engine%type is always BPFile
Created by: pnorbert
No matter what the engine is, this fortran structure member is always BPFile:
call adios2_open (bp_writer, io, filename, adios2_mode_write, adios2_err)
! For information purposes only:
if (rank == 0) then
print '("Using ",a, " engine for output")', bp_writer%type
adios@adiosVM:~/work/adiosvm/Tutorial/heat2d/fortran$ mpirun -n 12 simulation/heatSimulation_adios2 heat 4 3 40 50 10 1000 : -n 3 ../cpp/heatAnalysis heat.bp analysis.bp 3 1
Process decomposition : 4 x 3
Array size per process : 40 x 50
Number of output steps : 10
Iterations per step : 1000
Simulation step 0: initialization
Using BPFile engine for output