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  • feature/issue-7
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  • jhkennedy/add-cmip6-data
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.09Dec876542121Nov20155115Feb20Nov1313Sep127Sep63Aug21JulChanged intersect city to write PDFs instead of EPSissue-9 masterissue-9 masterIgnore R projecsNow directly write PDF formatFinal version for emissions plotQuicky R script to regen emissions plotAdded signpost file for this data dirAdded fix for MacOS matplot workaroundAdded Melissa's data after converting from Excel to CSV and DOS to *nixAdd citation for USA city outlinesAdded back in my fixes/changes that were lost due to reverse merge.Finished with optional title command line flag.feature/issue-7feature/issue-7Fixed core dump on my Mac that apparently was related to some matplotlib weirdness.Merge branch 'jhkennedy/add-cmip6-data'Intersect script now zooms in on citiesjhkennedy/add-c…jhkennedy/add-cmip6-dataIntersect script now plots city and nn outlinesMerge branch 'jhkennedy-README-8' into 'master'Add README and yaml environment description[FNow ignore some data and intellij files.adding --titleCan now plot city outline for intersecting USA cities and top 49Remove depreciated custom argparse typeAdd bibtex for cities dataSome pythonic clean upRemove probe script as it's now a class methodMove grids out of data __init_A little reorganizationUpdate conda env descriptionAdd the historical CMIP6 dataUpdate figures and add save optionBegin sketching out how to take a city shapefile and extract emissions from the CMIP gridsFix CMIP6 datagrid's time handlingOrganize dataUpdate CMIP5 preprocessing scripts for new data gridAll scripts now work with both CMIP5 and CMIP6 dataUpdate CMIP5 and CMIP6 emission grids and probe scriptAdd CMIP6 data and CMIP6 emissions gridRemove ESMGF script that does not work.Add a bar chart descibing Hoornweg's top 49 cities' emissionsA little more reorganizationreorganize for CMIP6 data