diff --git a/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/ScaffCCAPI.hpp b/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/ScaffCCAPI.hpp
index 0cbecadec63998928b51cc78793f4d2974344717..d551a4efee1df6215e1845ae7d7efcd0512e0886 100644
--- a/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/ScaffCCAPI.hpp
+++ b/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/ScaffCCAPI.hpp
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public:
 			// Execute the scaffold compiler
-			std::system("scaffcc -fp .tmpSrcFile.scaffold &> /dev/null");
+			std::system("scaffcc -fRp .tmpSrcFile.scaffold &> /dev/null");
 			// Remove the temporary source file, we don't need it anymore
diff --git a/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/ScaffoldCompiler.cpp b/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/ScaffoldCompiler.cpp
index 3fed7012ef8b3dafd206572c9b9c15cb0b078e57..79e670b2eabf045bb56a3f2c22dda4b6e7d6ef74 100644
--- a/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/ScaffoldCompiler.cpp
+++ b/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/ScaffoldCompiler.cpp
@@ -155,17 +155,17 @@ void ScaffoldCompiler::modifySource() {
 	std::string fName = (*begin).str();
-	std::string qbitAllocation = "", fargs;
-	if (this->typeToVarKernelArgs.find("qbit") != this->typeToVarKernelArgs.end()) {
-		auto varName = this->typeToVarKernelArgs["qbit"];
-		qbitAllocation = "qbit " + varName + ";\n   ";
-	}
-	for (auto i = typeToVarKernelArgs.begin(); i != typeToVarKernelArgs.end(); ++i) {
-		if ("qbit" == i->first) {
-			fargs += i->second.substr(0, i->second.find_first_of("[")) + ",";
+	std::string varAllocation = "", fargs;
+	for (auto i : orderOfArgs) {
+		auto key = i;
+		auto value = typeToVarKernelArgs[i];
+		if ("qbit" == key) {
+			varAllocation += key + " " + value + ";\n   ";
+			fargs += value.substr(0, value.find_first_of("[")) + ",";
 		} else {
-			fargs += i->second + ",";
+			varAllocation += key + " " + value + " = 0;\n   ";
+			fargs += value + ",";
@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@ void ScaffoldCompiler::modifySource() {
 	// Now wrap in a main function for ScaffCC
-	kernelSource = kernelSource + std::string("\nint main() {\n   ") + qbitAllocation + fName
+	kernelSource = kernelSource + std::string("\nint main() {\n   ") + varAllocation + fName
 			+ std::string(");\n}");
-//	std::cout << "\n" << kernelSource << "\n";
+	std::cout << "\n" << kernelSource << "\n";
 std::shared_ptr<IR> ScaffoldCompiler::compile() {
diff --git a/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/tests/ScaffoldCompilerTester.cpp b/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/tests/ScaffoldCompilerTester.cpp
index d9d2193f994608be8aa869bceaed9ac1b1283137..44ed9a20063dc0906569da2ef21f21c2142b0a02 100644
--- a/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/tests/ScaffoldCompilerTester.cpp
+++ b/quantum/gate/compilers/scaffold/tests/ScaffoldCompilerTester.cpp
@@ -100,3 +100,24 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(checkCodeWithMeasurementIf) {
 	BOOST_VERIFY(graphir->size() == 23);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(checkCodeWithArgument) {
+	using GraphType = QuantumCircuit;
+	auto compiler =
+			qci::common::AbstractFactory::createAndCast<xacc::ICompiler>(
+					"compiler", "scaffold");
+	BOOST_VERIFY(compiler);
+	const std::string src("__qpu__ kernel (qbit qreg[1], double phi) {\n"
+//						"   qbit qreg[1];\n"
+						"   Rz(qreg[0], phi);\n"
+						"}\n");
+	auto ir = compiler->compile(src);
+	auto graphir = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<xacc::GraphIR<GraphType>>(ir);
+	BOOST_VERIFY(graphir);
+	graphir->persist(std::cout);
diff --git a/quantum/gate/utils/QasmToGraph.hpp b/quantum/gate/utils/QasmToGraph.hpp
index c4cbd8667d89b994093cb70e76d7fc2c5d812cea..0e515f9dbc8d6779d95b04bd91549e102a108c5b 100644
--- a/quantum/gate/utils/QasmToGraph.hpp
