diff --git a/bindings/python/Makefile b/bindings/python/Makefile
index 2f9f607d7e79927b4a817b53da7ccf47eeee99de..53d9d5e9b2813973b0eaa077b229a3bdf9bd5904 100644
--- a/bindings/python/Makefile
+++ b/bindings/python/Makefile
@@ -8,11 +8,16 @@ MPICC:=mpic++
 CPPFiles:=$(shell find ./source -type f -name "*.cpp")
 OBJS:=$(patsubst %.cpp, ./bin/%.o, $(notdir $(CPPFiles)) )
-# Python
+# Python 2.7
 PYTHON_INC:= /usr/include/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)
 PYTHON_LIBLOC:= /usr/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/config-x86_64-linux-gnu/
+# Python 3.5 ...doesn't work ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (initadios2py)
+#PYTHON_INC:= /usr/include/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)
+#PYTHON_LIBLOC:= /usr/lib/python$(PYTHON_VERSION)/config-3.5m-x86_64-linux-gnu/
 ADIOS2_INC:= /usr/local/include
diff --git a/bindings/python/README.md b/bindings/python/README.md
index 5f363d7b2b153b4afa72926b734cb5b52a28394d..e2e686715368a393bf43aac3be9882fbc03c0904 100644
--- a/bindings/python/README.md
+++ b/bindings/python/README.md
@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@ Python bindings for ADIOS 2.0 using PyBind11
-	Python 2.7.x and above
+	Python 2.7.x and above (still testing 3.5)
 	Numpy and MPI4PY
 	ADIOS2 shared library (libadios2.so)  
\ No newline at end of file
+	helloBPWriter.py  from adios2/examples/hello/bpWriter
+	helloBPTimeWriter.py from adios2/examples/hello/bpTimeWriter
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bindings/python/helloBPTimeWriter.py b/bindings/python/helloBPTimeWriter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a02fa7062465f02930540c9a98ecce87d35d7c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bindings/python/helloBPTimeWriter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# clang-format off
+# Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0.  See
+# accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
+# test_hello.py
+#  Created on: Feb 2, 2017
+#      Author: wfg
+from mpi4py import MPI
+from adios2py import *
+import numpy as np
+# MPI
+rank = comm.Get_rank()
+size = comm.Get_size()
+# User data
+myArray = np.array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
+nx = myArray.size
+adios = ADIOS(comm, adiosDebugON)
+# IO
+bpIO = adios.DeclareIO("BPN2N")
+# Variables
+bpArray = bpIO.DefineVariable("bpArray", [size * nx], [rank * nx], [nx],
+                              adiosConstantDims)
+bpTimeStep = bpIO.DefineVariable("bpTimeStep")
+# Engine
+bpFileWriter = bpIO.Open("myArray.bp", adiosOpenModeWrite)
+# Doesn't work: bpFileWriter = bpIO.Open("myArray.bp", adiosOpenModeWrite,
+#                                                      MPI.COMM_WORLD)
+for t in range(0, 10):
+    if(rank == 0):
+        bpFileWriter.Write(bpTimeStep, np.array([t]))
+    bpFileWriter.Write(bpArray, myArray)
+    bpFileWriter.Advance()
diff --git a/bindings/python/helloBPWriter.py b/bindings/python/helloBPWriter.py
index fb39e326cba510343378045965080a411c1755d8..75eb6ce596e435ee0bb65d8dd5a7363357189a60 100644
--- a/bindings/python/helloBPWriter.py
+++ b/bindings/python/helloBPWriter.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+# clang-format off
 # Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0.  See
 # accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
@@ -10,17 +11,22 @@ from mpi4py import MPI
 from adios2py import *
 import numpy as np
 # User data
-myArray = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5.])
-print "Read " + str(adiosRead)
+myArray = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6.])
