from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
import platform
import shutil
import re
from datetime import date
from xml.dom import minidom
# the list of instruments this configuration is applicable to
# the list of the parameters, which can be replaced if found in user files
USER_PROPERTIES = ['instrument', 'userID', 'cycleID', 'start_date', 'rb_folder']
class UserProperties(object):
"""Helper class to define & retrieve user properties
as retrieved from file provided by user office
def __init__(self, *args):
""" Build user properties from space separated string in the form:
"userId instr_name rb_num cycle_mu start_date"
or list of five elements with the same meaning
self._instrument = {}
self._cycle_IDs = {}
self._rb_exist = {}
self._recent_dateID = None
if args[0] is None:
if len(args) == 1:
input_str = str(args[0])
param = input_str.split()
self._user_id = param[0]
if len(param) == 5:
self.set_user_properties(param[1], param[2], param[3], param[4])
else: # only userID was provided, nothing else is defined
elif len(args) == 5:
self._user_id = str(args[0])
self.set_user_properties(args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4])
raise RuntimeError("User has to be defined by the list of 5 components in the form:\n{0}".
def __str__(self):
"""Convert class to string. Only last cycle settings are returned"""
if self._user_id:
return "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4}".format(self._user_id, self.instrument,
self.rb_folder, self.cycleID, str(self.start_date))
def set_user_properties(self, instrument, rb_folder_or_id, cycle, start_date):
"""Define the information, user office provides about user.
instrument -- string with full instrument name
date -- string with experiment start date in the form YYYYMMDD
cycle -- string with the cycle id in the form CYCLEYYYYN
where N is the cycle number within the year
rb_folder -- string containing the full path to working folder available
for all users and IS participating in the experiment.
instrument, start_date, cycle, rb_folder_or_id, rb_exist = self.check_input(instrument, start_date, cycle,
# when user starts
recent_date = date(int(start_date[0:4]), int(start_date[4:6]), int(start_date[6:8]))
recent_date_id = str(recent_date)
self._start_dates[recent_date_id] = recent_date
self._rb_exist[recent_date_id] = rb_exist
# a data which define the cycle ID e.g 2014_3 or something
self._cycle_IDs[recent_date_id] = (str(cycle[5:9]), str(cycle[9:]))
self._instrument[recent_date_id] = str(instrument).upper()
self._rb_dirs[recent_date_id] = rb_folder_or_id
if self._recent_dateID:
max_date = self._start_dates[self._recent_dateID]
for date_key, a_date in iteritems(self._start_dates):
if a_date > max_date:
self._recent_dateID = date_key
max_date = a_date
self._recent_dateID = recent_date_id
def replace_variables(self, data_string):
"""Replace variables defined in USER_PROPERTIES
and enclosed in $ sign with their values
defined for a user
str_parts = data_string.split('$')
for prop in USER_PROPERTIES:
ind = str_parts.index(prop)
str_parts[ind] = str(getattr(self, prop))
def GID(self):
"""Returns user's group ID which coincide with
number part of the rb directory
if self._user_id:
RBfolder = os.path.basename(self.rb_dir)
return RBfolder[2:]
return None
def rb_folder(self):
"""Returns short name of user's RB folder
consisting of string RB and string representation of
RB number e.g. RB1510324
if self._user_id:
RBfolder = os.path.basename(self.rb_dir)
return RBfolder
return None
def rb_dir(self):
"""return rb folder used in last actual instrument"""
if self._recent_dateID:
return self._rb_dirs[self._recent_dateID]
raise RuntimeError("User's experiment date is not defined. User undefined")
def rb_dir(self, user_home_path):
"""Set user's rb-folder path"""
rb_path = self.rb_folder
full_path = os.path.join(user_home_path, rb_path)
if os.path.exists(full_path) and os.path.isdir(full_path):
self._rb_dirs[self._recent_dateID] = full_path
self._rb_exist[self._recent_dateID] = True
def get_rb_num(self, exp_date):
"""Returns short name of user's RB folder
consisting of string RB and string representation of
RB number e.g. RB1510324,
used on the date specified
return os.path.basename(self._rb_dirs[exp_date])
def get_rb_dir(self, exp_date):
"""Returns full name name of user's RB folder corresponding to the
def rb_id(self):
"""the same as rb_folder:
returns string with RB and string representation of
RB number e.g. RB1510324
return self.rb_folder
def start_date(self):
"""Last start date"""
