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% Input %
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\section{The INPut File} \label{sec:input-file}
\caption{VI A.1. Format of the INPut File: Place-holder till we fill in}
C:L & P,T & Variable Name & Meaning (units) & Notes \\ \hline\hline
dum & dumb & dumb & dummy & dummy \\ \hline
dum & dumb & dumb & dummy & dummy \\ \hline\hline
\section{The PARameter File} \label{sec:par-file}
\caption{VI B.2. Format of the PARameter file: Place-holder till we fill in}
C:L & P,T & Variable Name & Meaning (units) & Notes \\ \hline\hline
dum & dumb & dumb & dummy & dummy \\ \hline
dum & dumb & dumb & dummy & dummy \\ \hline\hline
\section{The DATa and Data CoVariance Files} \label{sec:dat-dcv-files}
\section{Integral Data File} \label{sec:int-data-file}
\section{Interactive Input To Sammy} \label{sec:interactive-inp}
\section{Other Input Files For Sammy} \label{sec:other-inp-files}