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#include "MantidGeometry/MDGeometry/IMDDimension.h"
#include "MantidGeometry/MDGeometry/MDGeometryXMLBuilder.h"
#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
#include "MantidKernel/VMD.h"
#include "MantidKernel/WarningSuppressions.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/MDHistoWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/MDHistoWorkspaceIterator.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/MDFramesToSpecialCoordinateSystem.h"
#include "MantidGeometry/MDGeometry/MDHistoDimension.h"
#include "MantidGeometry/MDGeometry/MDDimensionExtents.h"
#include <map>
#include "MantidAPI/IMDWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDIterator.h"
#include <boost/scoped_array.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/math/special_functions/fpclassify.hpp>
using namespace Mantid::API;
namespace Mantid {
/** Constructor given the 4 dimensions
 * @param dimX :: X dimension binning parameters
 * @param dimY :: Y dimension binning parameters
 * @param dimZ :: Z dimension binning parameters
 * @param dimT :: T (time) dimension binning parameters
 * @param displayNormalization :: optional display normalization to use as the
 * default.
    Mantid::Geometry::MDHistoDimension_sptr dimX,
    Mantid::Geometry::MDHistoDimension_sptr dimY,
    Mantid::Geometry::MDHistoDimension_sptr dimZ,
    Mantid::Geometry::MDHistoDimension_sptr dimT,
    Mantid::API::MDNormalization displayNormalization)
    : IMDHistoWorkspace(), numDimensions(0),
      m_coordSystem(None), m_displayNormalization(displayNormalization) {
  std::vector<Mantid::Geometry::MDHistoDimension_sptr> dimensions;
  if (dimX)
  if (dimY)
  if (dimZ)
  if (dimT)

/** Constructor given a vector of dimensions
 * @param dimensions :: vector of MDHistoDimension; no limit to how many.
 * @param displayNormalization :: optional display normalization to use as the
 * default.
    std::vector<Mantid::Geometry::MDHistoDimension_sptr> &dimensions,
    Mantid::API::MDNormalization displayNormalization)
    : IMDHistoWorkspace(), numDimensions(0), m_numEvents(NULL),
      m_coordSystem(None), m_displayNormalization(displayNormalization) {

/** Constructor given a vector of dimensions
 * @param dimensions :: vector of MDHistoDimension; no limit to how many.
 * @param displayNormalization :: optional display normalization to use as the
 * default.
    std::vector<Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension_sptr> &dimensions,
    Mantid::API::MDNormalization displayNormalization)
    : IMDHistoWorkspace(), numDimensions(0), m_numEvents(NULL),
      m_coordSystem(None), m_displayNormalization(displayNormalization) {

/** Copy constructor
 * @param other :: MDHistoWorkspace to copy from.
MDHistoWorkspace::MDHistoWorkspace(const MDHistoWorkspace &other)
    : IMDHistoWorkspace(other) {
  // Dimensions are copied by the copy constructor of MDGeometry
  // Allocate the linear arrays
  m_signals = new signal_t[m_length];
  m_errorsSquared = new signal_t[m_length];
  m_numEvents = new signal_t[m_length];
  m_masks = new bool[m_length];
  m_nEventsContributed = other.m_nEventsContributed;
  m_displayNormalization = other.displayNormalization();
  // Now copy all the data
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    m_signals[i] = other.m_signals[i];
    m_errorsSquared[i] = other.m_errorsSquared[i];
    m_numEvents[i] = other.m_numEvents[i];
    m_masks[i] = other.m_masks[i];

/** Destructor
MDHistoWorkspace::~MDHistoWorkspace() {
  delete[] m_signals;
  delete[] m_errorsSquared;
  delete[] m_numEvents;
  delete[] indexMultiplier;
  delete[] m_vertexesArray;
  delete[] m_boxLength;
  delete[] m_indexMaker;
  delete[] m_indexMax;
  delete[] m_origin;
  delete[] m_masks;

/** Constructor helper method
 * @param dimensions :: vector of MDHistoDimension; no limit to how many.
void MDHistoWorkspace::init(
    std::vector<Mantid::Geometry::MDHistoDimension_sptr> &dimensions) {
  std::vector<IMDDimension_sptr> dim2;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < dimensions.size(); i++)
  m_nEventsContributed = 0;