if self._recent_dateID:
return self._start_dates[self._recent_dateID]
raise RuntimeError("User's experiment date is not defined. User undefined")
"""return instrument used in last actual experiment"""
if self._recent_dateID:
return self._instrument[self._recent_dateID]
raise RuntimeError("User's experiment date is not defined. User undefined")
def get_instrument(self, cycle_date_id):
"""Return the instrument, used in the cycle with the date specified"""
return self._instrument[cycle_date_id]
def rb_dir_exist(self):
"""return true if user's rb dir exist and false otherwise"""
if self._recent_dateID:
return self._rb_exist[self._recent_dateID]
raise RuntimeError("User's experiment date is not defined. User undefined")
def cycleID(self):
"""return last cycleID the user is participating"""
if self._recent_dateID:
year, num = self._cycle_IDs[self._recent_dateID]
return "{0}_{1}".format(year, num)
raise RuntimeError("User's experiment date is not defined. User undefined")
"""return last cycle the user is participating"""
if self._recent_dateID:
return self._cycle_IDs[self._recent_dateID]
raise RuntimeError("User's experiment date is not defined. User undefined")
def userID(self, val):
self._user_id = str(val)
# number of branches as necessary
# pylint: disable=R0912
def check_input(self, instrument, start_date, cycle, rb_folder_or_id):
"""Verify that input is correct"""
# Checks if instrument is inelastic and raises RuntimeError if not
# Checks if the date is valid and raises a RuntimeError if not
start_date = self.validate_date(start_date)
def convert_cycle_int(cycle_int):
if cycle_int > 999: # Full cycle format 20151
cycle = "CYCLE{0:05}".format(cycle_int)
cycle = "CYCLE20{0:03}".format(cycle_int)
if isinstance(cycle, int):
cycle = convert_cycle_int(cycle)
if isinstance(cycle, str):
if not last_letter.upper() in {'A','B','C','D','E'}:
raise RuntimeError("Cycle should be a string in the form CYCLEYYYYN[A,B,C,D "
"N-- the cycle's number in a year or integer in the form: YYYYN or YYN "
"but it is {0}".format(cycle))
cycle = cycle.replace('_', '')
cycle = int(cycle)
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError("Cycle should be a string in the form CYCLEYYYYN "
"N-- the cycle's number in a year or integer in the form: YYYYN or YYN "
"but it is {0}".format(cycle))
cycle = convert_cycle_int(cycle)
if not (len(cycle) == 10 and re.match('^CYCLE', cycle)):
raise RuntimeError("Cycle should be a string in form CYCLEYYYYN "
"N-- the cycle's number in a year or integer in the form: YYYYN or YYN "
"but it is {0}".format(cycle))
if isinstance(rb_folder_or_id, int):
rb_folder_or_id = "RB{0:07}".format(rb_folder_or_id)
if not isinstance(rb_folder_or_id, str):
raise RuntimeError("RB Folder {0} should be a string".format(rb_folder_or_id))
if len(rbf) != 9:
rbf = int(rbf)
rbf = "RB{0:07}".format(rbf)
except ValueError:
raise RuntimeError(
"RB Folder {0} should be a string containing RB number at the end".format(rb_folder_or_id))
# end
if os.path.exists(rb_folder_or_id) and os.path.isdir(rb_folder_or_id):
rb_exist = True
rb_exist = False
return instrument, start_date, cycle, rb_folder_or_id, rb_exist
def validate_instrument(self, instrument):
if instrument not in INELASTIC_INSTRUMENTS:
raise RuntimeError("Instrument {0} has to be one of "
"ISIS inelastic instruments".format(instrument))
def validate_date(self, start_date):
if isinstance(start_date, str):
# the date of express -- let's make it long in the past
if start_date.lower() == 'none':
start_date = '19800101'
error = False
start_date = start_date.replace('-', '')
if len(start_date) != 8:
start_date = '20' + start_date
if len(start_date) == 8:
error = False
error = True
error = True
if error:
raise RuntimeError("Experiment start date should be defined as"
" a sting in the form YYYYMMDD or YYMMDD but it is: {0}".format(start_date))
def get_all_instruments(self):
""" Return list of all instruments, user is working on during this cycle"""
return list(self._instrument.values())
def get_all_cycles(self):
"""Return list of all cycles the user participates in"""
return list(self._instrument.keys())
def get_all_rb(self):
"""Return list of all rb folders the user participates in"""
return list(self._rb_dirs.values())
# --------------------------------------------------------------------#
class MantidConfigDirectInelastic(object):
"""Class describes Mantid server specific user's configuration,
necessary for Direct Inelastic reduction and analysis to work
The class should not depend on Mantid itself.