-adios = ADIOS(MPI.COMM_WORLD, True)
+adios = ADIOS(MPI.COMM_WORLD, adiosDebugON)
+# IO
 bpIO = adios.DeclareIO("BPN2N")
-ioArray = bpIO.DefineVariable("bpArray", [myArray.size], [0], [myArray.size], True)
-bpFileWriter = bpIO.Open("myArray.bp", adiosWrite)
+# Variable
+ioArray = bpIO.DefineVariable(
+    "bpArray", [myArray.size], [0], [myArray.size], adiosConstantDims)
+# Engine
+bpFileWriter = bpIO.Open("myArray.bp", adiosOpenModeWrite)
+# bpFileWriter = bpIO.Open("myArray.bp", adiosOpenModeWrite,
+# MPI.COMM_WORLD) //doesn't work
 bpFileWriter.Write(ioArray, myArray)
diff --git a/bindings/python/source/ADIOSPy.cpp b/bindings/python/source/ADIOSPy.cpp
index c613882bb935ee3ab1397a99dca5dec03f0a2249..f258de2bff7035e1a6005002613ca700be96a0cd 100644
--- a/bindings/python/source/ADIOSPy.cpp
+++ b/bindings/python/source/ADIOSPy.cpp
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
 #include "adiosPyTypes.h"
-#include <iostream>
 namespace adios
@@ -24,8 +22,6 @@ ADIOSPy::ADIOSPy(MPI_Comm mpiComm, const bool debug)
 IOPy ADIOSPy::DeclareIO(const std::string name)
-    std::cout << "Declaring IO " << name << "\n";
     return IOPy(m_ADIOS.DeclareIO(name), m_DebugMode);
diff --git a/bindings/python/source/EnginePy.cpp b/bindings/python/source/EnginePy.cpp
index b60efe9712288c6bd1e441ab64711fd17511b466..e703f61d15c52a569f5710bab83471f79d2acbe5 100644
--- a/bindings/python/source/EnginePy.cpp
+++ b/bindings/python/source/EnginePy.cpp
@@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ void EnginePy::Advance(const float timeoutSeconds)
-void EnginePy::Close() { m_Engine->Close(); }
+void EnginePy::Close(const int transportIndex)
+    m_Engine->Close(transportIndex);
 } // end namespace adios
diff --git a/bindings/python/source/EnginePy.h b/bindings/python/source/EnginePy.h
index 19f6e1dea69d28ac0041e366dd9ffac40399961c..68130704b2936469d608b8a12cb14f54fa8fee1b 100644
--- a/bindings/python/source/EnginePy.h
+++ b/bindings/python/source/EnginePy.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ public:
     void Advance(const float timeoutSeconds = 0.);
-    void Close();
+    void Close(const int transportIndex = -1);
     IO &m_IO;
diff --git a/bindings/python/source/IOPy.cpp b/bindings/python/source/IOPy.cpp
index 692b2b018005f261f1500cbb0573565ba76cfc06..e1bfc599d81b2008ef9f42e67924469ae353f5dd 100644
--- a/bindings/python/source/IOPy.cpp
+++ b/bindings/python/source/IOPy.cpp
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 #include <mpi4py/mpi4py.h>
+#include "adiosPyFunctions.h" //PyObjectToMPIComm
 namespace adios
@@ -20,44 +22,81 @@ IOPy::IOPy(IO &io, const bool debugMode) : m_IO(io), m_DebugMode(debugMode)
     m_IO.m_HostLanguage = "Python";
-void IOPy::SetParameters(const pyKwargs &kwargs)
+void IOPy::SetEngine(const std::string engine) { m_IO.SetEngine(engine); }
+void IOPy::SetParameters(const pyKwargs &kwargs) noexcept
-unsigned int IOPy::AddTransport(const std::string type, const pyKwargs &kwargs)
+unsigned int IOPy::AddTransport(const std::string type,
+                                const pyKwargs &kwargs) noexcept
     return m_IO.AddTransport(type, KwargsToParams(kwargs));
-VariablePy IOPy::DefineVariable(const std::string &name, const pyList shape,
-                                const pyList start, const pyList count,
-                                const bool isConstantDims)
+VariablePy &IOPy::DefineVariable(const std::string &name, const pyList shape,
+                                 const pyList start, const pyList count,
+                                 const bool isConstantDims)
