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Dashboard where Neutrons users can view and launch data reduction apps. Hosted at https://nova.ornl.gov.
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PyARC repository is the runtime environment for the ANL ARC Code System for Analysis of Nuclear Reactors.
Only preparatory logic is contained in this repository in order to streamline analysts pipelines.
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Master copy of the ORNL software catalog. Currently mirrored to https://github.com/ORNL/software-catalog and viewable at https://ornl.github.io/software-catalog
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PyARC repository is the runtime environment for the ANL ARC Code System for Analysis of Nuclear Reactors.
Only preparatory logic is contained in this repository in order to streamline analysts pipelines.
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Web-based dashboard interface to RAPS. Makes REST API calls to SimulationServer.
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An Opensensorhub Client that is built for visualizing Radiation Portal Monitor data for the Open Central Alarm Station project
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This repo will be for the Field data generated from CBI, Bioscales, PMI, etc.
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A clone of the Galaxy Training repository (https://github.com/galaxyproject/training-material) with ORNL training material.
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a place to put various stuff not related to other projects - small demos, experimental code, ...
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