@% author = "D.A. Brown and M.B. Chadwick and R. Capote and A.C. Kahler and A. Trkov and M.W. Herman and A.A. Sonzogni and Y. Danon and A.D. Carlson and M. Dunn and D.L. Smith and G.M. Hale and G. Arbanas and R. Arcilla and C.R. Bates and B. Beck and B. Becker and F. Brown and R.J. Casperson and J. Conlin and D.E. Cullen and M.-A. Descalle and R. Firestone and T. Gaines and K.H. Guber and A.I. Hawari and J. Holmes and T.D. Johnson and T. Kawano and B.C. Kiedrowski and A.J. Koning and S. Kopecky and L. Leal and J.P. Lestone and C. Lubitz and J.I. MA¡rquez DamiA¡n and C.M. Mattoon and E.A. McCutchan and S. Mughabghab and P. Navratil and D. Neudecker and G.P.A. Nobre and G. Noguere and M. Paris and M.T. Pigni and A.J. Plompen and B. Pritychenko and V.G. Pronyaev and D. Roubtsov and D. Rochman and P. Romano and P. Schillebeeckx and S. Simakov and M. Sin and I. Sirakov and B. Sleaford and V. Sobes and E.S. Soukhovitskii and I. Stetcu and P. Talou and I. Thompson and S. van der Marck and L. Welser-Sherrill and D. Wiarda and M. White and J.L. Wormald and R.Q. Wright and M. Zerkle and G. Aoeerovnik and Y. Zhu",
% author = "D.A. Brown and M.B. Chadwick and R. Capote and A.C. Kahler and A. Trkov and M.W. Herman and A.A. Sonzogni and Y. Danon and A.D. Carlson and M. Dunn and D.L. Smith and G.M. Hale and G. Arbanas and R. Arcilla and C.R. Bates and B. Beck and B. Becker and F. Brown and R.J. Casperson and J. Conlin and D.E. Cullen and M.-A. Descalle and R. Firestone and T. Gaines and K.H. Guber and A.I. Hawari and J. Holmes and T.D. Johnson and T. Kawano and B.C. Kiedrowski and A.J. Koning and S. Kopecky and L. Leal and J.P. Lestone and C. Lubitz and J.I. MA¡rquez DamiA¡n and C.M. Mattoon and E.A. McCutchan and S. Mughabghab and P. Navratil and D. Neudecker and G.P.A. Nobre and G. Noguere and M. Paris and M.T. Pigni and A.J. Plompen and B. Pritychenko and V.G. Pronyaev and D. Roubtsov and D. Rochman and P. Romano and P. Schillebeeckx and S. Simakov and M. Sin and I. Sirakov and B. Sleaford and V. Sobes and E.S. Soukhovitskii and I. Stetcu and P. Talou and I. Thompson and S. van der Marck and L. Welser-Sherrill and D. Wiarda and M. White and J.L. Wormald and R.Q. Wright and M. Zerkle and G. Aoeerovnik and Y. Zhu",
title={{ENDF/B-VIII.0: The 8th major release of the nuclear reaction data library with CIELO-project cross sections, new standards and thermal scattering data}},
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
abstract="We describe the new ENDF/B-VIII.0 evaluated nuclear reaction data library. ENDF/B-VIII.0 fully incorporates the new IAEA standards, includes improved thermal neutron scattering data and uses new evaluated data from the CIELO project for neutron reactions on 1H, 16O, 56Fe, 235U, 238U and 239Pu described in companion papers in the present issue of Nuclear Data Sheets. The evaluations benefit from recent experimental data obtained in the U.S. and Europe, and improvements in theory and simulation. Notable advances include updated evaluated data for light nuclei, structural materials, actinides, fission energy release, prompt fission neutron and γ-ray spectra, thermal neutron scattering data, and charged-particle reactions. Integral validation testing is shown for a wide range of criticality, reaction rate, and neutron transmission benchmarks. In general, integral validation performance of the library is improved relative to the previous ENDF/B-VII.1 library."
