diff --git a/examples/quantum/gate/CMakeLists.txt b/examples/quantum/gate/CMakeLists.txt
index f0fb15b997030b0acac4447ff4b0749cb7152254..e014e7d8f07bfc4d3d36f1d01f7cdeaecd515b69 100644
--- a/examples/quantum/gate/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/examples/quantum/gate/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
diff --git a/examples/quantum/gate/teleport_scaffold.cpp b/examples/quantum/gate/teleport_scaffold.cpp
index 59bfb6bdbb765c8d31c3846edba1a27c9991b1f0..1b89f0381f6ffc07712fdf8750238d840bd5e4f2 100644
--- a/examples/quantum/gate/teleport_scaffold.cpp
+++ b/examples/quantum/gate/teleport_scaffold.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include "XACC.hpp"
-#include "EigenAccelerator.hpp"
+#include "FireTensorAccelerator.hpp"
 // Quantum Kernel executing teleportation of
 // qubit state to another.
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ const std::string src("__qpu__ teleport (qbit qreg) {\n"
 int main (int argc, char** argv) {
 	// Create a convenient alias...
-	using Simple6QubitAcc = xacc::quantum::EigenAccelerator<6>;
+	using Simple6QubitAcc = xacc::quantum::FireTensorAccelerator<6>;
 	// Create a reference to the 3 qubit simulation Accelerator
 	auto qpu = std::make_shared<Simple6QubitAcc>();
diff --git a/quantum/gate/accelerators/SimulatedQubits.hpp b/quantum/gate/accelerators/SimulatedQubits.hpp
index b93e9967fdd5b5abbb133c6f8e086974cd180fab..d5e8b73759afe1f101b3a348fa2a5cdc28e151b7 100644
--- a/quantum/gate/accelerators/SimulatedQubits.hpp
+++ b/quantum/gate/accelerators/SimulatedQubits.hpp
@@ -3,35 +3,55 @@
 #include "Accelerator.hpp"
 #include <complex>
-#include <Eigen/Dense>
+#include "Tensor.hpp"
 namespace xacc {
 namespace quantum {
-using QubitState = Eigen::VectorXcd;
+using QubitState = fire::Tensor<1>;
+using IndexPair = std::pair<int,int>;
+ * SimulatedQubits is an AcceleratorBuffer that
+ * models simulated qubits. As such, it keeps track of the
+ * state of the qubit buffer using a Rank 1 Fire Tensor.
+ * It provides an interface for applying unitary operations on the
+ * qubit buffer state.
 template<const int TotalNumberOfQubits>
 class SimulatedQubits: public AcceleratorBuffer {
+	/**
+	 * The qubit buffer state.
+	 */
 	QubitState bufferState;
+	/**
+	 * The Constructor, creates a state of size
+	 * 2^TotalNumberOfQubits.
+	 *
+	 * @param str
+	 */
 	SimulatedQubits(const std::string& str) :
-			AcceleratorBuffer(str), bufferState((int) std::pow(2, TotalNumberOfQubits)) {
+			AcceleratorBuffer(str), bufferState(
+					(int) std::pow(2, TotalNumberOfQubits)) {
 		// Initialize to |000...000> state
-		bufferState.setZero();
 		bufferState(0) = 1.0;
+	/**
+	 * The Constructor, creates a state with given size
+	 * N.
+	 * @param str
+	 * @param N
+	 */
 	SimulatedQubits(const std::string& str, const int N) :
 			AcceleratorBuffer(str, N), bufferState((int) std::pow(2, N)) {
-		bufferState.setZero();
 		bufferState(0) = 1.0;
@@ -41,30 +61,62 @@ public:
 					(int) std::pow(2, sizeof...(indices) + 1)) {
-	void applyUnitary(Eigen::MatrixXcd& U) {
-		bufferState = U * bufferState;
+	/**
+	 * Apply the given unitary matrix to this qubit
+	 * buffer state.
+	 *
+	 * @param U
+	 */
+	void applyUnitary(fire::Tensor<2>& U) {
+		assert(
+				U.dimension(0) == bufferState.dimension(0)
+						&& U.dimension(1) == bufferState.dimension(0));
+		std::array<IndexPair, 1> contractionIndices;
+		contractionIndices[0] = std::make_pair(1, 0);
+		bufferState = U.contract(bufferState, contractionIndices);
+	/**
+	 * Normalize the state.
+	 */
+	void normalize() {
+		double sum = 0.0;
+		for (int i = 0; i < bufferState.dimension(0); i++)
+			sum += bufferState(i) * bufferState(i);
+		for (int i = 0; i < bufferState.dimension(0); i++)
+			bufferState(i) = bufferState(i) / std::sqrt(sum);
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Return the current state
+	 *
+	 * @return
+	 */
 	QubitState& getState() {
 		return bufferState;
+	/**
+	 * Set the state.