+    if (m_DebugMode)
+    {
+        if (m_Variables.count(name) == 1)
+        {
+            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: variable " + name +
+                                        " already exists, use GetVariable, in "
+                                        "call to DefineVariable\n");
+        }
+    }
+    auto itVariableEmplace =
+        m_Variables.emplace(name, VariablePy(name, shape, start, count,
+                                             isConstantDims, m_DebugMode));
+    return itVariableEmplace.first->second;
+VariablePy &IOPy::GetVariable(const std::string &name)
-    return VariablePy(name, shape, start, count, isConstantDims, m_DebugMode);
+    auto itVariable = m_Variables.find(name);
+    if (m_DebugMode)
+    {
+        if (itVariable == m_Variables.end())
+        {
+            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: variable " + name +
+                                        " doesn't exist, in "
+                                        "call to GetVariable\n");
+        }
+    }
+    return itVariable->second;
+EnginePy IOPy::Open(const std::string &name, const int openMode,
+                    adios::pyObject &object)
+    MPI_Comm *mpiCommPtr = PyMPIComm_Get(object.ptr());
+    if (import_mpi4py() < 0)
+    {
+        throw std::logic_error("ERROR: could not import mpi4py "
+                               "communicator, in call to ADIOS "
+                               "constructor\n");
+    }
+    if (mpiCommPtr == nullptr)
+    {
+        throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: mpi4py communicator is null, in call "
+                                 "to ADIOS constructor\n");
+    }
+    return EnginePy(m_IO, name, static_cast<adios::OpenMode>(openMode),
+                    *mpiCommPtr);
 EnginePy IOPy::Open(const std::string &name, const int openMode)
-    //    MPI_Comm *mpiCommPtr = PyMPIComm_Get(pyMPIComm.ptr());
-    //
-    //    if (m_DebugMode)
-    //    {
-    //        if (mpiCommPtr == NULL)
-    //        {
-    //            throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: mpi4py communicator for
-    //            engine " +
-    //                                     name + " is null, in call to IO
-    //                                     Open\n");
-    //        }
-    //    }
     return EnginePy(m_IO, name, static_cast<adios::OpenMode>(openMode),
-// EnginePy IOPy::Open(const std::string &name, const OpenMode openMode)
-//    return EnginePy(m_IO, name, openMode, m_IO.m_MPIComm);
-} // end namespace
+} // end namespace adios
diff --git a/bindings/python/source/IOPy.h b/bindings/python/source/IOPy.h
index 6bacc3a4183f443d6acfd16f24c6f207a661cf5f..8838d6a63532fac7fa88c5460cb940f0d12f38fd 100644
--- a/bindings/python/source/IOPy.h
+++ b/bindings/python/source/IOPy.h
@@ -32,16 +32,25 @@ public:
     ~IOPy() = default;
-    void SetParameters(const pyKwargs &kwargs);
-    unsigned int AddTransport(const std::string type, const pyKwargs &kwargs);
+    void SetEngine(const std::string engineType);
-    VariablePy DefineVariable(const std::string &name, const pyList shape,
-                              const pyList start, const pyList count,
-                              const bool isConstantDims);
+    void SetParameters(const pyKwargs &kwargs) noexcept;
+    unsigned int AddTransport(const std::string type,
+                              const pyKwargs &kwargs) noexcept;
+    VariablePy &DefineVariable(const std::string &name, const pyList shape,
