// Includes
#include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Support.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Logger.h"
#include "Poco/Util/LoggingConfigurator.h"
#include "Poco/Util/SystemConfiguration.h"
#include "Poco/Util/PropertyFileConfiguration.h"
Nick Draper
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
namespace Mantid
Russell Taylor
namespace Kernel
/// Private constructor for singleton class
ConfigServiceImpl::ConfigServiceImpl() : g_log(Logger::get("ConfigService"))
//getting at system details
m_pSysConfig = new WrappedObject<Poco::Util::SystemConfiguration>;
m_pConf = 0;
//Register the FilterChannel with the Poco logging factory
Poco::LoggingFactory::defaultFactory().registerChannelClass("FilterChannel",new Poco::Instantiator<Poco::FilterChannel, Poco::Channel>);
//Register the SignalChannel with the Poco logging factory
Poco::LoggingFactory::defaultFactory().registerChannelClass("SignalChannel",new Poco::Instantiator<Poco::SignalChannel, Poco::Channel>);
g_log.debug() << "ConfigService created." << std::endl;
/// Private copy constructor for singleton class
ConfigServiceImpl::ConfigServiceImpl(const ConfigServiceImpl&) : g_log(Logger::get("ConfigService"))
/** Private Destructor
* Prevents client from calling 'delete' on the pointer handed out by Instance
delete m_pSysConfig;
// g_log.debug() << "ConfigService destroyed." << std::endl;
/** Loads the config file provided, any previous configuration is discarded.
* If the file contains logging setup instructions then these will be used to setup the logging framework.
* @param filename The filename and optionally path of the file to load
void ConfigServiceImpl::loadConfig(const std::string& filename)
delete m_pConf;
m_pConf = new WrappedObject<Poco::Util::PropertyFileConfiguration>(filename);
//there was a problem loading the file - it probably is not there
Russell Taylor
std::cerr << "Problem loading the logging file " << filename << " " << e.what() << std::endl;
Nick Draper
std::string propFile =
"logging.loggers.root.level = debug\n"
" = SplitterChannel\n"
" = consoleChannelFilter\n"
Nick Draper
" = fileChannel\n"
"logging.channels.consoleChannelFilter.class = FilterChannel\n"
" = ConsoleChannel\n"
"logging.channels.consoleChannelFilter.level = information\n"
Nick Draper
"logging.channels.consoleChannel.class = ConsoleChannel\n"
"logging.channels.consoleChannel.formatter = f1\n"
"logging.channels.fileChannel.class = FileChannel\n"
"logging.channels.fileChannel.path = mantid.log\n"
Nick Draper
"logging.channels.fileChannel.formatter.class = PatternFormatter\n"
"logging.channels.fileChannel.formatter.pattern = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S,%i [%I] %p %s - %t\n"
Nick Draper
"logging.formatters.f1.class = PatternFormatter\n"
"logging.formatters.f1.pattern = %s-[%p] %t\n"
"logging.formatters.f1.times = UTC\n";
std::istringstream istr(propFile);
m_pConf = new WrappedObject<Poco::Util::PropertyFileConfiguration>(istr);
//configure the logging framework
Nick Draper
Poco::Util::LoggingConfigurator configurator;
//BUG? This line crashes the FrameworkManagerTest and ConfigServiceImplTest
std::cerr << "Trouble configuring the logging framework " << e.what()<<std::endl;
/** Searches for a string within the currently loaded configuaration values and
* returns the value as a string.
* @param keyName The case sensitive name of the property that you need the value of.
* @returns The string value of the property, or an empty string if the key cannot be found
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getString(const std::string& keyName)
std::string retVal;
retVal = m_pConf->getString(keyName);
catch(Poco::NotFoundException& ex)
g_log.warning()<<"Unable to find " << keyName << " in the properties file" << std::endl;
/** Searches for a string within the currently loaded configuaration values and
* attempts to convert the values to the template type supplied.
* @param keyName The case sensitive name of the property that you need the value of.
* @param out The value if found
* @returns A success flag - 0 on failure, 1 on success
template<typename T>
int ConfigServiceImpl::getValue(const std::string& keyName, T& out)
std::string strValue = getString(keyName);
Russell Taylor
int result = StrFunc::convert(strValue,out);
return result;
/** Searches for the string within the environment variables and returns the
* value as a string.
* @param keyName The name of the environment variable that you need the value of.
* @returns The string value of the property
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getEnvironment(const std::string& keyName)
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.env." + keyName);
/** Gets the name of the host operating system
* @returns The name pf the OS version
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getOSName()
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.osName");
/** Gets the name of the computer running Mantid
* @returns The name of the computer
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getOSArchitecture()
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.osArchitecture");
/** Gets the name of the operating system Architecture
* @returns The operating system architecture
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getComputerName()
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.nodeName");
/** Gets the name of the operating system version
* @returns The operating system version
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getOSVersion()
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.osVersion");
/** Gets the absolute path of the current directory containing the dll
* @returns The absolute path of the current directory containing the dll
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getCurrentDir()
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.currentDir");
/** Gets the absolute path of the temp directory
* @returns The absolute path of the temp directory
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getTempDir()
return m_pSysConfig->getString("system.tempDir");
template DLLExport int ConfigServiceImpl::getValue(const std::string&,double&);
template DLLExport int ConfigServiceImpl::getValue(const std::string&,std::string&);
template DLLExport int ConfigServiceImpl::getValue(const std::string&,int&);
Russell Taylor
} // namespace Kernel
} // namespace Mantid