+	 * @param st
+	 */
 	void setState(QubitState& st) {
 		bufferState = st;
+	/**
+	 * Print the state to the provided output stream.
+	 *
+	 * @param stream
+	 */
 	void printBufferState(std::ostream& stream) {
-		for (int i = 0; i < bufferState.rows(); i++) {
+		for (int i = 0; i < bufferState.dimension(0); i++) {
 					<< std::bitset<TotalNumberOfQubits>(i).to_string().substr(
 							size(), TotalNumberOfQubits) << " -> "
 					<< bufferState(i) << "\n";
-	void mapBufferStateToSystemState() {
-	}
diff --git a/quantum/gate/accelerators/eigenaccelerator/EigenAccelerator.hpp b/quantum/gate/accelerators/firetensoraccelerator/FireTensorAccelerator.hpp
similarity index 65%
rename from quantum/gate/accelerators/eigenaccelerator/EigenAccelerator.hpp
rename to quantum/gate/accelerators/firetensoraccelerator/FireTensorAccelerator.hpp
index 488391dad576d8b18808849441edd9e8b6ca968e..2f03bd9d0ff7464a8e5421b8665cdade8cedd3f8 100644
--- a/quantum/gate/accelerators/eigenaccelerator/EigenAccelerator.hpp
+++ b/quantum/gate/accelerators/firetensoraccelerator/FireTensorAccelerator.hpp
@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
 #include "QasmToGraph.hpp"
 #include "GraphIR.hpp"
 #include "SimulatedQubits.hpp"
-#include <unsupported/Eigen/KroneckerProduct>
 #include <random>
 namespace xacc {
@@ -46,44 +45,52 @@ using GraphType = qci::common::Graph<CircuitNode>;
 using QuantumGraphIR = xacc::GraphIR<GraphType>;
- *
+ * The FireTensorAccelerator is an XACC Accelerator that simulates
+ * gate based quantum computing circuits. It models the QPUGate Accelerator
+ * with SimulatedQubit AcceleratorBuffer. It relies on the Fire Scientific Computing
+ * Framework's tensor module to model a specific set of quantum gates. It uses these
+ * tensors to build up the unitary matrix described by the circuit.
 template<const int NQubits>
-class EigenAccelerator : virtual public QPUGate<SimulatedQubits<NQubits>> {
+class FireTensorAccelerator : virtual public QPUGate<SimulatedQubits<NQubits>> {
 	 * The constructor, create tensor gates
-	EigenAccelerator() {
-		Eigen::MatrixXcd h(2,2), cnot(4,4), I(2,2), x(2,2), p0(2,2), p1(2,2), z(2,2);
-		h << 1.0/sqrt2,1.0/sqrt2, 1.0/sqrt2,-1.0/sqrt2;
-		cnot << 1, 0, 0, 0,0, 1, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0;
-		x << 0, 1, 1, 0;
-		I << 1,0,0,1;
-		p0 << 1, 0, 0, 0;
-		p1 << 0, 0, 0, 1;
-		z << 1, 0, 0, -1;
-		gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("h",h));
-		gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("cnot",cnot));
-		gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("I",I));
-		gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("x",x));
-		gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("p0",p0));
-		gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("p1",p1));
-		gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("z",z));
+	FireTensorAccelerator() {
+		fire::Tensor<2> h(2,2), cnot(4,4), I(2,2), x(2,2), p0(2,2), p1(2,2), z(2,2);
+		h.setValues({{1.0/sqrt2, 1.0/sqrt2},{1.0/sqrt2,-1.0/sqrt2}});
+		cnot.setValues({{1,0,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,0,0,1},{0,0,1,0}});
+		x.setValues({{0, 1},{1, 0}});
+		I.setValues({{1,0},{0,1}});
+		p0.setValues({{1,0},{0,0}});
+		p1.setValues({{0,0},{0,1}});
+		z.setValues({{1,0},{0,-1}});
+		gates.insert(std::make_pair("h",h));
+		gates.insert(std::make_pair("cont",cnot));
+		gates.insert(std::make_pair("x",x));
+		gates.insert(std::make_pair("I",I));
+		gates.insert(std::make_pair("p0",p0));
+		gates.insert(std::make_pair("p1",p1));
+		gates.insert(std::make_pair("z",z));
+	 * Execute the simulation. Requires both a valid SimulatedQubits buffer and
+	 * Graph IR instance modeling the quantum circuit.
 	 * @param ir
 	virtual void execute(const std::string& bufferId, const std::shared_ptr<xacc::IR> ir) {
+		// Get the requested qubit buffer
 		auto qubits = this->allocatedBuffers[bufferId];
 		if (!qubits) {
 			QCIError("Invalid buffer id. Could not get qubit buffer.");
+		// Set the size
 		int nQubits = qubits->size();
 		// Cast to a GraphIR, if we can...