/** Constructor helper method
 * @param dimensions :: vector of IMDDimension; no limit to how many.
void MDHistoWorkspace::init(
    std::vector<Mantid::Geometry::IMDDimension_sptr> &dimensions) {

  // Allocate the linear arrays
  m_signals = new signal_t[m_length];
  m_errorsSquared = new signal_t[m_length];
  m_numEvents = new signal_t[m_length];
  m_masks = new bool[m_length];
  // Initialize them to NAN (quickly)
  signal_t nan = std::numeric_limits<signal_t>::quiet_NaN();
  this->setTo(nan, nan, nan);
  m_nEventsContributed = 0;

/** When all dimensions have been initialized, this caches all the necessary
 * values for later use.
void MDHistoWorkspace::cacheValues() {
  // Copy the dimensions array
  numDimensions = m_dimensions.size();

  // For indexing.
  if (numDimensions < 4)
    indexMultiplier = new size_t[4];
    indexMultiplier = new size_t[numDimensions];

  // For quick indexing, accumulate these values
  // First multiplier
  indexMultiplier[0] = m_dimensions[0]->getNBins();
  for (size_t d = 1; d < numDimensions; d++)
    indexMultiplier[d] = indexMultiplier[d - 1] * m_dimensions[d]->getNBins();

  // This is how many dense data points
  m_length = indexMultiplier[numDimensions - 1];

  // Now fix things for < 4 dimensions. Indices > the number of dimensions will
  // be ignored (*0)
  for (size_t d = numDimensions - 1; d < 4; d++)
    indexMultiplier[d] = 0;

  // Compute the volume of each cell.
  coord_t volume = 1.0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numDimensions; ++i)
    volume *= m_dimensions[i]->getBinWidth();
  m_inverseVolume = 1.0f / volume;

  // Continue with the vertexes array
  m_nEventsContributed = 0;
/** After initialization, call this to initialize the vertexes array
 * to the vertexes of the 0th box.
 * Will be used by getVertexesArray()
 * */
void MDHistoWorkspace::initVertexesArray() {
  size_t nd = numDimensions;
  // How many vertices does one box have? 2^nd, or bitwise shift left 1 by nd
  // bits
  size_t numVertices = 1 << numDimensions;

  // Allocate the array of the right size
  m_vertexesArray = new coord_t[nd * numVertices];

  // For each vertex, increase an integeer
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) {
    // Start point index in the output array;
    size_t outIndex = i * nd;

    // Coordinates of the vertex
    for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; d++) {
      // Use a bit mask to look at each bit of the integer we are iterating
      // through.
      size_t mask = 1 << d;
      if ((i & mask) > 0) {
        // Bit is 1, use the max of the dimension
        m_vertexesArray[outIndex + d] = m_dimensions[d]->getX(1);
      } else {
        // Bit is 0, use the min of the dimension
        m_vertexesArray[outIndex + d] = m_dimensions[d]->getX(0);
    } // (for each dimension)
  // Now set the m_boxLength and origin
  m_boxLength = new coord_t[nd];
  m_origin = new coord_t[nd];
  for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; d++) {
    m_boxLength[d] = m_dimensions[d]->getX(1) - m_dimensions[d]->getX(0);
    m_origin[d] = m_dimensions[d]->getX(0);
  // The index calculator
  m_indexMax = new size_t[numDimensions];
  for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; d++)
    m_indexMax[d] = m_dimensions[d]->getNBins();
  m_indexMaker = new size_t[numDimensions];
  Utils::NestedForLoop::SetUpIndexMaker(numDimensions, m_indexMaker,

/** Sets all signals/errors in the workspace to the given values
 * @param signal :: signal value to set
 * @param errorSquared :: error (squared) value to set
 * @param numEvents :: the number of events in each bin.
void MDHistoWorkspace::setTo(signal_t signal, signal_t errorSquared,
                             signal_t numEvents) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; i++) {
    m_signals[i] = signal;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = errorSquared;
    m_numEvents[i] = numEvents;
    m_masks[i] = false; // Not masked by default;
    m_nEventsContributed += uint64_t(numEvents);