+                               const pyList start, const pyList count,
+                               const bool isConstantDims);
+    VariablePy &GetVariable(const std::string &name);
+    EnginePy Open(const std::string &name, const int openMode,
+                  adios::pyObject &object);
     EnginePy Open(const std::string &name, const int openMode);
-    // EnginePy Open(const std::string &name, const OpenMode openMode);
+    std::map<std::string, VariablePy> m_Variables;
 } // end namespace adios
diff --git a/bindings/python/source/adiosPyFunctions.cpp b/bindings/python/source/adiosPyFunctions.cpp
index 806fd31817e60e2318c2f00ffccca598968ebdf7..92d41807a2b94695d6a0bd04ce4330439a959a92 100644
--- a/bindings/python/source/adiosPyFunctions.cpp
+++ b/bindings/python/source/adiosPyFunctions.cpp
@@ -5,16 +5,15 @@
  * adiosPyFunctions.cpp
  *  Created on: Mar 13, 2017
- *      Author: wfg
+ *      Author: William F Godoy godoywf@ornl.gov
-#include <iostream>
 #include "adiosPyFunctions.h"
 namespace adios
-Dims PyListToDims(const pyList list)
+Dims PyListToDims(const pyList list) noexcept
     const unsigned int length = pybind11::len(list);
     Dims dimensions;
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ Dims PyListToDims(const pyList list)
     return dimensions;
-Params KwargsToParams(const pyKwargs &kwargs)
+Params KwargsToParams(const pyKwargs &kwargs) noexcept
     Params parameters;
diff --git a/bindings/python/source/adiosPyFunctions.h b/bindings/python/source/adiosPyFunctions.h
index ed97bbaf4f2622249316067e140edeffc38adb84..cf8bc412e2e7cf9d4fc9485e176ccb71c4def357 100644
--- a/bindings/python/source/adiosPyFunctions.h
+++ b/bindings/python/source/adiosPyFunctions.h
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ namespace adios
  * @param list python list of numbers
  * @return adios::Dims
-Dims PyListToDims(const pyList list);
+Dims PyListToDims(const pyList list) noexcept;
  * Python dictionary kwargs to adios::Params (std::map<std::string,
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Dims PyListToDims(const pyList list);
  * @param kwargs dictionary
  * @return adios::Params
-Params KwargsToParams(const pyKwargs &kwargs);
+Params KwargsToParams(const pyKwargs &kwargs) noexcept;
 } // end namespace adios
diff --git a/bindings/python/source/gluePyBind11.cpp b/bindings/python/source/gluePyBind11.cpp
index 0c4aa097f026b5b815b4bc4088983dbac1e41782..861557aef0e3b2ac6dd5bcb12529702b14b594f5 100644
--- a/bindings/python/source/gluePyBind11.cpp
+++ b/bindings/python/source/gluePyBind11.cpp
@@ -18,20 +18,24 @@
 #include "EnginePy.h"
 #include "IOPy.h"
 #include "VariablePy.h"
+#include "adiosPyFunctions.h"
 #include "adiosPyTypes.h"
-adios::ADIOSPy ADIOSPyInit(adios::pyObject py_comm, const bool debugMode)
+adios::ADIOSPy ADIOSPyInit(adios::pyObject &object, const bool debugMode)
-    MPI_Comm *mpiCommPtr = PyMPIComm_Get(py_comm.ptr());
+    MPI_Comm *mpiCommPtr = PyMPIComm_Get(object.ptr());
-    if (debugMode)
+    if (import_mpi4py() < 0)
-        if (mpiCommPtr == NULL)
-        {
-            throw std::runtime_error(
-                "ERROR: mpi4py communicator is null, in call "
-                "to ADIOS constructor\n");
-        }
+        throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: could not import mpi4py "
+                                 "communicator, in call to ADIOS "
+                                 "constructor\n");
+    }
+    if (mpiCommPtr == nullptr)
+    {
+        throw std::runtime_error("ERROR: mpi4py communicator is null, in call "
