SST reading from Python
Created by: suchyta1
I've been working with a modified version of the heat transfer example, which can use SST to stage the output data, and then read it back from a Python plotting script. All the code to build and run is here.
The example job can either run using files (group='bpfile') or staging (group='sst'). And I've attached the set of plots that result in both cases, where I've used matplotlib to create an image of the temperature data over the full x-y space -- just reading from a single process.
I've pasted the first time step from each. The file read is on top and the SST read below. Both have used exactly the same read statements. It looks like SST might be transposing something with the dimensions for the different process. I wrote from 4 process, and it looks like all the correct data is there, it's just been mis-arranged.
Possibly a row-major vs. column-major issuse? I am writing from fortran and then reading from Python. Should one always use the writer's type when reading from SST? I used what would be typical from a .bp file, i.e. row major.