1) Valid for Mantid 3.4 available on 18/05/2015 and expects server
to have:
Map/masks folder with layout defined on (e.g. svn checkout)
2) User scripts folder with layout defined on
(e.g. git checkout or Mantid script repository set-up):
see for details
3) The data can be found in archive, mounted at /archive/NDXxxxxx/Instrument/data/cycle_XX_Y
4)There are number of other assumptions about script path, used scripts, Mantid confg,
and other folders
All these assumptions are summarized within __init__
The class have to change/to be amended if the configuration
changes or has additional features.
# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
# It has as many as parameters describing ISIS configuration.
def __init__(self, mantid='/opt/Mantid/', home_dir='/home/',
"""Initialize generic config variables and variables specific to a server"""
self._mantid_path = str(mantid)
self._script_repo = str(script_repo)
self._map_mask_folder = str(map_mask_folder)
# check if all necessary server folders specified as class parameters are present
# Static Parts of dynamic contents of Mantid configuration file
self._root_data_folder = '/archive' # root folder for all experimental results -- particular one will depend on
# instrument and cycle number.
# the common part of all strings, generated dynamically as function of input class parameters.
self._dynamic_options_base = ['default.facility=ISIS']
# Path to python scripts, defined and used by Mantid wrt to Mantid Root (this path may be version specific)
self._python_mantid_path = ['scripts/Calibration/', 'scripts/Examples/', 'scripts/Interface/', 'scripts/Vates/']
# Static paths to user scripts, defined wrt script repository root
self._python_user_scripts = set(['direct_inelastic/ISIS/qtiGenie/'])
# Relative to a particular user path to place links, important to user
self._user_specific_link_path = 'Desktop'
# Relative to a particular user name of folders with link to instrument files
self._map_mask_link_name = 'instrument_files'
# the name of the file, which describes python files to copy to user. The file has to be placed in
# script_repository/instrument_name folder
# File name, used as source of reduction scripts for particular instrument
self._user_files_descr = 'USER_Files_description.xml'
# fall back files defined to use if USER_Files_description is for some reason not available or wrong
# pylint: disable=W0108
# it will not work without lambda as intended
self._sample_reduction_file = lambda InstrName: '{0}'.format(InstrName)
# File name, used as target for copying to user folder for user to deploy as the base for his reduction script
self._target_reduction_file = lambda InstrName, cycleID: '{0}Reduction_{1}.py'.format(InstrName, cycleID)
# Static contents of the Mantid Config file
self._header = ("# This file can be used to override any properties for this installation.\n"
"# Any properties found in this file will override any that are found in the Mantid.Properties file\n"
"# As this file will not be replaced with further installations of Mantid it is a safe place to put\n"
"# properties that suit your particular installation.\n"
"# See here for a list of possible options:''"
"#uncomment to enable archive search - ICat and Orbiter\n"
"datasearch.searcharchive = On # may be important for autoreduction to work,\n")
self._footer = ("##\n"
"## LOGGING\n"
"## Uncomment to change logging level\n"
"## Valid values are: error, warning, notice, information, debug\n"
"## MantidPlot\n"
"## Show invisible workspaces\n"
"## Re-use plot instances for different plot types\n"
"## Uncomment to disable use of OpenGL to render unwrapped instrument views\n"
# Methods, which build & verify various parts of Mantid configuration
self._dynamic_options = [self._set_default_inst,
# necessary to have on an Instrument scientist account, disabled on generic setup
self._set_datasearch_directory, self._set_rb_directory]
self._cycle_data_folder = set()
