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HIFI_Definition.xml 10.3 KiB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- For help on the notation used to specify an Instrument Definition File 
     see -->
<instrument xmlns="" 
 name="HIFI" valid-from   ="1900-01-31 23:59:59"
                        valid-to     ="2100-01-31 23:59:59"
		        last-modified="2011-03-17 16:00:00">

    <length unit="meter"/>
    <angle unit="degree"/>
      <!-- The z-axis is set parallel to and in the direction of the beam. the 
           y-axis points up and the coordinate system is right handed. -->
      <along-beam axis="z"/>
      <pointing-up axis="y"/>
      <handedness val="right"/>

      Generated from engineering drawings of scintillators JSL 23/2/2011
  <parameter name="Default grouping file" type="string">
    <value val="Grouping/HIFI_Detector_Grouping_LF_64.xml"/>
  <!-- LIST OF PHYSICAL COMPONENTS (which the instrument consists of) -->
  <!-- dummy components added for visualisation purposes. 
       To easy spot what geometry the instrument is in -->
  <component type="along z">
    <location />
  <type name="along z">
  <cylinder id="A">
    <centre-of-bottom-base x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />
    <axis x="0.0" y="0" z="1" /> 
    <radius val="0.002" />
    <height val="0.10" />
  <component type="along x">
    <location />
  <type name="along x">
  <cylinder id="B">
    <centre-of-bottom-base x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />
    <axis x="1.0" y="0" z="0" /> 
    <radius val="0.002" />
    <height val="0.10" />
  <component type="along y">
    <location />
  <type name="along y">
  <cylinder id="C">
    <centre-of-bottom-base x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />
    <axis x="0.0" y="1" z="0" /> 
    <radius val="0.002" />
    <height val="0.10" />

  <!-- source and sample-position components -->

  <component type="source">
    <location z="-10.0" />
  <type name="source" is="Source" />
  <component type="some-sample-holder">
    <location />
  <type name="some-sample-holder" is="SamplePos">
    <cylinder id="A">
    <centre-of-bottom-base x="0.0" y="0.0" z="-0.001" />
    <axis x="0.0" y="0" z="1" /> 
    <radius val="0.02" />
    <height val="0.002" />

  <!-- detector components --> 
  <component type="both-rings">
    <location x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0"/>
  <type name="both-rings" >
    <component type="ring-forward" idlist="ids-forward">
      <location x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" name="front" /> 
    <component type="ring-backward" idlist="ids-backward">     
      <location x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" name="back" />

 <type name="ring-forward">
  <component type="forward-pixel">
   <location rot="-180.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det01"/>
   <location rot="-168.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det02"/>
   <location rot="-157.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det03"/>
   <location rot="-146.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det04"/>
   <location rot="-135.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det05"/>
   <location rot="-123.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det06"/>
   <location rot="-112.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det07"/>
   <location rot="-101.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det08"/>
   <location rot="-90.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det09"/>
   <location rot="-78.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det10"/>
   <location rot="-67.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det11"/>
   <location rot="-56.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det12"/>
   <location rot="-45.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det13"/>
   <location rot="-33.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det14"/>
   <location rot="-22.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det15"/>
   <location rot="-11.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det16"/>
   <location rot="0.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det17"/>
   <location rot="11.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det18"/>
   <location rot="22.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det19"/>
   <location rot="33.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det20"/>
   <location rot="45.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det21"/>
   <location rot="56.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det22"/>
   <location rot="67.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det23"/>
   <location rot="78.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det24"/>
   <location rot="90.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det25"/>
   <location rot="101.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det26"/>
   <location rot="112.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det27"/>
   <location rot="123.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det28"/>
   <location rot="135.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det29"/>
   <location rot="146.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det30"/>
   <location rot="157.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det31"/>
   <location rot="168.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det32"/>

 <type name="ring-backward">
  <component type="backward-pixel">
   <location rot="168.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det33"/>
   <location rot="157.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det34"/>
   <location rot="146.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det35"/>
   <location rot="135.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det36"/>
   <location rot="123.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det37"/>
   <location rot="112.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det38"/>
   <location rot="101.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det39"/>
   <location rot="90.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det40"/>
   <location rot="78.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det41"/>
   <location rot="67.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det42"/>
   <location rot="56.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det43"/>
   <location rot="45.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det44"/>
   <location rot="33.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det45"/>
   <location rot="22.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det46"/>
   <location rot="11.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det47"/>
   <location rot="0.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det48"/>
   <location rot="-11.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det49"/>
   <location rot="-22.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det50"/>
   <location rot="-33.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det51"/>
   <location rot="-45.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det52"/>
   <location rot="-56.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det53"/>
   <location rot="-67.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det54"/>
   <location rot="-78.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det55"/>
   <location rot="-90.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det56"/>
   <location rot="-101.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det57"/>
   <location rot="-112.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det58"/>
   <location rot="-123.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det59"/>
   <location rot="-135.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det60"/>
   <location rot="-146.25" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det61"/>
   <location rot="-157.50" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det62"/>
   <location rot="-168.75" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det63"/>
   <location rot="-180.00" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0" name="det64"/>

 <!-- these are oriented in the top position in each ring at the final z position -->
 <type name="forward-pixel">
  <component type="pixel">
   <location x="0.0" y="0.072" z="-0.0785" rot="90" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="1.0" axis-z="0.0"/>

 <type name="backward-pixel">
  <component type="pixel">
   <location x="0.0" y="0.072" z="0.0785" rot="-90" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="1.0" axis-z="0.0"/>

 <type name="pixel" is="detector">    
    <!-- It is implicitely assumed here that the front y-z plane (looking down
         the x-axis) is the surface that see the neutron beam. This surface is
	 6.2..20.8 mm along z and 74mm along y and the depth along x is 5mm.
	 defined with "origin" centred in the front face, then translate z by 72mm.
	 for forward detector use, rotate 90 deg clockwise (looking towards +y direction)
	 then translate by 78.5mm along z. Reverse for backward.
	 this defines "top" element.
	 Rotate about z in multiples of 11.25 deg to get others  -->
     <hexahedron id="shape">
      <left-front-bottom-point x="0.0" y="-0.037" z="-0.0031"  />
      <right-front-bottom-point x="0.0" y="-0.037" z="0.0031"  />
      <left-front-top-point x="0.0" y="0.037" z="-0.0104"  />
      <right-front-top-point x="0.0" y="0.037" z="0.0104"  />
      <left-back-bottom-point x="0.005" y="-0.037" z="-0.0031"  />
      <right-back-bottom-point x="0.005" y="-0.037" z="0.0031"  />
      <left-back-top-point x="0.005" y="0.037" z="-0.0104"  />
      <right-back-top-point x="0.005" y="0.037" z="0.0104"  />
    <algebra val="shape" /> 

      <x-min val="0.0"/>
      <x-max val="0.005"/>
      <y-min val="-0.037"/>
      <y-max val="0.037"/>
      <z-min val="-0.0104"/>
      <z-max val="0.0104"/>

  <idlist idname="ids-forward">
    <id start="1" end="32" />      
  <idlist idname="ids-backward"> 
    <id start="33" end="64" />      