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Replace tuple-style cast with pointer/stride access

Merged Slattery, Stuart requested to merge (removed):member_pointers into master
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@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@ class AoSoA<MemberDataTypes<Types...>,Device,ArraySize>
, _capacity( 0 )
, _num_soa( 0 )
, _managed_data( nullptr )
, _raw_data( nullptr )
// Construct a container with n elements.
@@ -121,7 +120,6 @@ class AoSoA<MemberDataTypes<Types...>,Device,ArraySize>
, _capacity( 0 )
, _num_soa( 0 )
, _managed_data( nullptr )
, _raw_data( nullptr )
resize( _size );
@@ -192,16 +190,18 @@ class AoSoA<MemberDataTypes<Types...>,Device,ArraySize>
if ( 0 < n % array_size ) ++num_soa_alloc;
_capacity = num_soa_alloc * array_size;
soa_type* rp;
memory_policy::allocate( rp, num_soa_alloc );
soa_type* data_block;
memory_policy::allocate( data_block, num_soa_alloc );
std::shared_ptr<soa_type> sp(
rp, memory_policy::template deallocate<soa_type> );
data_block, memory_policy::template deallocate<soa_type> );
if ( _raw_data != nullptr )
memory_policy::copy( rp, _raw_data, _num_soa );
if ( _managed_data != nullptr )
memory_policy::copy( data_block, _managed_data.get(), _num_soa );
std::swap( _managed_data, sp );
std::swap( _raw_data, rp );
std::integral_constant<std::size_t,number_of_members-1>() );
// Get the number of structs-of-arrays in the array.
@@ -374,51 +374,89 @@ class AoSoA<MemberDataTypes<Types...>,Device,ArraySize>
// -------------------------------
// Raw data access.
// Get the stride between SoA data for a given member at index I.
template<std::size_t I>
// Get the stride between SoA data for a given member at index I. Note
// that this strides are computed in the context of the *value_type* for
// each member.
constexpr std::size_t stride() const
std::size_t stride( const std::size_t I ) const
static_assert( 0 ==
sizeof(soa_type) % sizeof(struct_member_value_type<I>),
"Stride cannont be calculated for misaligned memory!" );
return sizeof(soa_type) / sizeof(struct_member_value_type<I>);
return _strides[I];
// Get a pointer to the data for a given member at index I.
template<std::size_t I>
// Get an un-typed raw pointer to the data for a given member at index
// I. Users will need to cast this pointer to the appropriate type for the
// stride associated with this member to mean anything.
struct_member_pointer_type<I> pointer()
void* data( const std::size_t I )
return static_cast<struct_member_pointer_type<I> >( array<I>(0) );
return _pointers[I];
template<std::size_t I>
struct_member_const_pointer_type<I> pointer() const
const void* data( const std::size_t I ) const
return static_cast<struct_member_pointer_type<I> >( array<I>(0) );
return _pointers[I];
// -------------------------------
// Direct array data access within a struct
// Get a typed pointer to the data for a given member at index I.
template<std::size_t I>
struct_member_pointer_type<I> typedPointer()
return static_cast<struct_member_pointer_type<I> >( _pointers[I] );
// Access the data array at a given struct member index.
template<std::size_t I>
struct_member_array_type<I> array( const std::size_t s )
struct_member_const_pointer_type<I> typedPointer() const
return static_cast<struct_member_pointer_type<I> >( _pointers[I] );
return getStructMember<I>( _raw_data[s] );
// Get the array at the given struct index.
template<std::size_t I>
struct_member_array_type<I> array( const std::size_t s )
return reinterpret_cast<struct_member_array_type<I> >(
typedPointer<I>() + s * _strides[I] );
template<std::size_t I>
struct_member_const_array_type<I> array( const std::size_t s ) const
return getStructMember<I>( _raw_data[s] );
return reinterpret_cast<struct_member_array_type<I> >(
typedPointer<I>() + s * _strides[I] );
// Store the pointers and strides for each member element.
template<std::size_t N>
void assignPointersAndStrides()
static_assert( 0 <= N && N < number_of_members, "Loop out of bounds!" );
soa_type* data_block = _managed_data.get();
_pointers[N] =
static_cast<void*>( getStructMember<N>(data_block[0]) );
static_assert( 0 ==
sizeof(soa_type) % sizeof(struct_member_value_type<N>),
"Stride cannont be calculated for misaligned memory!" );
_strides[N] = sizeof(soa_type) / sizeof(struct_member_value_type<N>);
// Static loop through each member element to extract pointers and strides.
template<std::size_t N>
void storePointersAndStrides( std::integral_constant<std::size_t,N> )
storePointersAndStrides( std::integral_constant<std::size_t,N-1>() );
void storePointersAndStrides( std::integral_constant<std::size_t,0> )
@@ -432,18 +470,18 @@ class AoSoA<MemberDataTypes<Types...>,Device,ArraySize>
// Number of structs-of-arrays in the array.
std::size_t _num_soa;
// Structs-of-Arrays managed data. This shared pointer manages the memory
// pointed to by _raw_data such that the copy constructor and assignment
// operator for this class perform a shallow and reference counted copy of
// the data.
// Structs-of-Arrays managed data. This shared pointer manages the block
// of memory owned by this class such that the copy constructor and
// assignment operator for this class perform a shallow and reference
// counted copy of the data.
std::shared_ptr<soa_type> _managed_data;
// Structs-of-Arrays raw data. This data will be allocated per the
// MemoryPolicy of the given device type on which the class is
// templated. This pointer is managed by _managed_data and will be
// deallocated per the MemoryPolicy when the last copy of this class
// instance is destroyed.
soa_type* _raw_data;
// Pointers to the first element of each member.
void* _pointers[number_of_members];
// Strides for each member. Note that these strides are computed in the
// context of the *value_type* of each member.
std::size_t _strides[number_of_members];