# this is the list, containing configuration strings
# generated by the class. No configuration is present initially.
# Its contents is generated by _init_config method from server and user specific
# input parameters together.
self._dynamic_configuration = None
# Unconditionally rewrite Mantid Configuration
# Unconditionally rewrite copy of sample reduction script
self._force_change_script = False
def config_need_replacing(self, config_file_name):
"""Method specifies conditions when existing configuration file should be replaced"""
if self._force_change_config:
return True
# missing file should always be replaced
if not os.path.isfile(config_file_name):
start_date = self._user.start_date
unmodified_creation_time = time.mktime(start_date.timetuple())
targ_config_time = os.path.getmtime(config_file_name)
# Only rewrite configuration if nobody have touched it
if unmodified_creation_time == targ_config_time:
return True
return False
def get_user_file_description(self, instr_name=None):
"""returbs full file name (with path) for an xml file which describes
If instrument name is known or provided, function
calculates this name wrt. the location of the file in the Mantid user
script repository.
instr_name = self._user.instrument
return os.path.join(self._script_repo, 'direct_inelastic', instr_name,
return self._user_files_descr
def script_need_replacing(self, target_script_name):
"""Method specifies conditions when existing reduction file should be replaced
if self._force_change_script:
return True
# non-existing file should always be replaced
if not os.path.isfile(target_script_name):
# Always replace sample file if it has not been touched
start_date = self._user.start_date
# this time is set up to the file, copied from the repository
unmodified_file_time = time.mktime(start_date.timetuple())
targ_file_time = os.path.getmtime(target_script_name)
if unmodified_file_time == targ_file_time:
else: # somebody have modified the target file. Leave it alone
def _fullpath_to_copy(self, short_source_file=None, short_target_file=None, cycle_id=None):
"""Append full path to source and target files """
if cycle_id:
InstrName = self._user.get_instrument(cycle_id)
rb_folder = self._user.get_rb_dir(cycle_id)
InstrName = self._user.instrument
rb_folder = self._user.rb_dir
if short_source_file is None:
short_source_file = self._sample_reduction_file(InstrName)
if short_target_file is None:
short_target_file = self._target_reduction_file(InstrName, CycleID)
source_path = os.path.join(self._script_repo, 'direct_inelastic', InstrName.upper())
full_source = os.path.join(source_path, short_source_file)
full_target = os.path.join(rb_folder, short_target_file)
return full_source, full_target
def copy_reduction_sample(self, user_file_description=None, cycle_id=None, rb_group=None):
"""copy sample reduction scripts from Mantid script repository
if user_file_description is None:
user_file_description = self.get_user_file_description()
if rb_group is None:
rb_group = self._user.userID
info_to_copy = self._parse_user_files_description(user_file_description, cycle_id)
for source_file, dest_file, subst_list in info_to_copy:
self._copy_user_file_job(source_file, dest_file, rb_group, subst_list)
def _copy_and_parse_user_file(self, input_file, output_file, replacemets_list):
"""Method processes file provided for user and replaces list of keywords, describing user
and experiment (See comments in User_files_description.xml) with their values
fh_targ = open(output_file, 'w')
if not fh_targ:
var_to_replace = list(replacemets_list.keys())
with open(input_file) as fh_source:
for line in fh_source:
rez = line
for var in var_to_replace:
if var in rez:
rez = rez.replace(var, replacemets_list[var])
def _copy_user_file_job(self, input_file, output_file, rb_group, replacement_list=None):
"""Method copies file provided into the requested destination
and replaces keys specified in replacement list dictionary with their
values if replacement_list is provided.
