! *** ie Deriv(k,i) = partial Crss(k) wrt either Tzero or LZero
! *** Calculating Deriv(K,I?z) = (2T)(Pre)(Z)(E?z), where
! *** Tr + i Ti = (partial sigmaX wrt R) * Half
! *** Prer + i Prei = partial R wrt E
! *** Z = partial E wrt sqrt(E) = 2*sqrt(E)
! *** Etz = partial sqrt(E) wrt tzero
! *** ELz = partial sqrt(E) wrt eLzero
! *** but do not include the E?z part yet, or missing {dgoj * 1/E^2},
! *** and store in Ddddtl
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:)::Tr,Ti! see above
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:)::Prei,Prer! see above
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::Ddddd,Ddddtl! see above
! *** generate derivatives of Crss & Crssx wrt rho
! *** Dsf ( I) = Deriv of Crss(1 ) wrt rho via phi(I)
! *** Dst (J ,I) = Deriv of Crss(J ) wrt rho via P(I) & S(I)
! *** Dstt(Jj,I) = Deriv of Crss(Jj+2) wrt rho via P(I) & S(I)
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::Dsf! see above
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:)::Dstt,Dst! see above
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:)::Dsfx,Dstx! *** Note that the "f" in Dsf is for "effective" rho, i.e., radius.
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::Xden! The inverse of Eq. (II D1 b.7) = 1/[(E-E_resonance)^2 + (gamma/2)^2]
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:)::termf,termfx! termf(1) = elastic, (2) = absorption, (3) = reaction channels; "x" number of parameters (Numdet) of the ETA detector efficiency is greater than 0.
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:)::crossInternal! used to keep track of cross section+deriv for one row and all channels
real(kind=8),allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:)::angInternal! used to keep track of angula section+deriv for one row and all channels
@@ -91,7 +142,7 @@ module XctCrossCalc_M
! direct capture arrays. Todo update the direct capture to read and store data in C++ class