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The algorithm SaveNexusProcessed will write a Nexus data file from the named workspace.
This can later be loaded using [[LoadNexusProcessed]].

The file name can be an absolute or relative path and should have the extension
.nxs, .nx5 or .xml. Warning - using XML format can be extremely slow for large data sets and generate very large files.
Both the extensions nxs and nx5 will generate HDF5 files.

The optional parameters can be used to control which spectra are saved into the file.
If WorkspaceIndexMin and WorkspaceIndexMax are given, then only that range to data will be loaded.

A Mantid Nexus file may contain several workspace entries each labelled with an integer starting at 1.
If the file already contains n workspaces, the new one will be labelled n+1.

=== Time series data ===

TimeSeriesProperty data within the workspace will be saved as NXlog sections in  the Nexus file.
Only floating point logs are stored and loaded at present.

=== EventWorkspaces ===
This algorithm will save [[EventWorkspace]]s with full event data, unless
you uncheck ''PreserveEvents'', in which case the histogram version of
the workspace is saved.
Optionally, you can check ''CompressNexus'', which will compress the event
data. '''Warning!''' This can be ''very'' slow, and only gives approx. 40% compression
because event data is typically denser than histogram data. ''CompressNexus'' is
off by default.
// SaveNexusProcessed
// @author Ronald Fowler, based on SaveNexus
#include "MantidAPI/EnabledWhenWorkspaceIsType.h"
#include "MantidAPI/FileProperty.h"
#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceOpOverloads.h"
#include "MantidDataHandling/SaveNexusProcessed.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/EventWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/PeaksWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ArrayProperty.h"
#include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
#include "MantidNexus/NexusFileIO.h"
#include "MantidNexusCPP/NeXusFile.hpp"
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <cmath>
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#include <Poco/File.h>
#include <Poco/Path.h>
  // Register the algorithm into the algorithm factory
  /// Sets documentation strings for this algorithm
  void SaveNexusProcessed::initDocs()
    this->setWikiSummary("The SaveNexusProcessed algorithm will write the given Mantid workspace to a Nexus file. SaveNexusProcessed may be invoked by [[SaveNexus]]. ");
    this->setOptionalMessage("The SaveNexusProcessed algorithm will write the given Mantid workspace to a Nexus file. SaveNexusProcessed may be invoked by SaveNexus.");
  SaveNexusProcessed::SaveNexusProcessed() : Algorithm()
  /** Initialisation method.
  void SaveNexusProcessed::init()
    declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<Workspace>("InputWorkspace","",Direction::Input),
        "Name of the workspace to be saved");
    // Declare required input parameters for algorithm
    std::vector<std::string> exts;
    declareProperty(new FileProperty("Filename", "", FileProperty::Save, exts),
        "The name of the Nexus file to write, as a full or relative\n"

    // Declare optional parameters (title now optional, was mandatory)
    declareProperty("Title", "", new NullValidator<std::string>,
        "A title to describe the saved workspace");
    BoundedValidator<int> *mustBePositive = new BoundedValidator<int>();
    declareProperty("WorkspaceIndexMin", 0, mustBePositive,
        "Index number of first spectrum to write, only for single\n"
        "period data.");
    declareProperty("WorkspaceIndexMax", Mantid::EMPTY_INT(), mustBePositive->clone(),
        "Index of last spectrum to write, only for single period\n"
    declareProperty(new ArrayProperty<int>("WorkspaceIndexList"),
        "List of spectrum numbers to read, only for single period\n"
    //declareProperty("EntryNumber", 0, mustBePositive);
    declareProperty("Append",false,"Determines whether .nxs file needs to be\n"
        "over written or appended");

    declareProperty("PreserveEvents", true,
        "For EventWorkspaces, preserve the events when saving (default).\n"
        "If false, will save the 2D histogram version of the workspace with the current binning parameters.");
    setPropertySettings("PreserveEvents", new EnabledWhenWorkspaceIsType<EventWorkspace>(this, "InputWorkspace", true));

    declareProperty("CompressNexus", false,
        "For EventWorkspaces, compress the Nexus data field (default False).\n"
        "This will make smaller files but takes much longer.");
    setPropertySettings("CompressNexus", new EnabledWhenWorkspaceIsType<EventWorkspace>(this, "InputWorkspace", true));