/** Apply an implicit function to each point; if false, set to the given value.
* @param function :: the implicit function to apply
* @param signal :: signal value to set when function evaluates to false
* @param errorSquared :: error value to set when function evaluates to false
void MDHistoWorkspace::applyImplicitFunction(
    Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction *function, signal_t signal,
    signal_t errorSquared) {
  if (numDimensions < 3)
    throw std::invalid_argument("Need 3 dimensions for ImplicitFunction.");
  Mantid::coord_t coord[3];
  for (size_t x = 0; x < m_dimensions[0]->getNBins(); x++) {
    coord[0] = m_dimensions[0]->getX(x);
    for (size_t y = 0; y < m_dimensions[1]->getNBins(); y++) {
      coord[1] = m_dimensions[1]->getX(y);
      for (size_t z = 0; z < m_dimensions[2]->getNBins(); z++) {
        coord[2] = m_dimensions[2]->getX(z);

        if (!function->isPointContained(coord)) {
          m_signals[x + indexMultiplier[0] * y + indexMultiplier[1] * z] =
          m_errorsSquared[x + indexMultiplier[0] * y + indexMultiplier[1] * z] =

/** For the volume at the given linear index,
 * Return the vertices of every corner of the box, as
 * a bare array of length numVertices * nd
 * @param linearIndex :: index into the workspace. Same as for
 * @param[out] numVertices :: returns the number of vertices in the array.
 * @return the bare array. This should be deleted by the caller!
 * */
coord_t *MDHistoWorkspace::getVertexesArray(size_t linearIndex,
                                            size_t &numVertices) const {
  // How many vertices does one box have? 2^nd, or bitwise shift left 1 by nd
  // bits
  numVertices = (size_t)(1) << numDimensions; // Cast avoids warning about
                                              // result of 32-bit shift
                                              // implicitly converted to 64 bits
                                              // on MSVC

  // Index into each dimension. Built from the linearIndex.
  size_t dimIndexes[10];
      numDimensions, linearIndex, m_indexMaker, m_indexMax, dimIndexes);

  // The output vertexes coordinates
  coord_t *out = new coord_t[numDimensions * numVertices];
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) {
    size_t outIndex = i * numDimensions;
    // Offset the 0th box by the position of this linear index, in each
    // dimension
    for (size_t d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++)
      out[outIndex + d] = m_vertexesArray[outIndex + d] +
                          m_boxLength[d] * static_cast<coord_t>(dimIndexes[d]);
  return out;

/** Return the position of the center of a bin at a given position
 * @param linearIndex :: linear index into the workspace
 * @return VMD vector of the center position
Mantid::Kernel::VMD MDHistoWorkspace::getCenter(size_t linearIndex) const {
  // Index into each dimension. Built from the linearIndex.
  size_t dimIndexes[10];
      numDimensions, linearIndex, m_indexMaker, m_indexMax, dimIndexes);

  // The output vertexes coordinates
  VMD out(numDimensions);
  // Offset the 0th box by the position of this linear index, in each dimension,
  // plus a half
  for (size_t d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++)
    out[d] = m_vertexesArray[d] +
             m_boxLength[d] * (static_cast<coord_t>(dimIndexes[d]) + 0.5f);
  return out;

/** Get the signal at a particular coordinate in the workspace.
 * @param coords :: numDimensions-sized array of the coordinates to look at
 * @param normalization : Normalisation to use.
 * @return the (normalized) signal at a given coordinates.
 *         NaN if outside the range of this workspace
signal_t MDHistoWorkspace::getSignalAtCoord(
    const coord_t *coords,
    const Mantid::API::MDNormalization &normalization) const {
  size_t linearIndex = this->getLinearIndexAtCoord(coords);
  if (linearIndex < m_length) {
    // What is our normalization factor?
    switch (normalization) {
    case NoNormalization:
      return m_signals[linearIndex];
    case VolumeNormalization:
      return m_signals[linearIndex] * m_inverseVolume;
    case NumEventsNormalization:
      return m_signals[linearIndex] / m_numEvents[linearIndex];
    // Should not reach here
    return m_signals[linearIndex];
  } else
    return std::numeric_limits<signal_t>::quiet_NaN();

/** Get the linear index into the histo array at these coordinates
 * @param coords :: ND-sized array of coordinates
 * @return the linear index, or size_t(-1) if out of range.
size_t MDHistoWorkspace::getLinearIndexAtCoord(const coord_t *coords) const {
  // Build up the linear index, dimension by dimension
  size_t linearIndex = 0;
  for (size_t d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
    coord_t x = coords[d] - m_origin[d];
    size_t ix = size_t(x / m_boxLength[d]);
    if (ix >= m_indexMax[d] || (x < 0))
      return size_t(-1);
    linearIndex += ix * m_indexMaker[d];
  return linearIndex;

