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Source code and results for the paper "Three Practical Task Schedulers for Easy Maximum Parallelism," David Rogers in Software Practice and Experience, 2021.
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Workbench Analysis Sequence Processors (WASP) is a project for providing a standard to access analysis sequence input/data using robust and verbose lexical analysis and parse-tree generation.
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Workbench Analysis Sequence Processors (WASP) is a project for providing a standard to access analysis sequence input/data using robust and verbose lexical analysis and parse-tree generation.
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A C++ task manager API where "tasks" are just functions that return a status integer--so it can really be anything. Example implementation using C++11 std::threads.
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A collective hash table implemented in the SYCL programming model.
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SubKit is a toolkit for building subhcannel models and analyzing simulation results. It has specifically been developed for the CTF subchannel code developed by CASL.
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SubKit is a toolkit for building subhcannel models and analyzing simulation results. It has specifically been developed for the CTF subchannel code developed by CASL.
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SubKit is a toolkit for building subhcannel models and analyzing simulation results. It has specifically been developed for the CTF subchannel code developed by CASL.
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Intercept Library for IBM/Summit Burst Buffer.
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