@@ -92,23 +99,21 @@ public:
 			QCIError("Invalid IR - this Accelerator only accepts GraphIR<Graph<CircuitNode>>.");
-		// Get the Graph
+		// Get the Graph and related info
 		std::vector<CircuitNode> gateOperations;
 		std::map<int, int> qubitIdToMeasuredResult;
 		auto graph = graphir->getGraph();
 		int nNodes = graph.order(), layer = 1;
 		int finalLayer = graph.getVertexProperty<1>(nNodes - 1);
+		// Get a vector of all gates
 		for (int i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) {
 			CircuitNode n;
 			n.properties = graph.getVertexProperties(i);
-//		std::cout << "Initial State:\n";
-//		qubits->printState(std::cout);
-//		std::cout << "\n";
+		// Loop over all gates in the circuit
 		for (auto gate : gateOperations) {
 			// Skip disabled gates...
@@ -117,16 +122,17 @@ public:
 			// Create a list of nQubits Identity gates
-			std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXcd> productList(nQubits);
+			std::vector<fire::Tensor<2>> productList;
 			for (int i = 0; i < nQubits; i++) {
-				productList[i] = gates["I"];
+				productList.push_back(gates.at("I"));
-			// Create a local U gate
-			Eigen::MatrixXcd localU;
+			// Create a local U gate, initialized to identity
+			fire::Tensor<2> localU = gates.at("I");
 			// Get the current gate anme
 			auto gateName = std::get<0>(gate.properties);
 			// Get the qubits we're acting on...
 			auto actingQubits = std::get<3>(gate.properties);
@@ -153,26 +159,28 @@ public:
 						if (std::get<0>(gateOperations[i].properties) == "FinalState") {
-//						std::cout << "Enabling " << graph.getVertexProperty<0>(i) << "\n";
 						std::get<4>(gateOperations[i].properties) = true;
 			} else if (gateName == "measure") {
-				// get rho
-				auto rho = qubits->getState() * qubits->getState().transpose();
+				// get rho - outer product of state with itself
+				auto rho = qubits->getState() * qubits->getState();
-				productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates["p0"];
 				// Create a total unitary for this layer of the circuit
-				auto temp = productList[0];
+				productList.at(actingQubits[0]) = gates.at("p0");
+				auto Pi0 = productList.at(0);
 				for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
-					temp = kroneckerProduct(temp, productList[i]).eval();
+					Pi0 = Pi0.kronProd(productList.at(i));
 				// Get probability qubit is a 0
-				auto temp2 = temp * rho;
-				auto probZero = temp2.trace();
+				double probZero = 0.0;
+				std::array<IndexPair, 1> contractionIndices;
+				contractionIndices[0] = std::make_pair(1, 0);
+				auto Prob0 = Pi0.contract(rho, contractionIndices);
+				for (int i = 0; i < Prob0.dimension(0); i++) probZero += Prob0(i,i);
 				// Make the measurement random...
 				std::random_device rd;
@@ -182,23 +190,21 @@ public:
 				auto val = dist(mt);
 				if (val < std::real(probZero)) {
 					result = 0;
-					Eigen::VectorXcd newState = (temp * qubits->getState());
-					newState.normalize();
-					qubits->setState(newState);
+					qubits->applyUnitary(Pi0);
+					qubits->normalize();
 				} else {
 					result = 1;
-					productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates["p1"];
+					productList.at(actingQubits[0]) = gates.at("p1");
 					// Create a total unitary for this layer of the circuit
-					auto temp = productList[0];
+					auto Pi1 = productList.at(0);
 					for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
-						temp = kroneckerProduct(temp, productList[i]).eval();
+						Pi1 = Pi1.kronProd(productList.at(i));
-					Eigen::VectorXcd newState = (temp * qubits->getState());
-					newState.normalize();
-					qubits->setState(newState);
+					qubits->applyUnitary(Pi1);
+					qubits->normalize();
-//				std::cout << "Measured qubit " << actingQubits[0] << " to be a " << result << ": prob was " << probZero << "\n";
+				// Record the measurement result
 				qubitIdToMeasuredResult.insert(std::make_pair(actingQubits[0], result));
 			} else {
@@ -209,65 +215,62 @@ public:
 						// If this is a one qubit gate, just replace
 						// the currect I in the list with the gate
-						productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates[gateName];
+						productList.at(actingQubits[0]) = gates.at(gateName);
 						// Create a total unitary for this layer of the circuit
-						localU = productList[0];
+						localU = productList.at(0);
 						for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
-							localU =
-									kroneckerProduct(localU, productList[i]).eval();
+							localU = localU.kronProd(productList.at(i));
 					} else if (actingQubits.size() == 2) {