/** Create IMDIterators from this MDHistoWorkspace
 * @param suggestedNumCores :: split the iterators into this many cores (if
 * @param function :: implicit function to limit range. NOT owned by this method
 * @return MDHistoWorkspaceIterator vector
std::vector<Mantid::API::IMDIterator *> MDHistoWorkspace::createIterators(
    size_t suggestedNumCores,
    Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction *function) const {
  size_t numCores = suggestedNumCores;
  if (!this->threadSafe())
    numCores = 1;
  size_t numElements = this->getNPoints();
  if (numCores > numElements)
    numCores = numElements;
  if (numCores < 1)
    numCores = 1;

  // Create one iterator per core, splitting evenly amongst spectra
  std::vector<IMDIterator *> out;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numCores; i++) {
    size_t begin = (i * numElements) / numCores;
    size_t end = ((i + 1) * numElements) / numCores;
    if (end > numElements)
      end = numElements;

    // Clone the MDImplicitFunction if necessary.
    Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction *clonedFunction = function;
    if (function)
      clonedFunction = new Mantid::Geometry::MDImplicitFunction(*function);

        new MDHistoWorkspaceIterator(this, clonedFunction, begin, end));
  return out;

/** Return the memory used, in bytes */
size_t MDHistoWorkspace::getMemorySize() const {
  return m_length * (sizeOfElement());

/// @return a vector containing a copy of the signal data in the workspace.
std::vector<signal_t> MDHistoWorkspace::getSignalDataVector() const {
  // TODO: Make this more efficient if needed.
  std::vector<signal_t> out;
  out.resize(m_length, 0.0);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i)
    out[i] = m_signals[i];
  // This copies again! :(
  return out;

/// @return a vector containing a copy of the error data in the workspace.
std::vector<signal_t> MDHistoWorkspace::getErrorDataVector() const {
  // TODO: Make this more efficient if needed.
  std::vector<signal_t> out;
  out.resize(m_length, 0.0);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i)
    out[i] = m_errorsSquared[i];
  // This copies again! :(
  return out;

/** @return true if the point is within the workspace (including the max edges)
 * */
bool pointInWorkspace(const MDHistoWorkspace *ws, const VMD &point) {
  for (size_t d = 0; d < ws->getNumDims(); d++) {
    IMDDimension_const_sptr dim = ws->getDimension(d);
    if ((point[d] < dim->getMinimum()) || (point[d] > dim->getMaximum()))
      return false;
  return true;

/** Obtain coordinates for a line plot through a MDWorkspace.
 * Cross the workspace from start to end points, recording the signal along the
 * Sets the x,y vectors to the histogram bin boundaries and counts
 * @param start :: coordinates of the start point of the line
 * @param end :: coordinates of the end point of the line
 * @param normalize :: how to normalize the signal
 * @param x :: is set to the boundaries of the bins, relative to start of the
 * @param y :: is set to the normalized signal for each bin. Length = length(x)
 *- 1
 * @param e :: error vector for each bin.
void MDHistoWorkspace::getLinePlot(const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &start,
                                   const Mantid::Kernel::VMD &end,
                                   Mantid::API::MDNormalization normalize,
                                   std::vector<coord_t> &x,
                                   std::vector<signal_t> &y,
                                   std::vector<signal_t> &e) const {

  size_t nd = this->getNumDims();
  if (start.getNumDims() != nd)
    throw std::runtime_error("Start point must have the same number of "
                             "dimensions as the workspace.");
  if (end.getNumDims() != nd)
    throw std::runtime_error(
        "End point must have the same number of dimensions as the workspace.");

  // Unit-vector of the direction
  VMD dir = end - start;
  coord_t length = dir.normalize();

// Vector with +1 where direction is positive, -1 where negative
#define sgn(x) ((x < 0) ? -1.0f : ((x > 0.) ? 1.0f : 0.0f))
  VMD dirSign(nd);
  for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; d++) {
    dirSign[d] = sgn(dir[d]);
  size_t BADINDEX = size_t(-1);