@%author = { Keiichi SHIBATA and Toshihiko KAWANO and Tsuneo NAKAGAWA and Osamu IWAMOTO and Jun-ichi KATAKURA and Tokio FUKAHORI and Satoshi CHIBA and Akira HASEGAWA and Toru MURATA and Hiroyuki MATSUNOBU and Takaaki OHSAWA and Yutaka NAKAJIMA and Tadashi YOSHIDA and Atsushi ZUKERAN and Masayoshi KAWAI and Mamoru BABA and Makoto ISHIKAWA and Tetsuo ASAMI and Takashi WATANABE and Yukinobu WATANABE and Masayuki IGASHIRA and Nobuhiro YAMAMURO and Hideo KITAZAWA and Naoki YAMANO and Hideki TAKANO },
%author = { Keiichi SHIBATA and Toshihiko KAWANO and Tsuneo NAKAGAWA and Osamu IWAMOTO and Jun-ichi KATAKURA and Tokio FUKAHORI and Satoshi CHIBA and Akira HASEGAWA and Toru MURATA and Hiroyuki MATSUNOBU and Takaaki OHSAWA and Yutaka NAKAJIMA and Tadashi YOSHIDA and Atsushi ZUKERAN and Masayoshi KAWAI and Mamoru BABA and Makoto ISHIKAWA and Tetsuo ASAMI and Takashi WATANABE and Yukinobu WATANABE and Masayuki IGASHIRA and Nobuhiro YAMAMURO and Hideo KITAZAWA and Naoki YAMANO and Hideki TAKANO },
@%author = "N. Otuka and E. Dupont and V. Semkova and B. Pritychenko and A.I. Blokhin and M. Aikawa and S. Babykina and M. Bossant and G. Chen and S. Dunaeva and R.A. Forrest and T. Fukahori and N. Furutachi and S. Ganesan and Z. Ge and O.O. Gritzay and M. Herman and S. Hlavac and K. Kato and B. Lalremruata and Y.O. Lee and A. Makinaga and K. Matsumoto and M. Mikhaylyukova and G. Pikulina and V.G. Pronyaev and A. Saxena and O. Schwerer and S.P. Simakov and N. Soppera and R. Suzuki and S. Takacs and X. Tao and S. Taova and F. Tarkanyi and V.V. Varlamov and J. Wang and S.C. Yang and V. Zerkin and Y. Zhuang"
%author = "N. Otuka and E. Dupont and V. Semkova and B. Pritychenko and A.I. Blokhin and M. Aikawa and S. Babykina and M. Bossant and G. Chen and S. Dunaeva and R.A. Forrest and T. Fukahori and N. Furutachi and S. Ganesan and Z. Ge and O.O. Gritzay and M. Herman and S. Hlavac and K. Kato and B. Lalremruata and Y.O. Lee and A. Makinaga and K. Matsumoto and M. Mikhaylyukova and G. Pikulina and V.G. Pronyaev and A. Saxena and O. Schwerer and S.P. Simakov and N. Soppera and R. Suzuki and S. Takacs and X. Tao and S. Taova and F. Tarkanyi and V.V. Varlamov and J. Wang and S.C. Yang and V. Zerkin and Y. Zhuang"
title={Towards a More Complete and Accurate Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data Library ({EXFOR}): International Collaboration Between Nuclear Reaction Data Centres ({NRDC})},
journal={{Nuc. Data Sheets}},
@@ -461,7 +461,6 @@ abstract = "High-resolution neutron capture cross-section measurements on 60Ni h
author={Fr{\"o}hner, F.},
@@ -660,7 +659,7 @@ abstract = "High-resolution neutron capture cross-section measurements on 60Ni h
abstract="The response of the RPI 16-segment NaI(Tl) multiplicity detector system to the γ-rays following neutron radiative capture reactions is discussed. An algorithm which combines the Monte-Carlo γ-cascade code DICEBOX, based on the extreme statistical model, with the general MCNP(4C) Monte-Carlo particle transport computer program is presented. Two processes, the emission of the γ-cascades accompanying the individual events of the neutron capture and the subsequent γ-ray transport through the RPI multiplicity detector were modeled. The efficiency of the RPI system for detecting neutron capture in 149,150Sm nuclei and the expected distributions of instrumental multiplicity were derived using the combined DICEBOX/MCNP(4C) code. Comparison with measured data is presented."
