@@ -1228,6 +1228,11 @@ abstract = "The response of the RPI 16-segment NaI(Tl) multiplicity detector sys
@@ -1228,6 +1228,11 @@ abstract = "The response of the RPI 16-segment NaI(Tl) multiplicity detector sys
author={Fr\"{o}hner, F.H.},
howpublished={{lecture notes on R-matrix theory, presented at the SAMMY workshop of February 18-22, 2002, at the NEA Headquarters in Paris, France (2002)}}
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ The R-matrix is not the only possibility for parameterization of the scattering
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ The R-matrix is not the only possibility for parameterization of the scattering
To see the relationship of the A-matrix to the R-matrix, we begin by multiplying both
To see the relationship of the A-matrix to the R-matrix, we begin by multiplying both
sides of Eq. (II A1.4) by $A$ and summing over $\lambda$:
sides of Eq. (II A1.4)\ref{eq:a-matrix} by $A$ and summing over $\lambda$:
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ sides of Eq. (II A1.4) by $A$ and summing over $\lambda$:
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ sides of Eq. (II A1.4) by $A$ and summing over $\lambda$:
Dividing by $(E_\mu- E)$, multiplying on the left by $\gamma_{\mu c'}$ and on the right by $\gamma_{\nu c''}$, and summing over $\mu$ puts this equation into the form
Dividing by $(E_\mu- E)$, multiplying on the left by $\gamma_{\mu c'}$ and on the right by $\gamma_{\nu c''}$, and summing over $\mu$ puts this equation into the form
Comparing Eq. (II A1.10)\ref{eq:r-matrix-to-a-matrix} to Eq. (II A1.11)\ref{eq:w-matrix-transform} gives, in matrix form,
W = I + 2iP^{1/2}\gamma A\gamma P^{1/2} .
These equations are exact; no approximations have been made.
One common approximation should be discussed here: the ``eliminated channel'' approximation, for which one particular type of channel is treated in aggregate and assumed to not interfere from level to level. This is most easily understood in the A-matrix definition, Eq. (II A1.4)\ref{eq:a-matrix}; assuming no level-level interference for the gamma channels (for example), this equation can be approximated as
The bar over $\bar{\Gamma}_{\lambda\gamma}$ is used to indicate the special treatment for this channel.
In this form, our expression for $A$ is analogous to the exact expression in Eq. (II A1.4)\ref{a-matrix} with two modifications: the additional imaginary term is added to the energy difference, and the sum over the channels includes only the ``particle channels'' (non-eliminated channels). It is therefore possible to immediately write the R-matrix formula for the eliminated-channel approximation as
Many authors have given derivations of the equations for the scattering matrix in terms of the R-matrix. Sources for the derivation shown here are unpublished lecture notes of Fr\"{o}hner [FF02]\cite{frohner_lecture_notes_02}, presented at the SAMMY workshop in Paris in 2002, and Foderaro [AF71]\cite{foderaro_1971}. This derivation is valid for only the simple case of spinless projectiles and target nuclei, assuming only elastic scattering and absorption. For the general case, the reader is referred to Lane and Thomas [AL58]\cite{lane_thomas_1958}.
\textbf{Schr\"{o}dinger equation}
The Schr\"{o}dinger equation with a complex potential is
\left( \frac{-\hbar^2}{2m}\nabla^2 + V + iW \right)\psi = E\psi,
in which one can consider that $V$ causes scattering and $W$ causes absorption. The wave function
subject to the conditions that $|\psi|^2$ is everywhere finite and that
u_l(r=0) = 0.
In the external region, $r>a$, the nuclear forces are zero $(V=W=0)$, so the solution has
the form
u_l(r) = I_l(r) - U_l O_l(r) .
$I_l$ represents an incoming free wave, and $O_l$ represents an outgoing free wave. $U_l$ is the ``collision function'' or ``S function'' that describes the effects of the nuclear interaction, giving both the attenuation and the phase shift of the outgoing wave:
|U_l|^2 = 1 &\text{ for } W = 0, \\
|U_l|^2 < 1 &\text{ for } W \neq 0.
Our goal is to determine an appropriate analytic form for $U_l$.
\textbf{Orthogonal eigenvectors in interior region}
For the interior region $r<a$ , we define eigenfunctions $w_{\lambda l}(r)$ and eigenvalues $E_\lambda$,
E_\lambda = \frac{\hbar^2k_\lambda^2}{2m},
for the wave equation without absorption $(W =0)$,
in which both equations of (II A2.9)\ref{eq:schrod-bound-conditions} have been invoked. The integral in Eq. (II A2.10)\ref{eq:eigen-func-orthog} can also be evaluated using Eq. (II A2.8)\ref{eq:wave-func-without-abs}, giving
The internal wave function for the true potential (including the imaginary part $iW$ ) can be
expanded in terms of the eigenfunctions as
u_l(r) = \sum_{\lambda} c_{\lambda l}w_{\lambda l}(r) \;\;\;\;\;\text{for}\;\; r\leq a,
c_{\lambda l} = \int_0^a u_l w_{\lambda l} dr.
This equation for $c_{\lambda l}$ is derived by multiplying Eq. (II A2.15)\ref{eq:internal-wave-func} by $u_{\lambda l}(r)$ , integrating, and applying Eq. (II A2.14)\ref{eq:normalized-wave-func}.