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  • Guillaume Chatelet's avatar
    [Alignment][NFC] Deprecate Align::None() · 805c157e
    Guillaume Chatelet authored
    This is a follow up on
    There's a caveat here that `Align(1)` relies on the compiler understanding of `Log2_64` implementation to produce good code. One could use `Align()` as a replacement but I believe it is less clear that the alignment is one in that case.
    Reviewers: xbolva00, courbet, bollu
    Subscribers: arsenm, dylanmckay, sdardis, nemanjai, jvesely, nhaehnle, hiraditya, kbarton, jrtc27, atanasyan, jsji, Jim, kerbowa, cfe-commits, llvm-commits
    Tags: #clang, #llvm
    Differential Revision: