Explore projects
Dashboard where Neutrons users can view and launch data reduction apps. Hosted at https://nova.ornl.gov.
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a fork of Galaxy repo from https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy. Includes changes that we do for NDIP
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Master copy of the ORNL software catalog. Currently mirrored to https://github.com/ORNL/software-catalog and viewable at https://ornl.github.io/software-catalog
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Web-based dashboard interface to RAPS. Makes REST API calls to SimulationServer.
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An Opensensorhub Client that is built for visualizing Radiation Portal Monitor data for the Open Central Alarm Station project
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This repo will be for the Field data generated from CBI, Bioscales, PMI, etc.
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A clone of the Galaxy Training repository (https://github.com/galaxyproject/training-material) with ORNL training material.
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a place to put various stuff not related to other projects - small demos, experimental code, ...
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A fork of the repo at https://github.com/galaxyproject/gx-it-proxy.git. Includes changes that we need for ndip.