title={{Statistical Theories of Spectra: Fluctuations}},
@@ -846,7 +845,7 @@ abstract = "The response of the RPI 16-segment NaI(Tl) multiplicity detector sys
abstract="Average fluctuation cross sections were computed numerically from a unitary analytic K-matrix with normally distributed pole residue amplitudes and pole spacings having the Wigner distribution. Unexpected results included an elastic enhancement factor of 2.12 in the many channel limit, regardless of transmission factors. The enhancement factors were found to be very sensitive to variations in the statistical assumptions regarding both pole amplitudes and pole spacings. The results are discussed in the light of various theories of the fluctuation cross section."
author={Blatt, John Markus and Weisskopf, Victor Frederick},
@@ -886,7 +885,7 @@ abstract = "The response of the RPI 16-segment NaI(Tl) multiplicity detector sys
@%author={Arlandini, Claudio and K{\"a}ppeler, Franz and Wisshak, Klaus and Gallino, Roberto and Lugaro, Maria and Busso, Maurizio and Straniero, Oscar},
%author={Arlandini, Claudio and K{\"a}ppeler, Franz and Wisshak, Klaus and Gallino, Roberto and Lugaro, Maria and Busso, Maurizio and Straniero, Oscar},
title={{Neutron capture in low-mass asymptotic giant branch stars: Cross sections and abundance signatures}},
@@ -900,7 +899,7 @@ abstract = "The response of the RPI 16-segment NaI(Tl) multiplicity detector sys
@@ -1118,7 +1117,7 @@ abstract = "The response of the RPI 16-segment NaI(Tl) multiplicity detector sys
publisher={Taylor \& Francis}
@%Prog: Chicago Operations Office,A.E.C.,Contract rept., No.3058-34, p.7 (1973), USA
%Prog: Chicago Operations Office,A.E.C.,Contract rept., No.3058-34, p.7 (1973), USA
title={Experimental Investigation of the Resonance Self-Shielding and Doppler Effect in Uranium and Tantalum.},
author={Byoun, Tae Y},
@@ -1170,7 +1169,7 @@ abstract = "The response of the RPI 16-segment NaI(Tl) multiplicity detector sys
year={{Paper A0203 of the International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology: Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing (Physor 2002), Seoul, South Korea, October 2002. Published on CD rom.}},
where $\rho$ is the center-of-mass momentum $k_c$ multiplied by the channel radius $a_c$.
where $\rho$ is the center-of-mass momentum $k_c$ multiplied by the channel radius $a_c$.\textbf{Please note that many authors choose to report}$\mathbf{\tilde{S}_c}$\textbf{in units of $\mathbf{10^{-4}}$!}\cite{mughabghab_atlas_2006}
@@ -287,21 +287,429 @@ code. This has now been fixed.)
\subsection{Derivation of Non-Elastic Average Cross Section}\label{sec:derivation-urr-non-elastic-xs}
is included in the INPut file. The energy grid for this cross section is as defined by the input
data sets. If the \texttt{DEBUG} command is also used, an annotated ENDF File 3 (SAMMY.FLX)
output file is also produced. See test case tr073, runs n through t, for examples.
\item Two modes, annotated and unannotated, are available for the URR PARameter file:
The unannotated mode is essentially equivalent to Fr{\"o}hner's original FITACS file
(which includes both parameters and data). Formats for this file are described in
Table \ref{table:old-urr-par-input}; all numbers, both integer and real, are specified with F10 formats. To use
this mode, the INPut file must contain the command
\texttt{NO ANNOTATED PARAMETer file for urr input}
Test case tr073 has examples of this input mode.
The annotated PARameter file is described in detail in Table \ref{table:annotated-urr-par-input}; this is the
default mode for SAMMY. With this option, some parameters are entered by key word;
other parameter lists have headings to define which parameters are in the list. See, for
example, test case tr073 run g, or test cases tr128.