if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
# already have target file or modified by user
if os.path.isfile(output_file):
if replacement_list is None:
shutil.copyfile(input_file, output_file)
self._copy_and_parse_user_file(input_file, output_file, replacement_list)
ownership_str = "chown {0}:{1} {2}".format(self._user.userID, rb_group, output_file)
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
# Set up the file creation and modification dates to the users start date
start_date = self._user.start_date
file_time = time.mktime(start_date.timetuple())
os.utime(output_file, (file_time, file_time))
def _get_file_attributes(self, file_node, cycle=None):
"""processes xml file_node to retrieve file attributes to copy """
source_file = file_node.getAttribute("file_name")
if source_file is None:
return (None, None)
target_file = file_node.getAttribute("copy_as")
if target_file is None:
source_file = target_file
if "$" in target_file:
target_file = self._user.replace_variables(target_file)
full_source, full_target = self._fullpath_to_copy(source_file, target_file, cycle)
return (full_source, full_target)
def _parse_replacement_info(self, repl_info):
returns the variables with its correspondent value
to replace variable by their value.
If value contains one or more of the supported variables as its part, this
Supported variables are defined by global list USER_PROPERTIES
and their values are taken from current self._user class
# what should be replaced in the file
source = repl_info.getAttribute("var")
raise ValueError(
'"replace" field of {0} file for instrument {1} has to contain attribute "var" and its value'
.format(self._user_files_descr, self._user.instrument))
# what should be placed instead of the replacement
dest = repl_info.getAttribute("by_var")
raise ValueError(
'"replace" field of {0} file for instrument {1} has to contain attribute "by_var" and its value'
.format(self._user_files_descr, self._user.instrument))
# replace use-specific variables by their values
if '$' in dest:
dest = self._user.replace_variables(dest)
return (source, dest)
def _parse_user_files_description(self, job_description_file, cycle_id=None):
""" Method parses xml file used to describe files to provide to user"""
# mainly for debugging purposes
filenames_to_copy = []
# does not work if user is not defined
if self._user is None:
return None
# parse job description file, fail down on default behaviour if
# user files description is not there
domObj = minidom.parse(job_description_file)
# have no idea what minidom specific exception is:
# pylint: disable=W0703
input_file, output_file = self._fullpath_to_copy(None, None, cycle_id)
filenames_to_copy.append((input_file, output_file, None))
files_to_copy = domObj.getElementsByTagName("file_to_copy")
# go through all files in the description and define file copying operations
for file_node in files_to_copy:
# retrieve file attributes or its default values if the attributes are missing
input_file, output_file = self._get_file_attributes(file_node, cycle_id)
if input_file is None:
# identify all replacements, defined for this file
replacements_info = file_node.getElementsByTagName('replace')
if len(replacements_info) == 0:
replacement_list = None
replacement_list = {}
for replacement in replacements_info:
source, dest = self._parse_replacement_info(replacement)
replacement_list[source] = dest
filenames_to_copy.append((input_file, output_file, replacement_list))
def get_data_folder_name(self, instr, cycle_ID):
"""Method to generate a data folder from instrument name and the cycle start date
(cycle ID)
The agreement on the naming as currently in ISIS:
e.g: /archive/NDXMERLIN/Instrument/data/cycle_08_1
Note: will fail if cycle numbers ever become a 2-digit numbers e.g. cycle_22_10
# cycle folder have short form without leading numbers
cycle_fold_n = int(cycle_ID[0]) - 2000
folder = os.path.join(self._root_data_folder, 'NDX' + instr.upper(),
"Instrument/data/cycle_{0:02}_{1}".format(cycle_fold_n, str(cycle_ID[1][0])))
def is_inelastic(self, instr_name):
"""Check if the instrument is inelastic"""
return True
return False
def init_user(self, fedIDorUser, theUser=None):
"""Define settings, specific to a user
Supports two interfaces -- old and the new one
OldInterface: requested two input parameters
fedID -- users federal id
theUser -- class defining all other user property
NewInterface: requested single parameter:
theUser -- class defining all user's properties including fedID
if not theUser:
if isinstance(fedIDorUser, UserProperties):
theUser = fedIDorUser
raise RuntimeError("self.init_user(val) has to have val of UserProperty type only and got")
theUser.userID = fedIDorUser
# check if all users instruments are inelastic instruments. (script works for inelastic only)
users_instruments = theUser.get_all_instruments()
for instr in users_instruments:
if not self.is_inelastic(instr):
raise RuntimeError('Instrument {0} is not among acceptable instruments'.format(instr))
self._user = theUser
self._fedid = theUser.userID
user_folder = os.path.join(self._home_path, self._fedid)
if not os.path.exists(user_folder):
raise RuntimeError("User with fedID {0} does not exist. Create such user folder first".format(self._fedid))