+                                 "to ADIOS constructor\n");
     return adios::ADIOSPy(*mpiCommPtr, debugMode);
@@ -47,39 +51,46 @@ PYBIND11_PLUGIN(adios2py)
     pybind11::module m("adios2py", "ADIOS2 Python bindings using pybind11");
     m.attr("adiosDebugON") = true;
     m.attr("adiosDebugOFF") = false;
-    m.attr("adiosWrite") = static_cast<int>(adios::OpenMode::Write);
-    m.attr("adiosRead") = static_cast<int>(adios::OpenMode::Read);
-    m.attr("adiosAppend") = static_cast<int>(adios::OpenMode::Append);
-    m.attr("adiosReadWrite") = static_cast<int>(adios::OpenMode::ReadWrite);
+    m.attr("adiosConstantDims") = true;
+    m.attr("adiosOpenModeWrite") = static_cast<int>(adios::OpenMode::Write);
+    m.attr("adiosOpenModeRead") = static_cast<int>(adios::OpenMode::Read);
+    m.attr("adiosOpenModeAppend") = static_cast<int>(adios::OpenMode::Append);
+    m.attr("adiosOpenModeReadWrite") =
+        static_cast<int>(adios::OpenMode::ReadWrite);
     m.def("ADIOS", &ADIOSPyInit, "Function that creates an ADIOS class object");
     pybind11::class_<adios::ADIOSPy>(m, "ADIOSPy")
         .def("DeclareIO", &adios::ADIOSPy::DeclareIO);
     pybind11::class_<adios::IOPy>(m, "IOPy")
+        .def("SetEngine", &adios::IOPy::SetEngine)
         .def("SetParameters", &adios::IOPy::SetParameters)
         .def("AddTransport", &adios::IOPy::AddTransport)
-        .def("DefineVariable", &adios::IOPy::DefineVariable)
-        .def("Open", &adios::IOPy::Open);
+        .def("DefineVariable", &adios::IOPy::DefineVariable,
+             pybind11::return_value_policy::reference_internal,
+             pybind11::arg("name"), pybind11::arg("shape") = adios::pyList(),
+             pybind11::arg("start") = adios::pyList(),
+             pybind11::arg("count") = adios::pyList(),
+             pybind11::arg("isConstantDims") = false)
+        .def("GetVariable", &adios::IOPy::GetVariable,
+             pybind11::return_value_policy::reference_internal)
+        //        .def("Open", (adios::EnginePy (adios::IOPy::*)(
+        //                         const std::string &, const int,
+        //                         adios::pyObject &)) &
+        //                         adios::IOPy::Open)   doesn't work
+        .def("Open", (adios::EnginePy (adios::IOPy::*)(const std::string &,
+                                                       const int)) &
+                         adios::IOPy::Open);
     pybind11::class_<adios::VariablePy>(m, "VariablePy")
         .def("SetDimensions", &adios::VariablePy::SetDimensions);
     pybind11::class_<adios::EnginePy>(m, "EnginePy")
         .def("Write", &adios::EnginePy::Write)
-        .def("Advance", &adios::EnginePy::Advance)
-        .def("Close", &adios::EnginePy::Close);
-    // Trying overloaded function
-    // (adios::EnginePy (adios::IOPy::*)(
-    //                 const std::string &, const adios::OpenMode,
-    //                 adios::pyObject)) &
-    //                 &adios::IOPy::Open)
-    //        .def("Open", (adios::EnginePy (adios::IOPy::*)(const std::string
-    //        &,
-    //                                                       const
-    //                                                       adios::OpenMode)) &
-    //                         &adios::IOPy::Open);
+        .def("Advance", &adios::EnginePy::Advance,
+             pybind11::arg("timeoutSeconds") = 0.)
+        .def("Close", &adios::EnginePy::Close,
+             pybind11::arg("transportIndex") = -1);
     return m.ptr();