/* * Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0. See * accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. * * TestBPWriteProfilingJSON.cpp * * Created on: Jul 18, 2017 * Author: William F Godoy godoywf@ornl.gov */ #include <cstdint> #include <cstring> #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <adios2.h> #include <gtest/gtest.h> #include <json.hpp> //This fails to be included #include "../SmallTestData.h" using json = nlohmann::json; class BPWriteProfilingJSONTest : public ::testing::Test { public: BPWriteProfilingJSONTest() = default; SmallTestData m_TestData; }; //****************************************************************************** // 1D 1x8 test data //****************************************************************************** // ADIOS2 write, native ADIOS1 read TEST_F(BPWriteProfilingJSONTest, ADIOS2BPWriteProfilingJSON) { std::string fname = "ADIOS2BPWriteProfilingJSON.bp"; // Write test data and profiling.json using ADIOS2 { adios2::ADIOS adios(true); adios2::IO &io = adios.DeclareIO("TestIO"); // Declare 1D variables { auto &var_i8 = io.DefineVariable<char>("i8", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); auto &var_i16 = io.DefineVariable<short>("i16", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); auto &var_i32 = io.DefineVariable<int>("i32", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); auto &var_i64 = io.DefineVariable<long>("i64", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); auto &var_u8 = io.DefineVariable<unsigned char>("u8", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); auto &var_u16 = io.DefineVariable<unsigned short>("u16", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); auto &var_u32 = io.DefineVariable<unsigned int>("u32", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); auto &var_u64 = io.DefineVariable<unsigned long>("u64", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); auto &var_r32 = io.DefineVariable<float>("r32", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); auto &var_r64 = io.DefineVariable<double>("r64", {}, {}, adios2::Dims{8}); } // Create the BP Engine io.SetEngine("BPFileWriter"); io.SetParameters({{"Threads", "2"}}); io.AddTransport("File", {{"Library", "POSIX"}}); auto engine = io.Open(fname, adios2::OpenMode::Write); ASSERT_NE(engine.get(), nullptr); for (size_t step = 0; step < 3; ++step) { // Retrieve the variables that previously went out of scope auto &var_i8 = io.GetVariable<char>("i8"); auto &var_i16 = io.GetVariable<short>("i16"); auto &var_i32 = io.GetVariable<int>("i32"); auto &var_i64 = io.GetVariable<long>("i64"); auto &var_u8 = io.GetVariable<unsigned char>("u8"); auto &var_u16 = io.GetVariable<unsigned short>("u16"); auto &var_u32 = io.GetVariable<unsigned int>("u32"); auto &var_u64 = io.GetVariable<unsigned long>("u64"); auto &var_r32 = io.GetVariable<float>("r32"); auto &var_r64 = io.GetVariable<double>("r64"); // Write each one engine->Write(var_i8, m_TestData.I8.data() + step); engine->Write(var_i16, m_TestData.I16.data() + step); engine->Write(var_i32, m_TestData.I32.data() + step); engine->Write(var_i64, m_TestData.I64.data() + step); engine->Write(var_u8, m_TestData.U8.data() + step); engine->Write(var_u16, m_TestData.U16.data() + step); engine->Write(var_u32, m_TestData.U32.data() + step); engine->Write(var_u64, m_TestData.U64.data() + step); engine->Write(var_r32, m_TestData.R32.data() + step); engine->Write(var_r64, m_TestData.R64.data() + step); // Advance to the next time step engine->Advance(); } // Close the file engine->Close(); } // open json file, parse it to a json structure, and verify a few things { std::ifstream profilingJSONFile(fname + ".dir/profiling.json"); std::stringstream buffer; buffer << profilingJSONFile.rdbuf(); const json profilingJSON = json::parse(buffer); // check rank is zero const int rank = profilingJSON[0].value("rank", -1); ASSERT_EQ(rank, 0); // check threads const int threads = profilingJSON[0].value("threads", 0); ASSERT_EQ(threads, 2); // check bytes const unsigned long int bytes = profilingJSON[0].value("bytes", 0UL); ASSERT_EQ(bytes, 6536); const auto transportType = profilingJSON[0]["transport_0"].value("type", "0"); ASSERT_EQ(transportType, "File_POSIX"); } }