# get RB folders for all experiments user participates in.
all_rbf = theUser.get_all_rb()
if not os.path.exists(str(rb_folder)):
raise RuntimeError(
"Experiment folder with {0} does not exist. Create such folder first".format(rb_folder))
# how to check cycle folders, they may not be available
self._cycle_data_folder = set()
for date_key, folder_id in list(theUser._cycle_IDs.items()):
self._cycle_data_folder.add(self.get_data_folder_name(theUser._instrument[date_key], folder_id))
self._dynamic_configuration = copy.deepcopy(self._dynamic_options_base)
def _check_server_folders_present(self):
"""Routine checks all necessary server folder are present"""
if not os.path.exists(self._mantid_path):
raise RuntimeError("SERVER ERROR: no correct Mantid path defined at {0}".format(self._mantid_path))
if not os.path.exists(self._home_path):
raise RuntimeError("SERVER ERROR: no correct home path defined at {0}".format(self._home_path))
if not os.path.exists(self._script_repo):
raise RuntimeError(("SERVER ERROR: no correct user script repository defined at {0}\n"
"Check out Mantid script repository from account, "
"which have admin rights").format(self._script_repo))
if not os.path.exists(self._map_mask_folder):
raise RuntimeError(("SERVER ERROR: no correct map/mask folder defined at {0}\n"
"Check out Mantid map/mask files from svn at"
def _init_config(self):
"""Execute Mantid properties setup methods"""
for fun in self._dynamic_options:
def _set_default_inst(self):
"""Set up last instrument, deployed by user"""
if self._user:
def _set_script_repo(self):
""" defines script repository location. By default its option is commented"""
def _def_python_search_path(self):
"""Define path for Mantid Inelastic python scripts"""
# Note, instrument name script folder is currently upper case on GIT
if not self._user:
raise RuntimeError("Can not define python search path without defined user")
# define main Mantid scripts search path
path = os.path.join(self._mantid_path, 'scripts/')
for part in self._python_mantid_path:
path += ';' + os.path.join(self._mantid_path, part)
# define and append user scripts search path
user_path_part = copy.deepcopy(self._python_user_scripts)
for instr in self._user._instrument.values():
user_path_part.add(os.path.join('direct_inelastic', instr.upper()))
for part in user_path_part:
path += ';' + os.path.join(self._script_repo, part) + '/'
self._dynamic_configuration.append('pythonscripts.directories=' + path)
def _set_rb_directory(self):
"""Set up default save directory, the one where data are saved by default"""
if self._user:
raise RuntimeError("Can not define RB folder without user being defined")
def _set_datasearch_directory(self):
"""Note, map/mask instrument folder is lower case as if loaded from SVN.