\item Units may be specified for various energy-related quantities by including the phrase
``\texttt{in eV}'', ``\texttt{in keV}'', or ``\texttt{in MeV}'' in the appropriate location in the
PARameter file.
(Note that, as always with SAMMY input, capitalization is irrelevant.) If units are not
specified, defaults are as given in Table \ref{table:annotated-urr-par-input} (i.e., MeV for
binding energy and pairing
energy, eV for all others). The quantities for which units may be specified are as follows:
\item excitation energies for inelastic states
\item binding energy
\item pairing energy
\item energy maxima for the different ranges (see (7) below)
\item energies for direct inelastic contribution (see (8) below)
See in particular tr128 run l (letter ``l'' not number ``one'') for examples.
\item Different parameter values may be used in different energy ranges; see Table
\ref{table:annotated-urr-par-input}, card sets 4-7, for input details. See
test case tr128 for examples.
\item A direct inelastic component may be added to the inelastic and total cross sections, and/or a
direct capture component added to the capture and total cross sections. These components
are specified numerically on grids chosen by the user; SAMMY interpolates linearly
between grid points. See card set 11 of Table \ref{table:annotated-urr-par-input} for details.
Examples are in tr088 and tr134.
\item Although many data sets can be analyzed simultaneously in URR, SAMMY also permits
sequential runs similar to those used in the RRR. For details, see the description of the
SAMMY.COV file in the next section, \S\ref{sec:output-for-urr}. For examples, see test case
tr073 runs a and g.
\item The default choice for energy range in the URR is to include all energies for which data are
available. However, the analysis may be restricted to a smaller energy range by including
the command
\texttt{USE ENERGY LIMITS AS given in the input file}
in the INPut file. See test case tr073 runs j, k, l for examples.
\caption{Formats for original PARameter file for treatment of the unresolved resonance region}\label{table:old-urr-par-input}
Card Set & Line No. & Description \\\hline\hline
1 & 1-4 & First four lines are alphanumeric title \\\hline\hline
2 & 1 & Number of iterations, fitting tolerance (essentially delta chi squared). Note that integers are to be specified as real numbers. All formats are F10. \\\hline
& 2 & Mass in amu, radius in Fermi (or use default), neutron binding energy in MeV, pairing energy $PE$ in MeV. Again, formats are F10; note that the energy units are MeV, as opposed to the usual SAMMY standard of eV. \\\hline\hline
3 & 1,2,... & Center-of-mass excitation energy (in eV), spin, and parity for the $n$th target level (beginning with ground state). Repeat as many times as needed. \\\hline
& Last & (Blank) \\\hline\hline
4 & 1 & Strength function $\tilde{S}_c$, uncertainty, distant-level parameter $R_c^\infty$ , uncertainty, radiation width $\langle\Gamma_\gamma\rangle$ in eV, uncertainty, mean level spacing D in eV for $l =0$\newline
\textit{Note: Some authors choose to list strength function in units of $10^{-4}$\cite{mughabghab_atlas_2006}}\\\hline
& 2 & Strength function, uncertainty, distant-level parameter, uncertainty, radiation width in eV, uncertainty, for $l=1$\\\hline
& 3 & Strength function, uncertainty, distant-level parameter, uncertainty, radiation width in eV, uncertainty, for $l=2$\\\hline
& 4,5,... & As above, for higher $l$ values as needed \\\hline
& Last & (Blank) \\\hline\hline
5 & 1 & For the lowest $J$ value for $l =0$, \newline - Average fission width $\langle\Gamma_f\rangle$ (eV) \newline - Degree of freedom $\nu_f$ for fission width distribution \newline - Hill-Wheeler threshold energy $E_{HW}$\newline - Hill-Wheeler threshold width $W_{HW}$\newline - Uncertainty on the average fission width \\\hline
& 2,3,... & Repeat line 1 for each possible value of $J$ for $l =0$. \\\hline