+++ b/quantum/gate/utils/QasmToGraph.hpp
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ public:
 						line.end(), spaceDelim, -1 }, last;
 				std::vector<std::string> gateCommand = {first, last};
+				std::cout << "GSTER: " << gateCommand[0] << "\n";
 				// Set the gate as a lowercase gate name string
 				auto g = boost::to_lower_copy(gateCommand[0]);
diff --git a/xacc/compiler/Compiler.hpp b/xacc/compiler/Compiler.hpp
index d68cdbd90b579a70392b32ac4e53ffce0f57ba69..70ea763ff42b1de08b9daeb14cc5b890a6fcbe45 100644
--- a/xacc/compiler/Compiler.hpp
+++ b/xacc/compiler/Compiler.hpp
@@ -104,37 +104,19 @@ public:
 		// so derived types can have reference to it
 		kernelSource =  src;
+		kernelArgsToMap();
+		// Set the accelerator
 		accelerator = acc;
+		// Get the bit variable type string
 		auto bitTypeStr = getAsDerived().getBitType();
-		auto firstParen = kernelSource.find_first_of('(');
-		auto secondParen = kernelSource.find_first_of(')', firstParen);
-		auto functionArguments = kernelSource.substr(firstParen+1, (secondParen-firstParen)-1);
-		if (!functionArguments.empty()) {
-			// First search the prototype to see if it has
-			// and argument that declares the accelerator bit buffer
-			// to use in the kernel
-			std::vector<std::string> splitArgs, splitTypeVar;
-			boost::split(splitArgs, functionArguments, boost::is_any_of(","));
-			std::string varName;
-			for (int i = 0; i < splitArgs.size(); i++) {
-				// split type from var name
-				auto s = splitArgs[i];
-				boost::trim(s);
-				boost::split(splitTypeVar, s, boost::is_any_of(" "));
-				auto type = splitTypeVar[0];
-				auto var = splitTypeVar[1];
-				boost::trim(type);
-				boost::trim(var);
-				typeToVarKernelArgs.insert(std::make_pair(type, var));
-				if (boost::contains(type, bitTypeStr)) {
-					varName = var;
-				}
-			}
-			if (typeToVarKernelArgs.find(bitTypeStr)
-					!= typeToVarKernelArgs.end()) {
+		// Get the qubit variable name, if it exists
+		std::string varName;
+		for (auto it = typeToVarKernelArgs.begin(); it != typeToVarKernelArgs.end(); it++) {
+			if (boost::contains(it->first, bitTypeStr)) {
+				varName = it->second;
 				auto nBits = accelerator->getBufferSize(varName);
 						std::string(bitTypeStr + " " + varName),
@@ -147,6 +129,7 @@ public:
 						+ std::to_string(nBits) + "]";
 		// Xacc requires that clients provide
 		// only the body code for an attached
 		// accelerator... Some language compilers
@@ -164,6 +147,9 @@ public:
 	virtual std::shared_ptr<IR> compile(const std::string& src) {
 		kernelSource = src;
+		kernelArgsToMap();
 		// Xacc requires that clients provide
 		// only the body code for an attached
 		// accelerator... Some language compilers
@@ -196,11 +182,43 @@ protected:
 	std::map<std::string, std::string> typeToVarKernelArgs;
+	std::vector<std::string> orderOfArgs;
 	std::shared_ptr<IAccelerator> accelerator;
+	void kernelArgsToMap() {
+		auto firstParen = kernelSource.find_first_of('(');
+		auto secondParen = kernelSource.find_first_of(')', firstParen);
+		auto functionArguments = kernelSource.substr(firstParen+1, (secondParen-firstParen)-1);
+		int counter = 0;
+		if (!functionArguments.empty()) {
+			// First search the prototype to see if it has
+			// and argument that declares the accelerator bit buffer
+			// to use in the kernel
+			std::vector<std::string> splitArgs, splitTypeVar;
+			boost::split(splitArgs, functionArguments, boost::is_any_of(","));
+			std::string varName;
+			for (int i = 0; i < splitArgs.size(); i++) {
+				// split type from var name
+				auto s = splitArgs[i];
+				boost::trim(s);
+				boost::split(splitTypeVar, s, boost::is_any_of(" "));
+				auto type = splitTypeVar[0];
+				auto var = splitTypeVar[1];
+				boost::trim(type);
+				boost::trim(var);
+				std::cout << "Adding " << type << ", " << var << "\n";
+				typeToVarKernelArgs.insert(std::make_pair(type, var));
+				orderOfArgs.push_back(type);
+			}
+		}
+	}