Labels can be applied to issues, merge requests, and epics. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
Labels 91
ReleasePEMP.2021sns-hfir-scseMajor software release for Diffraction (SCD & PD) to meet the PEMP notable
State4-DevelopmentReviewsns-hfir-scseItem (Story) is ready for or in the process of being reviewed by the implementation team
State5-Acceptedsns-hfir-scseItem (Story) has been reviewed and approved or accepted and is waiting for implementation
State9-Rejectedsns-hfir-scseItem has been rejected for any reason and is closed. (Kept for reference purposes only)
StoryTypeExploratorysns-hfir-scseA story that is focused on investigating the solution to a neutrons problem
TechniqueINFsns-hfir-scseWork related to enhancing/improving neutrons software infrastructure and may include modernization effort on some codes