  /** Get the list of workspace indices to use
   * @param spec :: returns the list of workspace indices
   * @param matrixWorkspace :: pointer to a MatrixWorkspace
  void SaveNexusProcessed::getSpectrumList(std::vector<int> & spec, MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr matrixWorkspace)
    std::vector<int> spec_list = getProperty("WorkspaceIndexList");
    int spec_min = getProperty("WorkspaceIndexMin");
    int spec_max = getProperty("WorkspaceIndexMax");
    const bool list = !spec_list.empty();
    const bool interval = (spec_max != Mantid::EMPTY_INT());
    if ( spec_max == Mantid::EMPTY_INT() ) spec_max = 0;
    const int numberOfHist = static_cast<int>(matrixWorkspace->getNumberHistograms());

    if( interval )
      if ( spec_max < spec_min || spec_max > numberOfHist-1 )
        g_log.error("Invalid WorkspaceIndex min/max properties");
        throw std::invalid_argument("Inconsistent properties defined");
      for(int i=spec_min;i<=spec_max;i++)
      if (list)
        for(size_t i=0;i<spec_list.size();i++)
          int s = spec_list[i];
          if ( s < 0 ) continue;
          if (s < spec_min || s > spec_max)
    else if (list)
      for(size_t i=0;i<spec_list.size();i++)
        int s = spec_list[i];
        if ( s < 0 ) continue;
        if (s > spec_max) spec_max = s;
        if (s < spec_min) spec_min = s;
      for(int i=spec_min;i<=spec_max;i++)

   *  @throw runtime_error Thrown if algorithm cannot execute
  void SaveNexusProcessed::exec()
    Workspace_sptr inputWorkspace = getProperty("InputWorkspace");

    // Set amount of time expected to be spent on writing initial part - could in future depend on type of workspace
    m_timeProgInit = 0.05;
    // Create progress object for this
    Progress prog_init(this, 0.0, m_timeProgInit, 5);
    // Retrieve the filename from the properties
    //m_entryname = getPropertyValue("EntryName");
    // Do we prserve events?
    bool PreserveEvents = getProperty("PreserveEvents");

    MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr matrixWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const MatrixWorkspace>(inputWorkspace);
    ITableWorkspace_const_sptr tableWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const ITableWorkspace>(inputWorkspace);
	PeaksWorkspace_const_sptr peaksWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const PeaksWorkspace>(inputWorkspace);
	if(peaksWorkspace) g_log.debug("We have a peaks workspace");
    // check if inputWorkspace is something we know how to save
    if (!matrixWorkspace && !tableWorkspace) {
		g_log.debug() << "Workspace "  << m_title << " not saved because it is not of a type we can presently save.\n";
    m_eventWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<const EventWorkspace>(matrixWorkspace);
	const std::string workspaceID = inputWorkspace->id();
    if ((workspaceID.find("Workspace2D") == std::string::npos) &&
        !m_eventWorkspace && !tableWorkspace)
      throw Exception::NotImplementedError("SaveNexusProcessed passed invalid workspaces. Must be Workspace2D, EventWorkspace or ITableWorkspace.");

    // If no title's been given, use the workspace title field
    if (m_title.empty()) 
      m_title = inputWorkspace->getTitle();
    // If we don't want to append then remove the file if it already exists
    bool append_to_file = getProperty("Append");
    if( !append_to_file )
      Poco::File file(m_filename);
      if( file.exists() )
    Mantid::NeXus::NexusFileIO *nexusFile= new Mantid::NeXus::NexusFileIO();
    if( nexusFile->openNexusWrite( m_filename ) != 0 )
      throw Exception::FileError("Failed to open file", m_filename);

    // Equivalent C++ API handle
    ::NeXus::File * cppFile = new ::NeXus::File(nexusFile->fileID);

    prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Opening file");
    if( nexusFile->writeNexusProcessedHeader( m_title ) != 0 )
      throw Exception::FileError("Failed to write to file", m_filename);
    prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Writing header");
    // write instrument data, if present and writer enabled
      // Save the instrument names, ParameterMap, sample, run
      prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Writing sample and instrument");
      // check if all X() are in fact the same array
      const bool uniformSpectra = API::WorkspaceHelpers::commonBoundaries(matrixWorkspace);

      // Retrieve the workspace indices (from params)
      std::vector<int> spec;
      this->getSpectrumList(spec, matrixWorkspace);
      if (m_eventWorkspace && PreserveEvents)
        nexusFile->writeNexusProcessedData2D(matrixWorkspace,uniformSpectra,spec, "workspace", true);
      // MW 27/10/10 - don't try and save the spectra-detector map if there isn't one
      if ( matrixWorkspace->getAxis(1)->isSpectra() )
        cppFile->openGroup("instrument", "NXinstrument");
        matrixWorkspace->saveSpectraMapNexus(cppFile, spec, ::NeXus::LZW);

    if (peaksWorkspace) 
      // Save the instrument names, ParameterMap, sample, run
      prog_init.reportIncrement(1, "Writing sample and instrument");

	// peaks workspace specifics
	if (peaksWorkspace)
	//	g_log.information("Peaks Workspace saving to Nexus would be done");
	//	int pNum = peaksWorkspace->getNumberPeaks();
		peaksWorkspace->saveNexus( cppFile );
	} // finish peaks workspace specifics
    else if (tableWorkspace) // Table workspace specifics 
    }  // finish table workspace specifics

