Simulating the Shastry-Sutherland Ising Model using Quantum Annealing
Housing code to simulate the Shastry-Sutherland lattice on D-wave's quantum processor. Manuscript can be found at
Docker container
The associated DockerFile and docker-compose.yml allow one to create a docker container which contains all the necessary packages and dependencies to reproduce the work.
To build this container first run (in the repo directory):
docker build -T dwave:latest .
Once built, you can spin-up the container with docker-compose (in the repo directory):
docker-compose up -d
Now you can go to a browser and connect to ``localhost:9000'' to find the jupyter lab instance.
Data availability
Due to the large amount of data collected for this project the data can not be easily distributed. Please email for requests of the data. Otherwise you can use the data collection scripts and accompanying notebooks to collect your own data from the device of your choosing.