 						// If this is a 2 qubit gate, then we need t
 						// to construct Kron(P0, I, ..., I) + Kron(P1, I, ..., Gate, ..., I)
-						productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates["p0"];
-						localU = productList[0];
+						productList.at(actingQubits[0]) = gates.at("p0");
+						localU = productList.at(0);
 						for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
-							localU =
-									kroneckerProduct(localU, productList[i]).eval();
+							localU = localU.kronProd(productList.at(i));
 						// Now create the second term in the sum
-						productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates["p1"];
-						productList[actingQubits[1]] = gates[gateName == "cnot" ? "x" : "I"];
-						auto temp = productList[0];
+						productList.at(actingQubits[0]) = gates.at("p1");
+						productList.at(actingQubits[1]) = gates.at(gateName == "cnot" ? "x" : "I");
+						auto temp = productList.at(0);
 						for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
-							temp =
-									kroneckerProduct(temp, productList[i]).eval();
+							temp = temp.kronProd(productList.at(i));
 						// Sum them up
-						localU += temp;
+						localU = localU + temp;
 					} else {
 						QCIError("Can only simulate one and two qubit gates.");
 					// Make sure that localU is the correct size
-					assert(localU.rows() == std::pow(2, nQubits) && localU.cols() == std::pow(2,nQubits));
+					assert(
+							localU.dimension(0) == std::pow(2, nQubits)
+									&& localU.dimension(1)
+											== std::pow(2, nQubits));
+					// Appy the unitary and update th state
-//					std::cout << "Current State after " << gateName << ":\n";
-//					qubits->printState(std::cout);
-//					std::cout << "\n" << localU << "\n";
-		// Map buffer state to accelerator system state
 	 * The destructor
-	virtual ~EigenAccelerator() {
-	}
+	virtual ~FireTensorAccelerator() {}
-	std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd> gates;
+	/**
+	 * Mapping of gate names to actual gate matrices.
+	 */
+	std::map<std::string, fire::Tensor<2>> gates;
diff --git a/quantum/gate/accelerators/tests/EigenAcceleratorTester.cpp b/quantum/gate/accelerators/tests/FireTensorAcceleratorTester.hpp
similarity index 98%
rename from quantum/gate/accelerators/tests/EigenAcceleratorTester.cpp
rename to quantum/gate/accelerators/tests/FireTensorAcceleratorTester.hpp
index 0c8dbdfc53548ca7c2c8ab1a6a7d02424866cc4e..37211f99054cae91504bd1f7515a766098a4fa46 100644
--- a/quantum/gate/accelerators/tests/EigenAcceleratorTester.cpp
+++ b/quantum/gate/accelerators/tests/FireTensorAcceleratorTester.hpp
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include <boost/test/included/unit_test.hpp>
-#include "EigenAccelerator.hpp"
+#include "FireTensorAccelerator.hpp"
 #include "GraphIR.hpp"
 using namespace xacc::quantum;
 BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(checkConstruction) {
-	EigenAccelerator<3> acc;
+	FireTensorAccelerator<3> acc;
 //	auto qreg = acc.allocate("qreg");
diff --git a/xacc/accelerator/Accelerator.hpp b/xacc/accelerator/Accelerator.hpp
index 73a1e34300d3985e0721b6193344b4534dfee54e..562100c52880a44f850b7495252ae5c4a1b359f2 100644
--- a/xacc/accelerator/Accelerator.hpp
+++ b/xacc/accelerator/Accelerator.hpp
@@ -55,14 +55,6 @@ struct is_valid_bitstype<T, decltype(std::declval<T>().N, void())> : std::true_t
 enum AcceleratorType { qpu_gate, qpu_aqc, npu };
- * The AcceleratorBits class provides a common
- * base class for allocating accelerator-specific
- * bit resources (for example, qubits). It takes an
- * integer template parameter at construction that indicates
- * the number of bits this AcceleratorBits models.
- *
- * Derived Accelerators should define a subclass of this
- * class that models the hardware.
  * @author Alex McCaskey
@@ -91,39 +83,6 @@ protected:
 	int bufferSize = 0;
 	std::string bufferId;
-//template<const int Number>
-//class AcceleratorBits {
-//	/**
-//	 * Reference to the number of bits
-//	 */
-//	static constexpr int N = Number;
-//	/**
-//	 * Return the current state of the bits
-//	 * @return
-//	 */
-//	virtual std::bitset<(size_t) Number> measure() {
-//		return bits;
-//	}
-//	template<typename... SubBits>
-//	auto allocateSubset(
-//			SubBits ... subset) ->
-//			decltype(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBits<sizeof...(SubBits)>>()) {
-//	}
-//	virtual ~AcceleratorBits() {}
-//	/**
-//	 *  The bits themselves
-//	 */
-//	std::bitset<(size_t)Number> bits;
-//	std::vector<int> activeBits;
 class IAccelerator : public qci::common::QCIObject {