Autoreduction may have it upper case"""
if not self._user:
raise RuntimeError("Can not define Data search path without user being defined")
map_mask_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join('{0}'.format(self._map_mask_folder),
all_data_folders = list(self._cycle_data_folder)
data_dir = os.path.abspath('{0}'.format(all_data_folders[0]))
for folder in all_data_folders[1:]:
data_dir += ';' + os.path.abspath('{0}'.format(folder))
all_rb_folders = self._user.get_all_rb()
for folder in all_rb_folders:
data_dir += ';' + os.path.abspath('{0}'.format(folder))
self._dynamic_configuration.append('datasearch.directories=' + map_mask_dir + ';' + data_dir)
def generate_config(self, key_users_list=None):
"""Save generated Mantid configuration file into user's home folder
and copy other files, necessary for Mantid to work properly
user_path = os.path.join(self._home_path, self._fedid)
config_path = os.path.join(user_path, '.mantid')
if not os.path.exists(config_path):
config_file = os.path.join(config_path, '')
if self.config_need_replacing(config_file):
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
os.system('chown -R {0}:{0} {1}'.format(self._fedid, config_path))
users_cycles = self._user.get_all_cycles()
users_rb = self._user.get_all_rb()
# extract rb folder without path, which gives RB group name
users_rb = list(map(os.path.basename, users_rb))
for cycle, rb_name in zip(users_cycles, users_rb):
if self._fedid.lower() != key_user.lower():
instr = self._user.get_instrument(cycle)
self.copy_reduction_sample(self.get_user_file_description(instr), cycle, rb_name)
def make_map_mask_links(self, user_path):
"""The method generates references to map files and places these references
to the user's desktop.
# the path where to set up links, important to user
links_path = os.path.join(user_path, self._user_specific_link_path)
if not os.path.exists(links_path):
# the path have to belong to user
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
os.system('chown -R {0}:{0} {1}'.format(self._fedid, links_path))
map_mask_folder_link = os.path.join(links_path, self._map_mask_link_name)
if os.path.exists(map_mask_folder_link):
# create link to map mask folder
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
# the script is not intended to run on Windows, so this is just for testing
mmfl = map_mask_folder_link.replace('/', '\\')
mmf = self._map_mask_folder.replace('/', '\\')
os.system("mklink /J {0} {1}".format(mmfl, mmf))
os.system('ln -s {0} {1}'.format(self._map_mask_folder, map_mask_folder_link))
def _write_user_config_file(self, config_file_name):
"""Write existing dynamic configuration from memory to
user defined configuration file
fp = open(config_file_name, 'w')
fp.write('## ----- Generated user properties ------------ \n')
for opt in self._dynamic_configuration:
if platform.system() != 'Windows':
os.system('chown -R {0}:{0} {1}'.format(self._fedid, config_file_name))
# Set up configuration for the specific time, which should change only if user
# modified this configuration
start_date = self._user.start_date
file_time = time.mktime(start_date.timetuple())
os.utime(config_file_name, (file_time, file_time))
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("usage: userID instrument RBNumber cycleID start_date")
argi = sys.argv[1:]
user = UserProperties(*argi)
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
sys.path.insert(0, 'c:/Mantid/scripts/Inelastic/Direct')
base = 'd:/Data/Mantid_Testing/config_script_test_folder'
analysisDir = base
MantidDir = r"c:\Mantid\_builds\br_master\bin\Release"
UserScriptRepoDir = os.path.join(analysisDir, "UserScripts")
MapMaskDir = os.path.join(analysisDir, "InstrumentFiles")
rootDir = os.path.join(base, 'users')
sys.path.insert(0, '/opt/Mantid/scripts/Inelastic/Direct/')
# sys.path.insert(0,'/opt/mantidnightly/scripts/Inelastic/Direct/')
MantidDir = '/opt/Mantid'
MapMaskDir = '/usr/local/mprogs/InstrumentFiles/'
UserScriptRepoDir = '/opt/UserScripts'
home = '/home'
rootDir = "/home/"
analysisDir = "/instrument/"
# initialize Mantid configuration
# its testing route under main so it rightly imports itself
# pylint: disable=W0406
mcf = MantidConfigDirectInelastic(MantidDir, rootDir, UserScriptRepoDir, MapMaskDir)
print("Successfully initialized ISIS Inelastic Configuration script generator")
rb_user_folder = os.path.join(mcf._home_path, user.userID)
user.rb_dir = rb_user_folder
if not user.rb_dir_exist:
print("RB folder {0} for user {1} should exist and be accessible to configure this user".format(user.rb_dir,
# Configure user
mcf.init_user(user.userID, user)
print("Successfully Configured user: {0} for instrument {1} and RBNum: {2}"
.format(user.userID, user.instrument, user.rb_folder))