#include "System.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
namespace Mantid
\namespace StrFunc
\brief Holds support functions for strings
\author S. Ansell
\date February 2006
\version 1.0
namespace StrFunc
/// determine if a character group exists in a string
DLLExport int confirmStr(const std::string&,const std::string&);
DLLExport int extractWord(std::string&,const std::string&,const int=4);
DLLExport std::string removeSpace(const std::string&);
DLLExport std::string fullBlock(const std::string&);
DLLExport void stripComment(std::string&);
/// Determines if a string is only spaces
DLLExport int isEmpty(const std::string&);
DLLExport std::string getLine(std::istream&,const int= 256);
DLLExport int getPartLine(std::istream&,std::string&,std::string&,const int= 256);
template<typename T> int convPartNum(const std::string&,T&);
/// Convert a string into a number
template<typename T> int convert(const std::string&,T&);
/// Convert a char* into a number
template<typename T> int convert(const char*,T&);
/// Convert and cut a string
template<typename T> int sectPartNum(std::string&,T&);
/// Convert and cut a string
template<typename T> int section(std::string&,T&);
/// Convert and cut a char*
template<typename T> int section(char*,T&);
/// Convert and cut a string for MCNPX
template<typename T> int sectionMCNPX(std::string&,T&);
/// Convert a VAX number to x86 little eindien
DLLExport float getVAXnum(const float);