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ALF_Definition.xml 15.8 KiB
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Russell Taylor committed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- For help on the notation used to specify an Instrument Definition File 
     see -->
<instrument xmlns="" 
 name="ALF" valid-from   ="1900-01-31 23:59:59"
                        valid-to     ="2015-03-16 23:59:59"
		        last-modified="2015-03-27 00:00:00">
     <length unit="meter"/>
     <angle unit="degree"/>
 <location r="0.0" t="0.0" p="0.0" ang="0.0" axis-x="0.0" axis-y="0.0" axis-z="1.0"/>
       <!-- The z-axis is set parallel to and in the direction of the beam. the 
        y-axis points up and the coordinate system is right handed. -->
       <along-beam axis="z"/>
       <pointing-up axis="y"/>
       <handedness val="right"/>
       <origin val="beam" /> 
     <!-- Comment "components-are-facing" out if you dont want the
     components defined in this file to face a position by default -->    
     <components-are-facing x="0.0" y="0.0" z="0.0" />
     <default-view view="cylindrical_y"/>
   <!-- LIST OF PHYSICAL COMPONENTS (which the instrument consists of) -->
   <!-- detector components -->
   <component type="monitors" idlist="monitors">
<component type="ALFpack1" idlist="ALFpack1">
<location />
<component type="ALFpack2" idlist="ALFpack2">
<location />
<component type="ALFpack3" idlist="ALFpack3">
<location />
</component> -->
<component type="ALFdetectors" idlist="ALFdetectors">
<location />
<component type="ALFextratube1" idlist="ALFextratube1">
<location />
<component type="ALFextratube2" idlist="ALFextratube2">
<location />
<!-- source and sample-position components -->
   <component type="undulator">
     <location z="-14.9165"> <facing val="none"/> </location>
   <component type="nickel-holder">
     <location> <facing val="none"/> </location>
   <!-- Source types -->
   <type name="undulator" is="Source">
     <properties />
     <cylinder id="some-shape">
       <centre-of-bottom-base r="0.0" t="0.0" p="0.0" />
       <axis x="0.0" y="0.0" z="1.0" /> 
       <radius val="0.01" />
       <height val="0.03" />
     <algebra val="some-shape" />
   <!-- Sample-position types -->
   <type name="nickel-holder" is="SamplePos">
     <properties />
     <sphere id="some-shape">
       <centre x="0.0"  y="0.0" z="0.0" />
       <radius val="0.03" />
     <algebra val="some-shape" />
   <!-- Detectors types -->
   <type name="monitors">
     <component type="monitor">
       <location r="4.0" t="180.0" p="0.0" name="monitor1" />
       <location r="2.0" t="0.0" p="0.0" name="monitor2" />
       <location r="4.0" t="0.0" p="0.0" name="monitor3" />
<type name="ALFdetectors">
 <component type="ALF24tubes">
<location  x="0.7309    " z="  1.3328    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
<!-- <type name="ALFpack1">
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<type name="ALFpack2">
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<type name="ALFpack3">
 <component type="ALFpack">
<location  x="0.91857    " z="  1.21105    "> <facing x="0" y="0" z="0"/> </location>
 </type> -->
<type name="ALFextratube1">
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<type name="ALFextratube2">
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<location  x="   0.09800    " z="  0.00000" name="tube8" />
 </type> -->
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Russell Taylor's avatar
Russell Taylor committed