// comments based on OPRODF manual: Jack Craven, report no. ORNL/CSD/TM-45, 1978
in.read((char*)&head.mode,intsize);// 0,1,3 for 18-bit ints, 36-bit ints, floating-point vals
in.read((char*)&head.source,intsize);// 0,1,2 for SEL, CSISRS, or ENDF/B data
in.read((char*)&head.irun,intsize);// run number
in.read((char*)&head.ncblks,intsize);// starting block no. for the comment section
in.read((char*)&head.ncwrds,intsize);// number of words in comment section
in.read((char*)&head.nsblks,intsize);// starting block for scalar section
in.read((char*)&head.nswrds,intsize);// number of words in scalar section
in.read((char*)&head.ncstrt,intsize);// starting word number of DAQ scalar and counter section in scalar section
in.read((char*)&head.ncntrs,intsize);// number of words in DAQ scalar and counter section
in.read((char*)&head.nxstrt,intsize);// starting word number of DAQ variable section in scalar section
in.read((char*)&head.nxwrds,intsize);// number of words in DAQ variable section
in.read((char*)&head.npblks,intsize);// starting block number of parameter section
in.read((char*)&head.npwrds,intsize);// number of words in parameter section
in.read((char*)&head.ndtype,intsize);// 0,1 for data section described by table in parameter section, data section is dependent on dataset 1 (i.e. datasets 2-x correspond to energy in dataset 1)
in.read((char*)&head.numSection,intsize);// number of sections in each dataset
in.read((char*)&head.numChan,intsize);// number of channels in each section
in.read((char*)&head.zan,intsize);// ENDF/B charge/mass id
in.read((char*)&head.awr,intsize);// ENDF/B ratio of nuclear mass (iso,ele,molec,mix) to neutron
in.read((char*)&head.mat,intsize);// ENDF/B MAT number
in.read((char*)&head.mf,intsize);// ENDF/B file number
in.read((char*)&head.mt,intsize);// ENDF/B reaction type
in.read((char*)&head.varswt,intsize);// 0,1 for dataset 1 decreasing, and increasing in value (ignored if ndtype is 0)
in.read((char*)&head.dctswt,intsize);// 0,1 for not dead-time corrected, and dead-time corrected
in.read((char*)&head.strt,intsize);// starting word number of each dataset in data section (mode 0 only)
in.read((char*)&head.ndwend,intsize);// ending word number of last word written in block NDBEND
/* the following doesn't work properly yet */
// ------------------------------------
// --- Read crunch table
// ------------------------------------
// energy index table. each word contains the largest energy for each n blocks in the data set. N=(NDWRDS/125)+1