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D17_Definition.xml 2.88 KiB
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- For help on the notation used to specify an Instrument Definition File see -->
<instrument xmlns="" 
name="D17" valid-from="1900-01-31 23:59:59"
valid-to="2100-01-31 23:59:59" last-modified="2014-05-26 14:06:31">
  <!-- Author: -->
    <length unit="meter" />
    <angle unit="degree" />
      <!-- The z-axis is set parallel to and in the direction of the beam. the 
             y-axis points up and the coordinate system is right handed. -->
      <along-beam axis="z" />
      <pointing-up axis="y" />
      <handedness val="right" />
  <!-- Source -->
  <component type="chopper1">
    <location z="-4.16610003" />
  <type name="chopper1" is="Source"></type>
  <!-- Sample position -->
  <component type="sample-position">
    <location y="0.0" x="0.0" z="0.0" />
  <type name="sample-position" is="SamplePos" />
  <component type="monitors" idlist="monitors">
    <location />
  <type name="monitors">
    <component type="monitor">
      <location z="0.0181" name="monitor1" />
      <location z="-0.5" name="monitor2" />
  <!--FIXME: Do something real here.-->
  <type is="monitor" name="monitor">
    <cylinder id="cyl-approx">
      <centre-of-bottom-base y="0.0" x="0.0" z="0.0" />
      <axis y="0.0" x="0.0" z="1.0" />
      <radius val="0.01" />
      <height val="0.03" />
    <algebra val="cyl-approx" />
  <!--MONITOR IDs-->
  <idlist idname="monitors">
    <id start="0" end="1" />
  <component type="detectors">
    <location />
  <!-- Detector Panels -->
  <type name="detectors">
    <component type="uniq_detector" idstart="257" idfillbyfirst="x" idstep="-1" idstepbyrow="256" name="uniq_detector">
      <location z="1.000" />
  <!-- Definition of the detector -->
  <type name="uniq_detector" is="rectangular_detector" type="pixel"
       xpixels="256" xstart="-0.153600" xstep="0.001200"
       ypixels="1"   ystart="-0.003350" ystep="0.006700">
    <properties />
  <!-- Pixel size = tubePixelSize * tubeWidth-->
  <type is="detector" name="pixel">
    <cuboid id="pixel-shape">
      <left-front-bottom-point y="-0.005700" x="-0.000900" z="0.0" />
      <left-front-top-point y="0.005700" x="-0.000900" z="0.0" />
      <left-back-bottom-point y="-0.005700" x="-0.000900" z="-0.0001" />
      <right-front-bottom-point y="-0.005700" x="0.000900" z="0.0" />
    <algebra val="pixel-shape" />