  // Dimensions of the workspace
  boost::scoped_array<size_t> index(new size_t[nd]);
  boost::scoped_array<size_t> numBins(new size_t[nd]);
  for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; d++) {
    IMDDimension_const_sptr dim = this->getDimension(d);
    index[d] = BADINDEX;
    numBins[d] = dim->getNBins();
  // Ordered list of boundaries in position-along-the-line coordinates
  std::set<coord_t> boundaries;

  // Start with the start/end points, if they are within range.
  if (pointInWorkspace(this, start))
  if (pointInWorkspace(this, end))

  // Next, we go through each dimension and see where the bin boundaries
  // intersect the line.
  for (size_t d = 0; d < nd; d++) {
    IMDDimension_const_sptr dim = this->getDimension(d);
    coord_t lineStartX = start[d];

    if (dir[d] != 0.0) {
      for (size_t i = 0; i <= dim->getNBins(); i++) {
        // Position in this coordinate
        coord_t thisX = dim->getX(i);
        // Position along the line. Is this between the start and end of it?
        coord_t linePos = (thisX - lineStartX) / dir[d];
        if (linePos >= 0 && linePos <= length) {
          // Full position
          VMD pos = start + (dir * linePos);
          // This is a boundary if the line point is inside the workspace
          if (pointInWorkspace(this, pos))
  if (boundaries.empty()) {
    // Nothing at all!
    // Make a single bin with NAN
  } else {
    // Get the first point
    std::set<coord_t>::iterator it;
    it = boundaries.begin();

    coord_t lastLinePos = *it;
    VMD lastPos = start + (dir * lastLinePos);


    for (; it != boundaries.end(); ++it) {
      // This is our current position along the line
      coord_t linePos = *it;

      // This is the full position at this boundary
      VMD pos = start + (dir * linePos);

      // Position in the middle of the bin
      VMD middle = (pos + lastPos) * 0.5;

      // Find the signal in this bin
      size_t linearIndex = this->getLinearIndexAtCoord(middle.getBareArray());
      if (linearIndex < m_length) {
        // What is our normalization factor?
        signal_t normalizer = 1.0;
        switch (normalize) {
        case NoNormalization:
        case VolumeNormalization:
          normalizer = m_inverseVolume;
        case NumEventsNormalization:
          normalizer = 1.0 / m_numEvents[linearIndex];
        // And add the normalized signal/error to the list too
        auto signal = this->getSignalAt(linearIndex) * normalizer;
        if (boost::math::isinf(signal)) {
          // The plotting library (qwt) doesn't like infs.
          signal = std::numeric_limits<signal_t>::quiet_NaN();
        e.push_back(this->getErrorAt(linearIndex) * normalizer);
        // Save the position for next bin
        lastPos = pos;
      } else {
        // Invalid index. This shouldn't happen
    } // for each unique boundary
  }   // if there is at least one point
} // (end function)

//============================== ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS

/** Check if the two workspace's sizes match (for comparison or
 *element-by-element operation
 * @param other :: the workspace to compare to
 * @param operation :: descriptive string (for the error message)
 * @throw an error if they don't match
void MDHistoWorkspace::checkWorkspaceSize(const MDHistoWorkspace &other,
                                          std::string operation) {
  if (other.getNumDims() != this->getNumDims())
    throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot perform the " + operation +
                                " operation on this MDHistoWorkspace. The "
                                "number of dimensions does not match.");
  if (other.m_length != this->m_length)
    throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot perform the " + operation +
                                " operation on this MDHistoWorkspace. The "
                                "length of the signals vector does not match.");

/** Perform the += operation, element-by-element, for two MDHistoWorkspace's
 * @param b :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * @return *this after operation */
MDHistoWorkspace &MDHistoWorkspace::operator+=(const MDHistoWorkspace &b) {
  return *this;

/** Perform the += operation, element-by-element, for two MDHistoWorkspace's
 * @param b :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * */
void MDHistoWorkspace::add(const MDHistoWorkspace &b) {
  checkWorkspaceSize(b, "add");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    m_signals[i] += b.m_signals[i];
    m_errorsSquared[i] += b.m_errorsSquared[i];
    m_numEvents[i] += b.m_numEvents[i];
  m_nEventsContributed += b.m_nEventsContributed;