& 4,5,... & Repeat lines 1-3 for each possible value of $J$ for $l =1, 2,$ ... \newline\newline For a given spin $J$ and parity (even or odd $l$), only one set of values is actually used for $\langle\Gamma_f\rangle$ and the other parameters. Nevertheless, all $J$ and $l$ must be included in this list. Only the values associated with the lowest $l$ value will be used for the calculations; the other values will be ignored. \newline\newline For example, the ground state of $^{235}$U is $7/2^{-}$. \newline - For $l =0$, $J^\pi=3^-, 4^-$. \newline - For $l =1$, $J^\pi=2^+, 3^+, 4^+, 5^+$. \newline - For $l =2$, $J^\pi=1^-, 2^-, 3^-, 4^-, 5^-, 6^-$. \newline - The $3^-$ and $4^-$ values used in the calculations will be those given for $l =0$. The values given for $J^\pi=3^-$ and $4^-$ with $l =2$ will be ignored. \\\hline
& Last & (Blank) \\\hline\hline
6 & 1 & Type of cross-section data (\texttt{TOTAl}, \texttt{CAPTure}, \texttt{FISSion}, or \texttt{INELastic}) \\\hline
& 2 & Uncertainties are \texttt{RELAtive} or \texttt{ABSOlute}\\\hline
& 3 & Energy, cross section, and uncertainty for first data point. Normalization and uncertainty ($a$ and $\Delta a$) for this data set. \\\hline
& 4, \ldots& Energy, cross section, uncertainty. (Note: if \texttt{RELAtive} then these need to be specified only for first data point; the others are assumed to be the same.) \\\hline
& Last & (Blank) \\\hline\hline
6x & All & Repeat card set 6 as many times as needed, in any order \\\hline\hline
7 & 1 & The single word ``\texttt{NORMALIZATION}''. (Card set 7 is present only if the command ``\texttt{EXPERIMENTAL DATA ARe in separate files}'' appears in card set 3 of the INPut file.) \\\hline
& 2 & Type of cross section, normalization parameters $a, \Delta a, b, \Delta b, c, \Delta c,$ where the normalization for this data set is given by $norm = a + b E^c$\\\hline
& 3, etc. & Repeat Line 2 once for each data set. Normalizations must appear in the same order in which the data sets appear. SAMMY will check to be sure the data types are consistent. \\\hline\hline
\caption{Formats for annotated PARameter file for treatment of the unresolved resonance region}\label{table:annotated-urr-par-input}
Card Set & Line No. & Description \\\hline\hline
1 & 1,2,... & Alphanumeric title, as many lines as desired. Printed but otherwise ignored. \\\hline
& Last &\texttt{-----} (First four characters must be hyphens [minus signs]; this ends the title. Other characters on this line are printed but ignored.) \\\hline\hline
2 & 1,2,... & Key word = Value. Possible keywords here are \newline
\texttt{AW} (atomic weight) & mass in amu & (no default) \\
\end{tabular}\newline Only the letters in capitals are required; the values may be in any format. \\\hline
& Last & (Blank) \\\hline\hline
3 & 0 & ``\texttt{----}'' An optional line of minus signs may be inserted; this line will be ignored by the code. \\\hline
& 1 & ``\texttt{ELAStic and inelastic states}''. \newline
Only the first four characters are necessary, others are optional. \newline
Units of excitation energy are eV unless specified anywhere on this line (after the first four characters) as ``\texttt{in eV}'', ``\texttt{in keV}'', or ``\texttt{in MeV}''. \\\hline
& 2,3,... & Center-of-mass excitation energy, spin, and parity for the $n$th target level (beginning with ground state). Format must be 3F10 (ten characters per number, three numbers on a line, decimal points must be included). \\\hline
& Last & (blank) \\\hline\hline
4 & 0 & ``\texttt{----}'' Optional. \\\hline
& 1,2,... & Key word = Value. Possible keywords here are \newline
\texttt{BINding energy}& neutron binding energy (MeV) & (none) \\
\texttt{PAIring energy}& pairing energy (MeV) & (none) \\
\end{tabular}\newline Only the letters in capitals are required; the values may be in any format. \newline\newline
To override the default units, insert a phrase ``\texttt{in eV}'', ``\texttt{in keV}'', or ``\texttt{in MeV}'' after the key word and before the equal sign. \newline
