db, etc. is
// (Da/a)^2 = (Db/b)^2 + (Dc/c)^2
//(Da)^2 = ((Db/b)^2 + (Dc/c)^2)*(b^2/c^2) = ((Db/c)^2 + (b*Dc/c^2)^2) =
//(Db^2 + (b*Dc/c)^2)/c^2 = (Db^2 + (Dc*a)^2)/c^2
// this will work as long as c>0, but then the above formula above can't
// deal with 0 either
const double aOverc = a / c;
errors[k] =
std::sqrt(errors[k] / (c * c) + normError2[k] * aOverc * aOverc);
} // namespace Algorithms
} // namespace Mantid