  /** Append out each field of a vector of events to separate array.
   * @param events :: vector of TofEvent or WeightedEvent, etc.
   * @param offset :: where the first event goes in the array
   * @param tofs, weights, errorSquareds, pulsetimes :: arrays to write to.
   *        Must be initialized and big enough,
   *        or NULL if they are not meant to be written to.
  template<class T>
  void SaveNexusProcessed::appendEventListData( std::vector<T> events, size_t offset, double * tofs, float * weights, float * errorSquareds, int64_t * pulsetimes)
    // Do nothing if there are no events.
    size_t num = events.size();
    if (num <= 0)

    typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it;
    typename std::vector<T>::const_iterator it_end = events.end();
    size_t i = offset;

    // Fill the C-arrays with the fields from all the events, as requested.
    for (it = events.begin(); it != it_end; it++)
      if (tofs) tofs[i] = it->tof();
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      if (weights) weights[i] = static_cast<float>(it->weight());
      if (errorSquareds) errorSquareds[i] = static_cast<float>(it->errorSquared());
      if (pulsetimes) pulsetimes[i] = it->pulseTime().totalNanoseconds();

  /** Execute the saving of event data.
   * This will make one long event list for all events contained.
  void SaveNexusProcessed::execEvent(Mantid::NeXus::NexusFileIO * nexusFile,const bool uniformSpectra,const std::vector<int> spec)
    prog = new Progress(this, m_timeProgInit, 1.0, m_eventWorkspace->getNumberEvents()*2);

    // Start by writing out the axes and crap
    nexusFile->writeNexusProcessedData2D(m_eventWorkspace, uniformSpectra, spec, "event_workspace", false);
    // Make a super long list of tofs, weights, etc.
    std::vector<int64_t> indices;
    indices.reserve( m_eventWorkspace->getNumberHistograms()+1 );
    // First we need to index the events in each spectrum
    size_t index = 0;
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    for (int wi =0; wi < static_cast<int>(m_eventWorkspace->getNumberHistograms()); wi++)
      // Track the total # of events
      index += m_eventWorkspace->getEventList(wi).getNumberEvents();

    // Initialize all the arrays
    double * tofs = NULL;
    float * weights = NULL;
    float * errorSquareds = NULL;
    int64_t * pulsetimes = NULL;

    // overall event type.
    EventType type = m_eventWorkspace->getEventType();
    bool writeTOF = true;
    bool writePulsetime = false;
    bool writeWeight = false;
    bool writeError = false;

    switch (type)
    case TOF:
      writePulsetime = true;
    case WEIGHTED:
      writePulsetime = true;
      writeWeight = true;
      writeError = true;
      writeWeight = true;
      writeError = true;

    // --- Initialize the combined event arrays ----
    if (writeTOF)
      tofs = new double[num];
    if (writeWeight)
      weights = new float[num];
    if (writeError)
      errorSquareds = new float[num];
    if (writePulsetime)
      pulsetimes = new int64_t[num];

    // --- Fill in the combined event arrays ----
    for (int wi=0; wi < static_cast<int>(m_eventWorkspace->getNumberHistograms()); wi++)
      const DataObjects::EventList & el = m_eventWorkspace->getEventList(wi);

      // This is where it will land in the output array.
      // It is okay to write in parallel since none should step on each other.
      size_t offset = indices[wi];

      switch (el.getEventType())
      case TOF:
        appendEventListData( el.getEvents(), offset, tofs, weights, errorSquareds, pulsetimes);
      case WEIGHTED:
        appendEventListData( el.getWeightedEvents(), offset, tofs, weights, errorSquareds, pulsetimes);
        appendEventListData( el.getWeightedEventsNoTime(), offset, tofs, weights, errorSquareds, pulsetimes);
      prog->reportIncrement(el.getNumberEvents(), "Copying EventList");


    /*Default = DONT compress - much faster*/
    bool CompressNexus = getProperty("CompressNexus");
    // Write out to the NXS file.
    nexusFile->writeNexusProcessedDataEventCombined(m_eventWorkspace, indices, tofs, weights, errorSquareds, pulsetimes,

    // Free mem.
    delete [] tofs;
    delete [] weights;
    delete [] errorSquareds;
    delete [] pulsetimes;

  /** virtual method to set the non workspace properties for this algorithm
   *  @param alg :: pointer to the algorithm
   *  @param propertyName :: name of the property
   *  @param propertyValue :: value  of the property
   *  @param perioidNum :: period number
  void SaveNexusProcessed::setOtherProperties(IAlgorithm* alg,const std::string& propertyName,const std::string& propertyValue,int perioidNum)
    {	if(perioidNum!=1)
    { alg->setPropertyValue(propertyName,"1");
    else alg->setPropertyValue(propertyName,propertyValue);