Examples: \texttt{Binding Energy (in eV) = 6536000}. \newline
\qquad\texttt{Pairing energy in eV = 1610000}. \\\hline
& 2 & Strength function $\tilde{S}_c$, uncertainty, distant-level parameter $R_c^\infty$ , uncertainty, radiation width $\langle\Gamma_\gamma\rangle$ in eV, uncertainty, mean level spacing $D$ in eV for $l =0$. F10 formats. \newline
\textit{Note: Some authors choose to list strength function in units of $10^{-4}$\cite{mughabghab_atlas_2006}}\\\hline
& 3 & Strength function, uncertainty, distant-level parameter, uncertainty, radiation width in eV, uncertainty, for $l =1$\\\hline
& 4 & Strength function, uncertainty, distant-level parameter, uncertainty, radiation width in eV, uncertainty, for $l =2$\\\hline
& 5,6,... & As above, for higher $l$ values as needed \\\hline
\qquad Uncertainty on the average fission width \newline
The first line contains the lowest $J$ value associated with $l =0$. Formats are F10 for everything except the $l$-value, which is I5 (i.e., the right-most column is \# 65). Inclusion of $J$ and $l$ in the input file is optional but recommended. \\\hline
& 3,4,... & Repeat line 2 for each possible value of $J$ for $l=0$\\\hline
& 5,6,... & Repeat lines 2-4 for each possible value of $J$ for $l =1, 2, ...$ For a given spin $J$ and parity (even or odd $l$), only one set of values is actually used for $\langle\Gamma_f\rangle$ and the other parameters. Nevertheless, all $J$ and $l$ must be included in this list. Only the values associated with the lowest $l$ value will be used for the calculations; the other values will be ignored. \newline\newline
For example, the ground state of $^{235}$U is $7/2^-$. \newline
\qquad For $l =0$, $J^\pi=3^-, 4^-$. \newline
\qquad For $l =1$, $J^\pi=2^+, 3^+, 4^+, 5^+$. \newline
\texttt{ENErgy maximum}& maximum energy in this region (eV) & (none) \\
\end{tabular}\newline Only the letters in capitals are required; the values may be in any format. \newline\newline
To override the default units, insert a phrase ``\texttt{in eV}'', ``\texttt{in keV}'', or ``\texttt{in MeV}'' after the key word and before the equal sign. \newline
Examples: \texttt{Energy maximum in MeV = 0.15}. \\\hline\hline
4-7 & all & Repeat card sets 4-7, once for each energy region, as many times as needed. Alternatively, repeat only line 1 of card set 7, in which case the starting parameter values are assumed to be identical to those in the previous energy region. \\\hline
8 && In either case, end with a line saying ``\texttt{END of resonance parameter description}''. \\\hline
9 & 0 & ``\texttt{----}'' optional line \\\hline
& 1 & Type of cross-section data (\texttt{TOTAl, CAPTure, FISSion,} or \texttt{INELastic}). \newline\newline
\textbf{Card set 9 will be omitted from this file if} the command ``\texttt{EXPERIMENTAL DATA ARe in separate files}'' appears in the INPut file. \\\hline
& 2 & Uncertainties are \texttt{RELAtive} or \texttt{ABSOlute}. (Only ``\texttt{RELA}'' or ``\texttt{ABSO}'' is needed.) \\\hline
& 3 & Energy (eV), cross section (barn), uncertainty (barn if \texttt{ABSOlute},dimensionless if \texttt{RELAtive}) for first data point. \newline
Norm and unc ($a$ and $\Delta a$) for this data set. \newline
(Note: if \texttt{RELAtive}, then need specify only for first data point, rest are assumed to be the same.) \\\hline
& Last & (blank) \\\hline\hline
9x & all & Repeat card set 9 as many times as needed, in any order \\\hline\hline
10 & 0 & ``\texttt{----}'' optional line \\\hline
& 1 & ``\texttt{NORMalization}''. [Card set 10 may be present only if INPut file specifies ``\texttt{experimental data are in separate files}''.] \\\hline
& 2 & Type of cross section, normalization parameters $a, \Delta a, b, \Delta b, c, \Delta c,$ where the normalization for this data set is given by $norm = a + b E^c$\\\hline
& 3,4,... & Repeat once for each data set. Note that normalizations must appear in the same order in which the data sets appear. SAMMY will check to be sure the data types are consistent. \\\hline
