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NDIP / Galaxy
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unporteda fork of Galaxy repo from https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy. Includes changes that we do for NDIP
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This is the repo for Galaxy tools that we create within the NDIP project. At the deployment stage, the tools from this repo will be added to Galaxy.
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Repository of Workbench localhost configurations that facilitate convenient run configuration activation on the INL's NCRC resource.
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NDIP / Nova Dashboard
MIT LicenseDashboard where Neutrons users can view and launch data reduction apps. Hosted at https://nova.ornl.gov.
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neams-workbench / PyARC
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicensePyARC repository is the runtime environment for the ANL ARC Code System for Analysis of Nuclear Reactors.
Only preparatory logic is contained in this repository in order to streamline analysts pipelines.
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NDIP / Project Templates / Python
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ExaDigiT / RAPS
Apache License 2.0ExaDigiT/RAPS is a simulator for replaying or modeling workloads on supercomputers and predicting the resulting power consumption.
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sns-hfir-scse / sans / sans-backend
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterSANS reduction backend - https://sans.ornl.gov - https://drtsans.readthedocs.io
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NDIP / Trame Apps / trame-app-launcher
MIT LicenseTrame project for the web app that will enable users to login via UCAMS/XCAMS and launch the other Trame apps that will house their data reduction workflows.
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NDIP / Public Packages / trame-facade
MIT LicenseUpdated -
reflectometry / Web Reflectivity
Apache License 2.0Updated