/** Perform the += operation with a scalar as the RHS argument
 * @param signal :: signal to apply
 * @param error :: error (not squared) to apply
 * */
void MDHistoWorkspace::add(const signal_t signal, const signal_t error) {
  signal_t errorSquared = error * error;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    m_signals[i] += signal;
    m_errorsSquared[i] += errorSquared;

/** Perform the -= operation, element-by-element, for two MDHistoWorkspace's
 * @param b :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * @return *this after operation */
MDHistoWorkspace &MDHistoWorkspace::operator-=(const MDHistoWorkspace &b) {
  return *this;

/** Perform the -= operation, element-by-element, for two MDHistoWorkspace's
 * @param b :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * */
void MDHistoWorkspace::subtract(const MDHistoWorkspace &b) {
  checkWorkspaceSize(b, "subtract");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    m_signals[i] -= b.m_signals[i];
    m_errorsSquared[i] += b.m_errorsSquared[i];
    m_numEvents[i] += b.m_numEvents[i];
  m_nEventsContributed += b.m_nEventsContributed;

/** Perform the -= operation with a scalar as the RHS argument
 * @param signal :: signal to apply
 * @param error :: error (not squared) to apply
 * */
void MDHistoWorkspace::subtract(const signal_t signal, const signal_t error) {
  signal_t errorSquared = error * error;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    m_signals[i] -= signal;
    m_errorsSquared[i] += errorSquared;

/** Perform the *= operation, element-by-element, for two MDHistoWorkspace's
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = a * b \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = f^2 * (da^2 / a^2 + db^2 / b^2) \f$
 * @param b_ws :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * @return *this after operation */
MDHistoWorkspace &MDHistoWorkspace::operator*=(const MDHistoWorkspace &b_ws) {
  return *this;

/** Perform the *= operation, element-by-element, for two MDHistoWorkspace's
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = a * b \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = f^2 * (da^2 / a^2 + db^2 / b^2) \f$
 * @param b_ws :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * */
void MDHistoWorkspace::multiply(const MDHistoWorkspace &b_ws) {
  checkWorkspaceSize(b_ws, "multiply");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    signal_t a = m_signals[i];
    signal_t da2 = m_errorsSquared[i];

    signal_t b = b_ws.m_signals[i];
    signal_t db2 = b_ws.m_errorsSquared[i];

    signal_t f = a * b;
    signal_t df2 = (f * f) * (da2 / (a * a) + db2 / (b * b));

    m_signals[i] = f;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = df2;

/** Perform the *= operation with a scalar as the RHS argument
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = a * b \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = f^2 * (da^2 / a^2 + db^2 / b^2) \f$
 * @param signal :: signal to apply
 * @param error :: error (not squared) to apply
 * @return *this after operation */
void MDHistoWorkspace::multiply(const signal_t signal, const signal_t error) {
  signal_t b = signal;
  signal_t db2 = error * error;
  signal_t db2_relative = db2 / (b * b);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    signal_t a = m_signals[i];
    signal_t da2 = m_errorsSquared[i];

    signal_t f = a * b;
    signal_t df2 = (f * f) * (da2 / (a * a) + db2_relative);

    m_signals[i] = f;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = df2;

/** Perform the /= operation, element-by-element, for two MDHistoWorkspace's
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = a / b \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = f^2 * (da^2 / a^2 + db^2 / b^2) \f$
 * @param b_ws :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * @return *this after operation */
MDHistoWorkspace &MDHistoWorkspace::operator/=(const MDHistoWorkspace &b_ws) {
  return *this;

/** Perform the /= operation, element-by-element, for two MDHistoWorkspace's
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = a / b \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = f^2 * (da^2 / a^2 + db^2 / b^2) \f$
 * @param b_ws :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
void MDHistoWorkspace::divide(const MDHistoWorkspace &b_ws) {
  checkWorkspaceSize(b_ws, "divide");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    signal_t a = m_signals[i];
    signal_t da2 = m_errorsSquared[i];

    signal_t b = b_ws.m_signals[i];
    signal_t db2 = b_ws.m_errorsSquared[i];

    signal_t f = a / b;
    signal_t df2 = (f * f) * (da2 / (a * a) + db2 / (b * b));

    m_signals[i] = f;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = df2;