& Last & (blank) \\\hline\hline
10a & 0 & ``\texttt{----}'' optional line \\\hline
& 1 & ``\texttt{EARLier normalization}''. [Card set 10a, an alternative to card set 10, is to be used only if an earlier SAMMY run has produced a covariance file.] \\\hline
& 2 & N1, N2, ... Nlast, in [40I2] format. Here N1 is the ordering of the first data set for this run, as it appeared in previous SAMMY runs; see test case tr145 for illustrative examples. \\\hline
& Last & (blank) \\\hline\hline
11 & 0 & ``\texttt{----}'' optional line \\\hline
& 1 & ``\texttt{DIRECT Inelastic contribution}'', \textit{or} ``\texttt{DIRECT Capture contribution}''. Note that eight characters (rather than the usual four) are required here. \\\hline
& 2 &\texttt{Energy =} value, \texttt{Sigma =} value. Both key words (and both values) must be on the same line. \newline\newline
\begin{tabular}{l l}
\underline{Key word}&\underline{Meaning}\\
\texttt{Energy}& Energy in (eV) \\
\texttt{Sigma}& Direct inelastic cross section (b) at that energy \\
To use different units, insert a phrase ``\texttt{in eV}'', ``\texttt{in keV}'', or ``\texttt{in MeV}'' after the key word ``\texttt{Energy}''. \\\hline
& 3,4,... & Repeat line 2 as many times as required. \newline
Note that card set 11 may be omitted if the contribution of the direct inelastic cross section is negligible or unknown. \\\hline\hline
As with the resolved resonance region, each SAMMY/URR run may produce several output files:
\item The SAMMY.LPT file contains details of the calculations.
\item For runs which involve the solution of Bayes' equations and hence the generation of updated parameter values (a ``Bayes run'' as opposed to a ``no-Bayes run'' which simply calculates cross sections), an output file SAMMY.PAR is provided in the annotated form described in Table \ref{annotated-urr-par-input}. (This file, of course, is quite different from the file by the same name produced in a resolved resonance region run.)
\item For Bayes runs, a COVariance file SAMMY.COV is produced, which contains (among other things) the final parameter covariance matrix; see below for more detail.
\item Files SAMMY.NDF and SAMMY.N32 contain the URR portion of ENDF File 2 and 32, respectively; these files are produced when the appropriate command is in the INPut file.
\item Files SAMMY.NDX and SAMMY.N3X contain the same information as in SAMMY.NDF and SAMMY.N32 respectively, but also include comment lines defining the parameters whose values are given. Only the uncertainty values are given in SAMMY.N3X; correlations are printed only in SAMMY.N32.
The binary COVariance file SAMMY.COV can be used as input to a subsequent SAMMY
run that uses the same R-matrix parameters but different data sets and different normalizations, in a
similar fashion to sequential runs in the RRR. There are slight differences, however, in the usage of
this COVariance file; no auxiliary program comparable to SAMAMR is required here, as there is
only one type of data-reduction parameter (the normalizations). The user must simply rename and
modify the SAMMY.PAR file to contain the appropriate normalization parameters for the data sets
about to be analyzed. The output PARameter file will contain card set 10a of Table \ref{annotated-urr-par-input};
PARameter files to be used as input will use either card set 10 (for new data sets for which the
normalizations have not yet been defined) or card set 10a (to re-use normalizations already defined
for the current data sets). See test case tr145 for examples.
To use an output SAMMY.PAR file as input to a new run without the accompanying COV file, it is necessary to delete the first line of the file; this line reads as follows:
\qquad\texttt{COVARIANCE MATRIX FRom old run is used}
When the COV file is to be used (for sequential runs), keep this line in the PARameter file.
Test cases tr073, tr088, tr127, tr128, tr133, tr145, and others provide sample input and output for URR calculations.