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ESGF / mirrors / Esgf Docker
Apache License 2.0Updated -
NDIP / Nova Packages / nova-mvvm
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Converts NeXuS to quasi-Laue images
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Converts different input file formats into JPEG format for peak finding
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NDIP / Trame Apps / trame-app-launcher
MIT LicenseTrame project for the web app that will enable users to login via UCAMS/XCAMS and launch the other Trame apps that will house their data reduction workflows.
Archived 0Updated -
NDIP / Trame Apps / Templates / Template
MIT LicenseUpdated -
NDIP / Trame Apps / SANS Reduction GUI
MIT LicenseUpdated -
NDIP / Trame Apps / Single Crystal Visualization
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ExaDigiT / RAPS
Apache License 2.0ExaDigiT/RAPS is a simulator for replaying or modeling workloads on supercomputers and predicting the resulting power consumption.
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