/** Perform the /= operation with a scalar as the RHS argument
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = a / b \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = f^2 * (da^2 / a^2 + db^2 / b^2) \f$
 * @param signal :: signal to apply
 * @param error :: error (not squared) to apply
void MDHistoWorkspace::divide(const signal_t signal, const signal_t error) {
  signal_t b = signal;
  signal_t db2 = error * error;
  signal_t db2_relative = db2 / (b * b);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    signal_t a = m_signals[i];
    signal_t da2 = m_errorsSquared[i];

    signal_t f = a / b;
    signal_t df2 = (f * f) * (da2 / (a * a) + db2_relative);

    m_signals[i] = f;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = df2;

/** Perform the natural logarithm on each signal in the workspace.
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = ln(a) \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = a^2 / da^2 \f$
void MDHistoWorkspace::log(double filler) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    signal_t a = m_signals[i];
    signal_t da2 = m_errorsSquared[i];
    if (a <= 0) {
      m_signals[i] = filler;
      m_errorsSquared[i] = 0;
    } else {
      m_signals[i] = std::log(a);
      m_errorsSquared[i] = da2 / (a * a);

/** Perform the base-10 logarithm on each signal in the workspace.
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = ln(a) \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = (ln(10)^-2) * a^2 / da^2 \f$
void MDHistoWorkspace::log10(double filler) {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    signal_t a = m_signals[i];
    signal_t da2 = m_errorsSquared[i];
    if (a <= 0) {
      m_signals[i] = filler;
      m_errorsSquared[i] = 0;
    } else {
      m_signals[i] = std::log10(a);
      m_errorsSquared[i] = 0.1886117 * da2 / (a * a); // 0.1886117  = ln(10)^-2

/** Perform the exp() function on each signal in the workspace.
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = exp(a) \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = f^2 * da^2 \f$
void MDHistoWorkspace::exp() {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    signal_t f = std::exp(m_signals[i]);
    signal_t da2 = m_errorsSquared[i];
    m_signals[i] = f;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = f * f * da2;

/** Perform the power function (signal^exponent) on each signal S in the
 * Error propagation of \f$ f = a^b \f$  is given by:
 * \f$ df^2 = f^2 * b^2 * (da^2 / a^2) \f$
void MDHistoWorkspace::power(double exponent) {
  double exponent_squared = exponent * exponent;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    signal_t a = m_signals[i];
    signal_t f = std::pow(a, exponent);
    signal_t da2 = m_errorsSquared[i];
    m_signals[i] = f;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = f * f * exponent_squared * da2 / (a * a);

//============================== BOOLEAN OPERATIONS

/** A boolean &= (and) operation, element-by-element, for two
 * 0.0 is "false", all other values are "true". All errors are set to 0.
 * @param b :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * @return *this after operation */
MDHistoWorkspace &MDHistoWorkspace::operator&=(const MDHistoWorkspace &b) {
  checkWorkspaceSize(b, "&= (and)");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    m_signals[i] = ((m_signals[i] != 0) && (b.m_signals[i] != 0)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = 0;
  return *this;

/** A boolean |= (or) operation, element-by-element, for two MDHistoWorkspace's.
 * 0.0 is "false", all other values are "true". All errors are set to 0.
 * @param b :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * @return *this after operation */
MDHistoWorkspace &MDHistoWorkspace::operator|=(const MDHistoWorkspace &b) {
  checkWorkspaceSize(b, "|= (or)");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    m_signals[i] = ((m_signals[i] != 0) || (b.m_signals[i] != 0)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = 0;
  return *this;

/** A boolean ^= (xor) operation, element-by-element, for two
 * 0.0 is "false", all other values are "true". All errors are set to 0.
 * @param b :: workspace on the RHS of the operation
 * @return *this after operation */
MDHistoWorkspace &MDHistoWorkspace::operator^=(const MDHistoWorkspace &b) {
  checkWorkspaceSize(b, "^= (xor)");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {
    m_signals[i] = ((m_signals[i] != 0) ^ (b.m_signals[i] != 0)) ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    m_errorsSquared[i] = 0;
  return *this;

/** A boolean not operation, performed in-place.
 * All errors are set to 0.
 * 0.0 is "false", all other values are "true". All errors are set to 0.
void MDHistoWorkspace::operatorNot() {
  for (size_t i = 0; i < m_length; ++i) {